Chapter 205 0205

The voice sounded again, "Let me tell you this, I am you, you are me, there is no occupation, I am just a residual memory. Do you understand the mind? En?"

What the hell?I didn't understand what he meant, and then I looked at Tathagata in a daze.Following the tone of the man just now, he said to Tathagata, "Xiao Lai, explain to Brother."

The kind-faced Buddha changed his face slightly upon hearing the words, but fortunately, he had a strong control ability.At the critical moment, he controlled his anger, restrained his negative emotions and smiled at me.Then patiently explained it to me in detail until I understood everything.

It was me who talked to Tathagata just now, to be precise, another me, or the former me.This past is not the previous life or the previous life, this previous me is the me of more than 1 years ago.At that time, Tathagata was still a young novice monk, and I was already a golden arhat at that time.

Twelve brothers, just a string of Buddha beads bracelet.The twelve brothers are connected to each other and can travel freely in various spaces.Passed through in ancient times, looked forward to in prehistoric times, visited in the future world, seen by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.Later, for unknown reasons, the twelve brothers had accidents one after another, and finally officially disbanded 1 years ago.

In my mind are my thoughts from more than 1 years ago. Thoughts do not have mana, but are just a way of passing on beliefs.I haven't woken up for more than 1 years, and my thoughts have been passed down deep in my reincarnation memory.Generation after generation and generation after generation, it has been passed down into the 21st century.

Because that electric shock stimulated the idea deep in my mind, which caused the idea to drive the space, and made me travel from that world to this world.However, the instability of ideas is extremely high.So before I fully absorb the knowledge stored in my mind, I may be taken to another world by my mind at any time.

Time machine?Do you have your own time travel?Do you want to switch worlds at will?I really met such a high-tech thing?It is the law of nature that there are advantages and disadvantages, so thoughts will not only take me to different worlds, but even make me encounter unexpected dangers.

The first time I woke up was because of the electric shock, this time it was because I noticed the familiar Buddha energy emanating from Tathagata.More than 1 years ago, people usually divided the breaths of different types into different names, so as to be more specific about the differences of each type.

For example, Buddhist disciples, what they exude is Buddha Qi.The monsters in the monster clan, of course, exude a monster aura.Ordinary mortals emit aura, but most mortals have very weak aura.Only some mortals with abundant aura can cultivate immortals, and only mortals with abnormally abundant aura can practice Taoism.

The last thing to remember is the validity period after the mind is awakened.In other words, after it is awakened, it enters the countdown.In this case, there will be two results, one is that I have not learned the knowledge it stores.Then it took it to an uninhabitable world, and then died.

There is another situation, that is, I have learned the knowledge it stores, at least I have to transfer the stored knowledge to my brain first.In this way, it will enter a dormancy period, and its dormancy period will start at a hundred years, and even a dormancy period will last for more than a thousand years.That is, once I have knowledge of it, it goes into a long dormant state.

I was terrified when I heard it, and my blood boiled when I heard the benefits.If I can really stabilize, I will learn no matter how much it costs.I have too many things I want to do, and too many regrets I want to make up for.Although I know that the road ahead may not be easy, I also know that only through wind and rain can we see rainbows.

Eighteen arhats were summoned and formed a strange formation around me, surrounded by 32 arhats and 64 bodhisattvas.The outer circle is the support of all Arhats and Bodhisattvas on the scene.Behind me is Monkey Brother, and in front of me is Tathagata Buddha.Without giving me a chance to choose, he planned to forcibly copy the knowledge stored in my mind.

Qimen Dunjia, siege techniques, Tai Chi gossip, yin and yang and five elements, wind, flowers, snow and moon, galloping horses, meticulous logic, amazing talent.A lot of things got into my mind, many things flashed, and some things stayed in memory after flashing.I don't need to remember them deliberately, but they are already in my mind.

I fell asleep without knowing it, and when I woke up, there was a gust of wind in my ears.When he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying on somersault cloud, but there was no shadow of Brother Monkey beside him.Received a message from Monkey Brother, he has arrived in Heaven now, I hope I will pay attention to safety on the road, and tell him when I arrive at Jindou Cave.

I got a message from a stranger, and I dismissed it with a flick of my hand.Immediately afterwards, there was another message from a stranger, which seemed to be from the same person as the previous one.I listened to the news impatiently, and once I heard the advertisement, I immediately deleted it and blocked it.

The news was sent by the Buddha, and it can be regarded as some supplementary explanations on that matter.Apologize for forcing the copy without my consent, and then tell me why he did it.Fifth Senior Brother treats him the best, but Fifth Senior Brother is also the most capricious.No one is very fond of his thinking, he is afraid that Fifth Senior Brother will teach me badly, so he wants to put Fifth Senior Brother's mind to sleep in the shortest possible time.

