The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 1302 0009, the hometown of wrestling

Chapter 1302 0009, the hometown of wrestling
Xiurong City, also known as Xin, has jurisdiction over one district, one city and twelve counties, with a total area of ​​2.5 square kilometers and a total population of 315.5 million.

Mount Wutai, a 5A tourist attraction, a national natural and cultural heritage, one of the top ten famous mountains in China, one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism, and one of the five holy places of Buddhism in the world, covers an area of ​​592.88 square kilometers.

Mount Wutai, after the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism, is called Jinwutai and is the ashram of Manjusri Bodhisattva.Mount Wutai is not a single mountain, but composed of five peaks.

The five peaks are: Wanghai Peak in the east, Jinxiu Peak in the south, Cuiyan Peak in the middle, Guayue Peak in the west and Yedou Peak in the north.

The total area of ​​Wutai Mountain Scenic Area is 2837 square kilometers, and the highest altitude is 3061 meters. Because it is composed of five peaks, it is named Wutai Mountain.

Mount Wutai is also the only Buddhist site in China where the green temple and the yellow temple complement each other.

Mount Wutai has 128 temples, 47 existing temples, 39 of which are inside the platform, and the remaining 8 are outside the platform.

When going to Mount Wutai, Liu Xin told Li Xiuyuan that she would go to every temple to pray for her family.At that time Li Xiuyuan thought she was joking.After all, there are more than 100 temples in Mount Wutai, and it would take a long time to visit them all.

Facts proved that Liu Xin was not joking with him. She really started to go in one by one to pray for blessings, and then walked to the next temple with difficulty.

Li Xiuyuan really couldn't bear it. After all, Liu Xin was in a wheelchair, and the threshold of temples is generally relatively high.She couldn't get in by herself. In some places, there were kind people helping her, and in some places, there was no one at all.

It's like when Li Xiuyuan went to the toilet, Liu Xin wanted to enter a temple, but was stuck on the threshold of the temple.She couldn't go up and down, if Li Xiuyuan hadn't arrived in time, maybe she would have been thrown.

Starting from the writing cliff, Liu Xin climbed all five peaks in one go.Then start from Nanchan Temple, Foguang Temple, Xiantong Temple, Guangji Temple, Yanshan Temple, Hongfu Temple, Tayuan Temple, Bodhisattva Temple, Yuanzhao Temple, Bishan Temple, Nanshan Temple, Longquan Temple and so on.

There are four famous Buddhist mountains in China, namely: Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo and Mount Jiuhua.According to legend, these four famous mountains mean the practice places of the four major Buddhist Bodhisattvas. The four Bodhisattvas are Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Guanyin Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

And in this beautiful Wutai Mountain, there was also a mythical story.

According to legend, a long time ago, Manjusri Bodhisattva traveled here.At that time, this place was not called Wutai Mountain, but Wufeng Mountain.The place is so hot that it will not rain for a long time, Manjusri Bodhisattva sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.

Someone told Manjusri Bodhisattva that there is a Xielong stone in the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It is said that this stone is extremely clear.If this stone can be placed on Wufeng Mountain, the local people will be saved.

For this reason, Manjusri Bodhisattva went to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, found the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and asked the Dragon King about Xielongshi.The Dragon King did not hide anything from Manjusri Bodhisattva, and even led Manjusri Bodhisattva to see Xielongshi.

That stone is indeed a good treasure. Before it was not there, there were times when the Dragon Palace was extremely hot.Since having it, Dragon Palace has never been extremely hot again.

Manjusri Bodhisattva begged the Dragon King for the stone, and the Dragon King was naturally reluctant to part with it, but he was embarrassed to reject Manjusri Bodhisattva face to face.So he came up with a good idea, after all, Manjushri was already old at that time.The Dragon King proposed that if Manjushri could move the Xielong Stone away, he would give the Xielong Stone to Manjusri Bodhisattva.

The dragon king said that it was hard to chase, Manjushri Bodhisattva immediately chanted a spell on the Xielong stone, and the Xielong stone, which was several feet high, became the size of a pearl in the blink of an eye.

At that time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was stunned, but as the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he would naturally not contradict Manjusri Bodhisattva.So he could only watch Manjushri take the Xielong Stone away.

Manjusri Bodhisattva took the Xielong Stone back to Wufeng Mountain, chose a better place, and put the Xielong Stone down.If it is really a miracle, the scene of Wufeng Mountain began to change as soon as the Xielong Stone was placed on the ground.

Not only did the heat disappear, but a small stream appeared on the flat ground as it spread outward from Xielongshi.

From then on, the place where the Xielong Stone was placed became Qingliang Valley, and Wufeng Mountain was also called Qingliang Mountain.

In history, many emperors pursued longevity, but one emperor pretended to be dead and secretly became a monk.According to legend, the place where the emperor became a monk was Mount Wutai.

In 1661 AD, the Qing Dynasty announced the death of the 24-year-old Emperor Shunzhi. Of course, there is another theory.That is Emperor Shunzhi Aixinjue Luo Fulin's concubine Concubine Dong E died, and the love between him and Concubine Dong E was stronger than gold, so he resigned from the position of emperor in despair and chose to escape into Buddhism.

Aixinjueluo Fulin, Emperor Shunzhi, was the first emperor after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs.At the same time, he was also the first young emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty to succeed to the throne at his age.As emperor, his luck is just like his name.

First of all, it is that his throne was obtained without any effort.

Huang Taiji died suddenly, and there was a tragic internal struggle in the court.Various forces emerge in endlessly, and everyone wants to destroy the other side and push their own successor.

Then, after fighting for a while, everyone inexplicably agreed to let the six-year-old Fulin inherit the throne.So Fulin succeeded to the throne and became Emperor Shunzhi.

Not long after Fulin ascended the throne, the Ming Dynasty died.Fulin's grandfather's dream of moving the capital took 28 years to complete, but Fulin realized it when he was seven years old.And after entering the customs, the Qing soldiers quickly unified the entire Central Plains.

It stands to reason that Fulin's succession at the age of six was nothing more than a puppet.The power is in the hands of the regent Dorgon, and he still has a long way to go before he wants to be in power.

Then, in the seventh year of Shunzhi, the regent Dorgon died, and Fulin got the chance to be in charge so easily.

It seems that good luck has always been with Fulin. Since he came to power, the Qing Dynasty has entered a stage of steady development.In the 17th year of Shunzhi, Fulin's beloved concubine Dong Efei died of illness in Chengqian Palace because she couldn't bear to lose her youngest son.

Concubine Dong E was not only 22 years old when she died. Emperor Shunzhi was only 24 years old at the time, and it was a good time for him to show his ambitions.But because of the death of Concubine Dong E, he had no intention of interfering with the government.

The world only knows that Fulin is lucky, but few people know that he is still an infatuated kind.Fulin and Concubine Dong E have a stronger love than gold, and even made a vow to live together and die together.

As an emperor, Shunzhi was not competent, but as a husband, he was worthy of Concubine Dong E who loved him deeply.

In fact, there are two versions of Emperor Shunzhi after the death of Concubine Dong E, one is that she died of excessive grief, and the other is that she saw through the world and escaped into Buddhism.

(End of this chapter)

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