The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 192 0192, Bodhi Tree 5 Arhats

Chapter 192 0192, Bodhi Tree Five Hundred Arhats
Traveling is hard work, especially for those of us who specialize in traveling.Tang Seng riding on a white horse does not understand what it means to be unable to move an inch.He only came down to take two steps when his butt hurt, but we kept walking on two feet.Brother Hou's Somersault Cloud cannot be used 24 hours a day, and most of the time it needs to be advanced step by step.

Where is the front?
I don't know, I just saw a lot of monks.They were working, moving bricks and rocks and doing everything.It seems that the monks in this kingdom have cultivated well, so they are so willing to do physical work.

Oh, no, someone was actually watching them, serving the monks with whips who refused to contribute.It is indeed a cruel thing to be drawn on them again and again.

Tang Seng couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked Brother Monkey to go and see what was going on.Brother Hou went to inquire, but was arrested by the officers and soldiers and worked as a coolie.There must be something wrong with that link, Brother Hou turned into a Taoist priest while the officers and soldiers were not paying attention.

Brother Hou still has a way, and the treatment of Brother Hou who became a Taoist priest will change immediately.The officers and soldiers holding whips were very polite to Brother Hou, and they yelled one after another.Those monks were also very polite to Brother Hou, but their politeness obviously seemed too fake.

After questioning, I found out that they were all monks from Che Chiguo.The country of Che Chi is a big country, at least among the surrounding countries, it has a strong army and a vast territory.It is said that the king of Che Chi Kingdom is very good. Since he ascended the throne, he has been in charge of governing and caring for the people, and he has managed Che Chi Kingdom better and better.

The monks also recognized these situations, and none of them spoke ill of the king.It is agreed that their king is a good king, but their national teacher is too bad.

The old Che Chiguo was not like this. The former Chechiguo monks and Taoist priests lived in harmony.Some kings and ministers like Taoist priests, while others like monks.They don't interfere with each other, and neither of them will force the other to like what they like.At that time, the country of Che Chi was harmonious, and even some disputes could be resolved peacefully.

However, since the three national teachers came to their kingdom, the monks' treatment suddenly fell to the bottom.In the past, monks were highly respected by the royal family and ministers, but now even ordinary people do not agree with them as monks.The reason is simple, because the current king of Chechi Kingdom doesn't like monks but Taoists.

Speaking of this, a monk showed half of his arm to prove to Brother Hou that he was not lying.There are blood marks superimposed all over the arms, and some of them are new marks not long ago.This is the best proof, the five hundred monks present were all wounded, they were once the most respected group of people in this kingdom.

In the final analysis, the cause of the matter lies in the three national teachers.After listening to what the monks said, the angry monkey brother kept scratching his ears and cheeks.I can't wait to rush into the palace immediately and tear those three hateful national teachers to pieces.

Someone saw Wukong's anger and whispered to him: "Master Daoist, you are an outsider, don't take risks for us. It's not worth it, you have this kind of heart. Get out of this place of right and wrong, the faster you go The farther the better."

Another monk said: "We don't know when the king will turn back, but it seems that it will be impossible for a while now. You are now the head of the Taoist priest, and you are loved by everyone in the Chechi Congress. But you can't let your guard down. Because the three national teachers have always disliked monks pretending to be Taoists."

Wukong nodded with a smile, he didn't expect someone to see his disguise so soon.He turned around twice and returned to his original appearance. He wanted to knock those officers and soldiers unconscious so as to save them from suffering.

They looked at the towering tree not far away together, and Wukong followed their gaze.It was an uncle tree that needed five or six people to hug it. The branches on the tree grew in strange shapes, as if they were posing in a certain pose.

Where did Wukong know that this tree was called the Bodhi tree, and it was the sacred tree in the hearts of the monks in the Chechi Kingdom.It is also the pinning of their hopes. They who refused to leave Che Chiguo have always pinned their hopes on this tree.According to them, the tree has mystical powers that can make them forget all their troubles.

If you don't believe it, try it and you'll know it's true.Make a wish in front of the Bodhi tree, and it won't be long before your wish is bound to come true in one way or another.Not necessarily the way you want it, but it will achieve the result you want as well.

Wukong recounted the news he had inquired, and Tang Seng insisted on running to help them.In the end, he was caught by the officers and soldiers and moved bricks and stones with the monks.I saw this with my own eyes, and I was the one who stopped the three of them from interfering.Since Tang Seng likes to meddle in his own business so much, let him experience life well.

There are not many such opportunities, just let Tang Seng experience what is called the day of hoeing.The scorching sun is hot and sweaty, and Tang Seng is moving bricks with a group of monks. It is rare for ordinary people to see such a scene.If I hadn't been lucky enough, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen this once-in-a-century scene.

Ignoring Tang Seng's venomous gaze, I went to buy two watermelons for everyone to share.While eating a cold watermelon, he admired Tang Seng's hard work.I said just now that I want him to experience life, but I didn't say that I wouldn't let him admit defeat.As long as he says that he admits defeat, I will rescue him immediately.

But he has a stubborn temper and would rather work than admit defeat.Very good, isn't this exactly the result I want, I support it if I don't admit defeat, but it's not me who continues to work and suffer.I am full of hope for him, hoping that he will not admit defeat.Otherwise, it would be too boring. I just want to see how patient he is.

