Chapter 1086 0120
The twelve formations are: one-character long snake formation, two dragons coming out of water formation, three mountains and moon formation, four gate fighting bottom formation, five tigers Bashan formation, six Jia enchanting formation, seven vertical and seven capture formations, eight trigrams yin and yang formation, Nine palaces and gossip formations, ten generations of Ming king formations, heaven and earth three talent formations, all-encompassing formations.

The date of the expedition still needs to be discussed, so Jiang Ziya hopes that Huang Feihu can make the soldiers familiar with these formations earlier before the time for issuing the certificate is determined.

Huang Feihu gets up early and works late every day, and spends almost every day in the school martial arts field.Teach them to practice the twelve formations until the day before departure.Jiang Ziya came to the school martial arts field again, saying that he wanted to test Huang Feihu's military training results, and at the same time, he also wanted to see how powerful the Xiqi Army is today.

Then, Jiang Ziya ordered Huang Feihu Hong Jin and Deng Jiugong to practice the long snake formation together.The soldiers have already cooperated with each other tacitly, and they are familiar with the Long Snake Formation.

Just when the Xiqi Army was orderly forming the Long Snake Formation, Jiang Ziya suddenly changed his mind and ordered the Xiqi Army to immediately form the Liujia Fascinating Formation.

It's okay for him to change his mind suddenly, but Huang Feihu, Hong Jin and Deng Jiugong were very anxious.More anxious than them are the soldiers, they are all saving their energy.They all hoped to perform well in front of the general Jiang Ziya, but the result was chaos during the change.

The originally good one-character long snake formation had already fascinated itself before it became the Liujia Fascination Formation.Looking at the chaotic scene in front of them, the three generals only felt their faces burning.

Jiang Ziya, who saw this scene, was not angry at all, but nodded in relief.He is not afraid that the Xiqi Army has shortcomings. If there are shortcomings, they should find them and improve them.

The three generals came to Jiangtai and confessed to Jiang Ziya that they hoped to take responsibility for the failure of the drill.Jiang Ziya didn't mean to blame them, but told them earnestly.

The soldiers had never been exposed to such a formation, and the formation of the long snake was very good, and Jiang Ziya was quite satisfied with this.He believed that if the Xiqi army were to directly set up the Liujia ecstasy array, they could also do well.

It stands to reason that they have met the most basic requirements.However, they are going to fight, not play house.Any shortcoming may become a weakness for the opponent to attack them.

They can't have weaknesses, just like when they changed their formations just now.They messed up their own positions first, which would give the other party an opportunity to take advantage of.

There is no way to pre-determine this kind of thing, because the battlefield changes rapidly, and no one can be sure what will happen next.All they can do is to equip the soldiers with the ability to deal with various emergencies.

Only in this way can they survive on the battlefield and prevent the opponent from taking advantage of it.

Although they had fought many battles with the crusade army sent by King Zhou before, they had the upper hand at that time.The right time, the right place, and the people have all taken advantage of them, so they can win no matter who they face.

But it's different now, now they are leaving Xiqi and going to fight with others on other people's territory.In this way, they lost the right time and place.If you go to someone else's territory, you may be made dumplings by others at any time.

Jiang Ziya repeatedly reminded the three of them that they must start from the perspective of actual combat and teach the soldiers how to face emergencies.With the ability to deal with any emergencies, they will naturally survive on the battlefield.

Jiang Ziya went to the palace to meet King Wu, planning to discuss with King Wu the precautions when going out.King Wu happened to be in the bedroom of his mother Empress Taiji at the moment, so he sent someone to take Jiang Ziya to the bedroom of the Queen Mother Taiji.

Taiji hosted a banquet in the bedroom to see King Wu and Jiang Ziya off, and told King Wu a lot of experience during the banquet.There are also some wishes that King Wen never realized when he was alive, and she hopes that King Wu can help King Wen realize them.

The most important point is that Tai Ji repeatedly told King Wu.After leaving Xiqi, he had to discuss everything with Prime Minister Jiang.No matter what happens, you must listen to Jiang Chengxiang's arrangements.

Naturally, King Wu did not dare to disobey his mother's words, but these words made Jiang Ziya feel sincere and fearful.However, he does things frankly and without selfishness, and naturally he will not do things that are not good for Xi Qi or King Wu.

Taiji believed in Jiang Ziya, just like King Wen Jichang believed in Jiang Ziya.Tai Ji believed in Jiang Ziya not only because of King Wen Jichang, but also because of the changes Jiang Ziya had brought to Xiqi over the years.

No one knows better than Taiji what Xiqi was like in the past.Although the people of Xiqi lived and worked in peace and contentment at that time, the economy of Xiqi at that time was not good.Most Xiqi people can only struggle on food and clothing, and many Xiqi people can't even afford a daughter-in-law.

At that time in Xiqi, if anyone needed to marry a daughter-in-law, they had to borrow all their relatives and friends.Some families even sell their valuables in order to marry a wife.

This is the most authentic portrayal of Xiqi at that time, and it is also the most authentic manifestation of Xiqi's backward development.

After so many years, there are still people in Xiqi who need to borrow money to marry their wives, but the number of such people has decreased by two-thirds.Moreover, no common people need to sell their valuables because of marrying their children.Because King Wu of Xiqi withdrew from the new policy, they could get a certain amount of subsidies from King Wu.

The people of Xiqi, who praised King Wen for being good in the past, now trust King Wu even more.The people of Xiqi who used to be afraid of King Wen now regard King Wu as their own family.

The changes in Xiqi over the years are obvious to all, and the most obvious change is that the population of Xiqi has doubled compared to before.Xiqi, who can make the people live and work in peace and contentment, and Xiqi, who can make the people afford to marry a wife and start a business, has successfully attracted foreigners from all over the world.

Therefore, it should not be Jiang Ziya who thanked her, the old woman, but her, the mother of King Wu, should thank Jiang Ziya.She hosted a banquet for Jiang Ziya to see him off in the bedroom, just because she was so inconvenient, otherwise she would have held the banquet in a more formal place.

Early the next morning, the army was ready to go, and King Wu and Jiang Ziya were still in the Yin'an Hall.San Yisheng, the senior doctor, and Huang Gun, the old general, are also there, and they are accepting King Wu's entrustment.

King Wu followed Xiqi's army to conquer in person, so the affairs in Xiqi's territory would naturally be entrusted to someone he could trust.In Jiang Ziya's view, no one could be more suitable than the two of them.

All the military affairs were handed over to the veteran general Huang Gun. Huang Gun spent most of his life in the Chengtang army, and the soldiers and horses he dealt with the most were the soldiers and horses.So hand over Xiqi to him, you can definitely sit back and relax.

All the government affairs were handed over to San Yisheng, the senior doctor, who had been helping King Wu manage the government affairs of Xiqi.Now King Wu has entrusted all the government affairs of Xiqi to San Yisheng, and King Wu is completely at ease about San Yisheng's ability to handle affairs and his character.

(End of this chapter)

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