Chapter 78
The leeks that can't be cut endlessly, Zou Yuanbiao who can't be beaten to death.

Zhu Youxiao smiled wryly. If he was ten years younger, with his strength, he should have sent Zou Yuanbiao to Henan to clean up King Fu's gang of vassals.

"Designation——" Zhu Youxiao narrowed his eyes and said, "Guo Yunhou and Guo Xingzhi formed a private party, and the impeachment report is absurd and groundless. They are dismissed from office and their membership is removed. They will be sent out of Beijing immediately."

It is the responsibility of the officials to supervise the officials, but talking nonsense for personal purposes has become a bad habit in the officialdom.The so-called rumors and rumors have become the talisman of the speech officials, catching rumors and criticizing wantonly.

To make an example to others, Zhu Youxiao dismissed these two guys first, and then went home to eat old rice.

Well, learn from Grandpa Wanli, weed out officials without filling vacancies, government affairs will not be paralyzed, and money will be saved.

How much is an official's salary?Zhu Youxiao flipped his fingers but couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help but rolled his eyes.Anyway, get rid of one official, it should be enough to support ten soldiers, right?
As for Zhu Tongmeng in the case of Bingke, he is not from the Donglin Party, and even has no party or affiliation. The impeachment of Zou Yuanbiao is to oppose his establishment of the Shoushan Academy in the capital to give lectures.

Moreover, during his tenure, Zhu Tongmeng had been sent to the diplomatic mission four times, and he was well-known; he was also known for his hard work in the Ministry of War, so he was considered a usable talent.

"Planned decree: Zhu Tongmeng from the military department will be given the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, the governor Xuanda, and the military affairs will be rectified."

"Proposed decree: The imperial envoy Fang Zhenru is transferred to be the governor of Henan..."

"Proposed Purpose: Conscript [-] soldiers from Henan to the southwest, under the command of Zhu Xieyuan, with a view to suppressing the Chongming rebellion as soon as possible."

"Proposed decree: Sun Chengzong, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, is loyal to the country and has outstanding ability. He will be added to the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, temporarily in charge of the Ministry of War, and a scholar of Dongge University..."

Zhu Youxiao flipped through the small book, dictating non-stop.After these decrees are printed, they will be sent to the cabinet for decision-making through normal procedures, and most of them can be passed.

There is no small matter, and we must send smart and capable people who know something about the military to work, or send promising people to exercise and inspect.

For example, Sun Chuanting had already been transferred from the Ministry of Officials to take up the post of rectifying the soldiers and preparing for the road, and went to Shaanxi with Zuo Guangdou, embarking on the life path related to Qin Bing in advance.

As for the financial problem, Zhu Youxiao plans to slaughter a fat sheep first, which can greatly alleviate it.

Wang Tiqian, the palm print eunuch, stood bowed, waiting for the imperial decree to be drafted, so that he could perform his duties.

Zhu Youxiao finished a few orders, glanced at Wang Tiqian, and asked: "Wang Ban, how is the repair of the house outside the city? Is the palace people enough to raise funds?"

Wang Tiqian hurriedly knelt down and reported back: "The emperor's grace, which servant dare not be dedicated? The two large mansions outside the city will be completed in a few days, and there is still some money left over!"

Zhu Youxiao nodded and said, "That's good. I thought, if it's not enough, I'll take some from my inner money and put it on the cushion!"

Wang Tiqian kowtowed his head vigorously, and said gratefully: "The emperor is so kind and virtuous, and the servants and maidservants can't repay them, and even if they die, they dare not ask the emperor to pay for it."

"Get up!" Zhu Youxiao said angrily, "What kind of man is he who sheds tears every now and then?"

Wang Tigan burst into tears when he heard it, he is not a man after all, why not let him cry!

"I've lost my word." Zhu Youxiao waved his hand helplessly, and said, "I want to go out of the palace tomorrow, so you can make arrangements."

"Yes, yes, this servant will make arrangements."

Zhu Youxiao stretched out his hand to stop Wang Tigan, and then ordered: "The Jinyiwei last time were pretty good, the one named Lu Jianxing, let them follow!"

Seeing Wang Ti go off to run errands, Zhu Youxiao shook his head helplessly.

When it comes to eunuchs, people may most easily think of villains, such as Zhao Gao, Lao Ai, Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian and so on.As for the more famous good eunuchs, I am afraid that Zheng He, who went to the West, can only be thought of.

In fact, eunuchs are a very sad type of people, and their job is not easy.The powerful and powerful eunuchs are only a minority among the minority, and the lives of most eunuchs are rather depressing and their fates are more tragic.

Especially when the eunuch is old and unable to work, and is arranged to leave the palace, it is even more sad.

Without professional skills, no children to support, no pension, looked down upon by others in society, and even despised and rejected by relatives, most eunuchs lived a miserable life in their later years.

Many people even lived on the streets, became beggars, died of cold and hunger.

Therefore, eunuchs are more greedy for money, and there are certain reasons to prepare for old age.For example, if you adopt a son, you still have to count on the adopted son to have a conscience; or donate money to the temple, so that you can go out of the palace so that you can go to the temple to provide for the elderly.

As for those who can afford to buy a house and hire servants to wait on them, they are very few after all, so we can't generalize.

The same is true for the court ladies, especially the court ladies of the Ming Dynasty, which were quite miserable.

So much so that even the emperor and the old man had to admit, "All the people in the palace are sons of good families, and the palace is dark and deep, so there is a pity for it."

As a modern person, Zhu Youxiao certainly couldn't understand it.

There is still a rule in the palace of the Qing Dynasty, the palace ladies can be sent out of the palace after the 28th, and a severance fee will be paid. Why is my Ming Dynasty not as good as a Tartar?

Palace ladies are all lifelong, which is unscientific and inhumane!
Don't say 28, 25, let's calculate it according to the year.

Those who have worked in the palace for ten years will be sent out of the palace. Not only will we give you money, but we will also build you a large house, which is a collective dormitory.

Those who have no relatives to pick them up, or cannot find relatives, live here.Then give the court ladies some textile and handicraft work, and you can earn your own living.

As for eunuchs, they still have a place to live and food to eat when they are old. This is the "nursing home" built outside Beijing.There is also a Huangzhuang next to it, which is also entrusted to them to take care of it. It is also an activity for the elderly to grow a la carte and raise poultry.

Of course, it wasn't for nothing.Just like if you don't pay social security, there is no reason to get money for retirement.But not much, you pay two taels of silver every year, and you can enjoy this treatment after ten years of payment.

All in all, Zhu Youxiao launched these benevolent policies and stipulated that no palace people will be accepted in the palace for five years.

Don't talk about five years, with the current number of palace servants, it is enough if you don't accept them for ten years!

In history, the chaff of the Qing Dynasty once explained that there were [-] eunuchs and [-] court ladies in the dynasty, and they starved to death every day, and the emperor didn't care.

This is nonsense, smearing, and slandering!Zhu Youxiao can pat his chest to testify, definitely not that much.

However, there are not many!Every year, the rouge powder in the palace costs 30 million yuan, and the internal use of firewood is even more wasteful, which is unreasonable.

Well, Zhu Youxiao knows some of the tricks, and has already secretly sent people to investigate, planning to get rid of a group of Shuoshu in the palace.

Now, can the people in the reduction palace lower the fee for the time being?If you can't lower it, you will launch a wave of anti-corruption and anti-corruption in the palace, and you still don't believe it.

If you don't sweep a room, why sweep the world?If you can't manage your own family well, how can you govern a country?
.................. ..
(End of this chapter)

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