It is a good thing for young people to have thin skin and tender meat, and many people will be called "little fresh meat" because of this.But as a monk, it is a sin to have thin skin and tender flesh.I don't know what happened to those officers and soldiers, it seems that Tang Seng alone is not pleasing to the eye.When working, Tang Seng is always asked to do the heaviest and most tiring work.

It takes an hour to move a baby-sized stone, and it is necessary to keep up with the rhythm when walking such a long way back and forth.Others moved smaller than Tang Seng's, but Tang Seng had to move as fast as them.Otherwise, they will serve Tang Seng with a whip, and they will not show mercy to Tang Seng.

Bajie said: "Isn't that not good, after all he is our master."

Sha Laosan said: "What are you talking about? Anyway, I didn't see anything."

Brother Hou said: "If there is anything wrong, just let him exercise. What is reasonable is called exercise, and what is unreasonable is called tempering. How can we go so far without a strong body?" West Heaven?"

Bajie and Sha Laosan nodded at the same time, and I said: "Master has eaten a little too much recently. This is to let him digest and digest well. If digestion is not good, it will easily affect appetite. If appetite is affected, sleep will be affected. If sleep is affected, it will affect sleep." Hurry up. Once it affects the way, then we don’t know how long this mission will be extended.”

I reached out and patted the second senior brother on the shoulder, and I said, "Sister Lan Lan, I don't know how you are doing now, have you found Mr. Ruyi?"

I patted Sha Laosan on the back with my backhand, and I said, "I don't know if anyone has gone to Liushahe to find someone. It seems that she is destined to not find the person she likes."

I raised my hand and stopped in mid-air, and I said, "Huaguo Mountain must be very lively now, but I don't know if it can still dominate without the Monkey King."

The three of them kept silent together, and after a long silence, no one left.Everyone sat there side by side, looking at the sweaty Tang Seng.All of this is not all because of him, Bajie cannot stay in Gaolaozhuang because of him, Sha Laosan cannot stay in Liushahe is also because of him, brother Hou cannot return to Huaguo Mountain is also because of him.

He has always felt that he is the protagonist, he should listen to him in everything, and accommodate him in everything he does.He looks like the second child and the third child, but in fact he is the last person who should not appear.If there is no him in this task, the time to complete the task will be shortened by 90.00% [-].

No matter what they think, anyway, I just don't like Tang Seng.As long as I have a chance, I will definitely clean up Tang Seng.Anyway, I don't belong to this world, and I'm not afraid that Tang Seng will retaliate against me when he regains his golden body in the future.It's hard to say who will take care of who when the time comes, maybe I will return to the original world before that time.

Knowing that Tang Seng has always been very unhappy with me in his heart, this is the principle of my work, either I will try my best to treat people well, or I will offend people to the death.I belong to the former for Monkey Brother, and I belong to the latter for Tang Seng.I don't care how he will deal with me in the future, and now he wants me to have a good time.

Sunset and sunrise, a new day begins.Tang Seng was whipped twice by the officers and soldiers very politely, and this time he finally got rid of his habit of not waking up early.In the past, he would wake up after dawn, but today he started working honestly before dawn.

Monkey Brother Bajie and Sha Laosan were playing Fight the Landlord there, and I stared at Tang Seng by myself.Because we stay in the cloud, others can't find us at all.But Tang Seng can, because we deliberately let him see it.Although I am very upset with him, he is the protagonist of this escort mission, and he cannot be lost.

For three days, until the afternoon of the third day, the three of them finally got tired of staying.Well then, let's go to the capital of Chechi Kingdom, and go to the palace to stamp the customs clearance documents.Three days had tortured Tang Seng enough, but it was time for him to relax.

Taking him away from the construction site, Tang Seng stared at me with his eyes fixed on him.I can't wait to turn my eyes into weapons, as if I can kill me in one fell swoop.

He also stares at me while eating, and also looks at me when applying medicine to his hands.It seems that he was really dumbfounded by the training. After three days of life experience, he only learned one thing, and he stared at me motionlessly.

But I must admit that Tang Seng's willpower is quite strong.I have to give him a thumbs up for this point. If I do it differently, I may not be able to last for three days.The soles of the shoes were worn out, and the stones on the hands were covered with blood blisters.There were bloodstains all over his back, and the monk's robe was rotten and unsightly.

But he never said a single word of begging for mercy. Even though he was severely beaten by officers and soldiers, he just looked up at me in the clouds.Cursed in a very small voice, "Bastard, you wait for me."

It's easy to know someone, but it's hard to accept someone, especially to recognize someone.I have always disliked Tang Seng, but after this incident, I have a new view on him.Although we usually don't talk very much, I saw a lot of different things in him, and those were all qualities that I hadn't found before.

At that moment, I suddenly understood why the Buddha let him reincarnate.Why did the king of Tang become sworn brothers of the opposite sex with him, and why did he have to go through nine or nine hardships to reach Xitian.

He was reincarnated because he didn't cultivate well enough, and saving him after going through hardships is also saving people.Ferry those who should be crossed, and eliminate those obsessions that have existed for a long time.

Faith leads to spirituality, sincerity leads to spirituality, all living beings are equal, and Buddhism saves all living beings, but Buddhism only saves those who are predestined.What is a predestined person?Cherish fate and follow fate, never expect extravagance, never be greedy, and be sincere and pious.

(End of this chapter)

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