The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 1355 0062, Home of Martial Arts

Chapter 1355 0062, the hometown of martial arts ([-])

This time, three messages came over at once, one was sent by the young lady, and the other two were messages for adding friends.But this time Li Xiuyuan didn't ignore it, but passed the other party's request to add friends.

The reason is very simple, because the two who added him as friends are the young lady's best friends.At this moment, Li Xiuyuan had already changed Miss Sister's wechat note, which he had previously noted was Miss Sister.The young lady sent a message just now, ordering him to apply through the friend application of her two girlfriends.

It's just that she wants Li Xiuyuan to separate her from the two of them, and she is not allowed to call her Miss Sister anymore, but to call her Sister Yu or Sister directly.

So at this moment, Li Xiuyuan changed Miss Sister's note to Sister, and then feared that he would get confused, separated it with an ellipsis, and added two words "Sister Yu."

As for the young lady's two girlfriends, he directly filled in their full names in the note.

Lion City, also known as the hometown of martial arts, has jurisdiction over two districts, four cities and ten counties, with an area of ​​1.4 square kilometers and a total population of 756 million.

Parents who are determined to let their children learn acrobatics mostly have the same reason.Or because the family conditions are not good, they want their children to find a way out.Or a family of acrobatics, hoping to pass on acrobatics.

Wuqiao Magazine Big World, located in the southeast of Hebei Province, is one of the birthplaces of acrobatics.For thousands of years, Wuqiao people have passed on this intangible cultural heritage from generation to generation.

When Li Xiuyuan came here, the first person he met was one of the seniors in this industry.

China has a history of 5000 years of civilization, and many skills have appeared since thousands of years ago, at least one or two thousand years, and even more than 2000 years.

It is passed on from generation to generation of artists, but the artists here do not refer to the current actors.People are divided into three, six, and nine classes, and opera singers can be regarded as one of the lower three classes.

Many people don't know that in today's society, the so-called entertainers who are paid millions of dollars a day were one of the third-class occupations in ancient times, and they were collectively called actors at that time.

Artists who go to the pier and go to the rivers and lakes must have their own unique skills if they want to make a living.Those who talk about cross talk should be articulate and generous, and no matter what the occasion, they should not be impatient with the onlookers.

Performing acrobatics requires hard work, and one minute on stage can take more than ten years off stage.Many children, not to mention childhood, even start learning when they can't remember anything.

I have always learned that I can no longer perform on stage. Wu Pei is such an old man who has devoted his whole life to acrobatics.

The old man never thought that one day he would stand on a world-class stage and perform acrobatics for so many internationally renowned bigwigs.

In cloudless weather, neither wind nor cloud, a white-haired old man was sitting on the street watching children playing and playing.Li Xiuyuan hurried past him, and was finally attracted by his words.

"Young man, such a beautiful sun, why is he leaving in such a hurry?"

Li Xiuyuan stopped to chat with the old man, only then did he know that the old man's name is Wu Pei, and he is now 99 years old.According to his own statement, he is still young.

The old man has experienced too many ups and downs, so now he has long taken life and death lightly.What a person needs in life is a process, and when it really comes to the end, it can be seen very openly.

In fact, he had already anticipated his future.But he insisted on it like this, saying that the old man wanted to see more of this world.

When Li Xiuyuan was in Lingshan Temple, he liked to help the masters and uncles in the temple run errands and buy things.So when Mr. Wu Pei said he wanted to smoke, Li Xiuyuan went and bought him a pack without saying a word.

It's just that he didn't know that Mr. Wu hadn't smoked for most of his life.Acrobatics require constant concentration, so he quit his only hobby.

Mr. Wu seems to like chatting with Li Xiuyuan very much, but his eyesight is not working well, I hope Li Xiuyuan can make a few calls for him.

At that time, Li Xiuyuan didn't know that he just made six phone calls for Mr. Wu, which resulted in so many jaw-dropping incidents.

Mr. Wu devoted his whole life to acrobatics. He learned art at the age of three and took to the streets at the age of six.Since he was 13 years old, he has gone through more than half a century.

Li Xiuyuan was by Mr. Wu's side, quietly listening to Mr. Wu's nagging.The older a person is, the easier it is to recall the past, and the older things are, the easier it is to remember.

In a city in the south, in a building with hundreds of floors.

The man in the suit received a strange call, and that cell phone hadn't rang for more than ten years.

The last time he used that phone was when he encountered insurmountable difficulties.Everyone was amazed, the company had been cornered, how did he turn things around.

His secretary had changed several times, each of them was smart and capable, but none of them dared to ignore the mobile phone.A vintage feature phone that looks like it was made a long time ago.

Different from the last time, this time someone took the initiative to call the mobile phone.Because it hadn't rang for more than ten years, when he heard the phone ring, he was completely stunned.

Finally, he got through the call, and his face became very ugly immediately.The man in the suit, who has always given an amiable image, changed into a strange outfit, then crossed the entire company and boarded a chartered plane bound for the north.

Before leaving, he turned down all the recent entertainment and freed up all the time.


In a certain city in the west, in a newly built modern mine.

The old man in common clothes came out of the tunnel, took the satellite phone handed by the big man, and heard the voice from inside, the old man in common clothes was startled for a moment, then hung up after only saying two words.

The old man left the mine with a serious face, then changed into a very strange dress, and under the suspicion of everyone, got on the special car bound for the north.

Before that, he also made a few phone calls, and he only said a word after the call was connected.

"Master is dying, go to Lion City immediately!"

Just ten words is like a heavy hammer knocking on everyone's heart, but everyone who receives the call will leave within half an hour.Although they are all in different cities, they are all headed to the same place.

The reason is simple, because a few years ago, they had all been taught by an old man.

When Li Xiuyuan made the sixth call, Mr. Wu couldn't hold it anymore.He leaned against the wall, squinting at the sky.

After making six phone calls, Li Xiuyuan helped Mr. Wu stand up, planning to send him home first.

He disagreed, saying that he wanted Li Xiuyuan to accompany him to the world of acrobatics.Intangible cultural heritage in the full sense cannot coexist with commercialization.After all, when commercialization is involved, many things will bring about undue changes.

(End of this chapter)

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