The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 1393 0100, Mountain View Stone Area

Chapter 1393 0100, Mountain View Stone Area
The third trip went to the west, and this was the only time she rode.Set a goal for yourself before departure, and ride the longest national road in China.Starting from a city in the southeast, ride to the end of the national highway.The whole journey is more than 5000 kilometers, and she spent a total of [-] days.

After listening to Li Ziyan's narration, Li Xiuyuan became more and more curious about her.

Born in such a superior family, you can choose the life you want so freely.Li Xiuyuan not only admired Li Ziyan, but also admired Li Jie's education method.

However, when going to these three scenic spots, Li Xiuyuan still expressed his doubts.Because he had heard from Li Ziyan that she was the heir to the company that Li Jie had already decided on.

When others are envious of Li Ziyan's good family background, she is actually paying an indispensable price for it.Others only saw her brilliance, but they didn't see her dedication after being glamorous.

Both my brother and sister don't like doing business, so one of them became a teacher and the other started a research.Li Ziyan has shown a talent for doing business since she was a child.When she was only five years old, she chose a stock on TV that was not favored by many people.Li Jie bought that stock just to make her little daughter happy.Later, because of Li Ziyan, I bought that stock several times.

A year later, that stock has done more than anyone could have imagined.

Two years later, that stock had tripled in value.

In the next five years, that stock has been showing a skyrocketing momentum.When Li Jie wanted to continue increasing her holdings, Li Ziyan chose to sell them all.

On the second day after she sold all of them, the share price of that stock plummeted, and many people lost their money as a result, but Li Ziyan was lucky to escape the catastrophe.

Li Ziyan was only ten years old that year and was still in elementary school.

Li Jie, who saw Li Ziyan's talent as a businessman, knew that flowers that could withstand the storm could not be grown in the greenhouse.So her way of educating Li Ziyan is to raise her, which is different from the other two children.Li Jie made an agreement with Li Ziyan when she was in junior high school, telling her that she needs to earn tuition fees by herself in high school.

Not relying on family relationships, Li Ziyan not only earned the first pot of gold in her life, but also won the favor of many companies because of it.When filling out her resume, Li Ziyan would hide the column of family relationship and occupation.Because she knows better than anyone else that once she lets the other party know her identity, the other party will not treat her like she is now.

She has been willful all these years, doing things according to her own preferences, and her mother never restrained her.Because she knew her position very early, and her mother will hand over the family business to her in the future.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and Li Ziyan understands the meaning of these five words better than ordinary people.When she doesn't need to be involuntary, she just wants to do more things she likes.

After listening to Li Ziyan's narration, Li Xiuyuan's mood became a little depressed again.

He didn't know about Li Ziyan's situation before, but now he knows, so he hopes that he can use another way to make Li Jie no longer regard Li Ziyan as the only successor to her career.

So he took the initiative to ask Li Ziyan to call her mother and make an appointment to meet at the restaurant that Li Ziyan often goes to.Of course Li Jie would go to the appointment on time, but Li Ziyan didn't quite understand why Li Xiuyuan took the initiative to meet her mother.

While waiting for Li Jie, Li Xiuyuan expressed his thoughts to Li Ziyan.Li Ziyan was indeed moved when she first heard this.But after being moved, she was trying to persuade Li Xiuyuan to give up that idea.

She is the one with the most mother-like personality among the three children, and she is also the one who understands the difficulty of being a mother the most.So despite her reluctance, she has long accepted her mother's arrangement.

As long as her mother can feel at ease, she will take over the company on time so that her mother can have a comfortable life in her later years.

Li Xiuyuan's thoughts are completely opposite to Li Ziyan's. He thinks that Li Ziyan should live according to his own wishes.Rather than obeying my mother's arrangement, take over a company that I am not interested in at all.

That was Li Jie's hard work for most of her life, but it was just her hard work.Do you have to turn wealth into a burden and career into a shackle to trap your daughter?

Li Xiuyuan said this not only to Li Ziyan, but also to Li Jie who arrived later.He hoped that Li Jie could understand the truth that her career was just her career.If her children also like it, they can continue to pass it on.If her kids don't like it, let them pursue careers they like.

Li Xiuyuan remembers someone saying that if parents accumulate a lot of wealth for their children, they are not loving their children, but harming them.

Human beings live in groups, and life is for experience and discovery. If human beings live without any disturbances, that would be the most cruel.

Just like, if someone has never encountered a bad thing or a bad person in his life, then life is boring to him.Because there is no comparison between bad people and bad things, there is no such thing as good people and good things.

The rainbow is only after the storm, and the uncontrollable excitement must be experienced after many failures.Her career is just her career, and it may be a burden to her children.

If someone had said this to Li Jie before, she would have refuted him with ten thousand sentences.But these words came from Li Xiuyuan's mouth, and she really listened to them.

It's just that it's impossible to make her change her mind immediately.But she will no longer push herself and her family into a dead end like before, because Li Xiuyuan's words made her understand a truth.

Life is not black and white, and career is not about not advancing or retreating.Looking at the problem from another angle, perhaps the problem that I was most concerned about before is no longer a problem.

Li Jie didn't quite understand why Li Xiuyuan did this, even if it was a waste of favor, I hoped that she would not let Li Ziyan do things she didn't like in the future.

Later, she felt that she understood, so she promised Li Xiuyuan that she would never force Li Ziyan to accept the arrangement because of the company's affairs.

However, she needed Li Xiuyuan to help her with one thing, which was to help Li Ziyan organize her 26th birthday party.

The dazed Li Xiuyuan didn't know what kind of medicine Li Jie was selling in his gourd.But since he has helped Li Yanran win freedom, doing this little favor is naturally nothing.

Besides, in Li Xiuyuan's view, Li Ziyan has never announced her identity as the second miss of the Li family, so there must not be many people who will come to celebrate her birthday with her.

If things were really as simple as Li Xiuyuan thought, Li Jie wouldn't have asked him to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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