I don't know how powerful the guy who was called the fifth brother by the Buddha is, although the knowledge he has stored is better than a fork.But for a rookie like me, any advanced knowledge is just a decoration.No matter how advanced it is, you have to start from the beginning, and the more advanced you are, the more you need to lay a solid foundation.

Sitting on somersault cloud, I started to learn according to the knowledge catalog in my mind, and each item had to start from the beginning.I understand the principle of chewing more than you can chew, so I only conduct research on a few aspects of interest.

Art of War, Reasoning, Love, Qimen Dunjia.

I only picked these four because I'm only interested in four.Although I don't know what I have learned to use, but now I can't waste such a good time.No one told me what to study, so I decided according to my hobbies.Anyway, I am the one who learns in the end, and it is my business to learn good things and learn bad things.

In the last message, I almost burst into foul language.

The content of the information is as follows:
"Fifth brother exchanged 1 years of cultivation for a ninth reincarnation, and only 1 years are eligible for the ninth reincarnation. The winner can freely choose the ninth reincarnation, but each life will start from zero. All the experience points of the previous life It will not continue to the next life, but the memory of the previous life will be passed on to the next life. Until the end of the ninth reincarnation, you can absorb all the knowledge and travel through space at will."

Suddenly, I feel that the weather today is so clear, as if roaring on somersault clouds.What are you shouting for?Just one of my favorite songs.

"The great river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky are connected to the Big Dipper. If you say go, let's go. You have everything and I have everything."

"When the road is injustice, let out a yell, when it's time to take action, take action, run into Kyushu in a hurry..."

I'm not that stupid, so I wouldn't land in Jindou Cave at all.Landed a hundred meters away from Jindou Cave, and then somersaulted into the clouds.

Two figures descended from the sky and landed at the entrance of Jindou Cave.The back is so familiar, I can already guess who it is without looking at the front face.But I didn't intend to go over to say hello to him, anyway, he will definitely pretend not to know me now.Since he had agreed to it long ago, why make it difficult for him now.

Wukong went to the Heavenly Court and pulled out the Heavenly Lord who was retreating.Asked him if he was missing anything, Laojun said he didn't lack anything, so Wukong dragged him to the alchemy room.Seeing the chain that was bitten off, Laojun felt a little embarrassed.After waking up the sleeping Tong'er, he learned about the fact that the mount had descended into the realm without permission.

As the saying goes, don't blame those who don't know, people have said they don't know about it.What can Wukong do with him?Obviously the chain didn't seem to be bitten off, but Laojun insisted that it was bitten off by the green bull.Wukong didn't bother to argue with him, after all, everyone knew this kind of thing well.

It is still good friends to see through but not to talk through. Although we often need to solve problems, more often we need to pretend to be confused.What people say is not that they can say everything, but they know what to say and what not to say.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, he summoned the unicorn, and Lao Zuo restrained Vajra Zhuo with his plantain fan.Transform the unicorn back to its original form, and then owe Wukong a favor.After all, it was his mount, how could he just watch it being beaten to death by Wukong.Anyway, he didn't care about owed favors, so he made an exception for Qingniu.

Rescue Bajie and Sha Laosan, and finally find Tang Seng who was locked in the innermost.Strange to say, since I was tossed by Tathagata in the morning, I am obviously very different from before.I can't say where the specific difference is, but I can feel a different mentality when looking at certain things.

I know that those knowledge have affected me, so I have to work harder to learn those knowledge.It took me three days to figure out only one thing that made me vomit blood.What kind of knowledge you learn in that world, and what you learn outside of that world, you will forget it after you leave.

In this way, I can only use what I have learned in the future.Isn't this just catching ducks on the shelves?I thought I was lucky at first, but now it looks like shit luck.

How can I describe my current mood in one sentence?
It's like seeing an apple [-] plus that fell into the squatting toilet. It's too dirty not to pick it up.Bite the bullet and learn for a few days, and finally I decisively chose to give up.There is no knowledge suitable for use in this world, because there are still some files that I can't open at all now.

Those can only be opened after my overall strength has been improved. It seems that the prerequisites are too many to make the scalp tingle.Since it can't be used in this world, should I think of other ways?

If I go to another world, the last thing I want is to forget who I am.But don't make me forget who I am, otherwise I can only speak in the third person.

Crossing mountains and ridges is like flat ground to Brother Hou, but to Bajie it is like giving birth, every step is a torment.He is notoriously lazy, and he is well-known in the Three Realms.But he also has a driving force, that is, Tang Seng performed the supernatural power of chattering.As long as he does his best, Bajie is definitely the fastest runner.

When he is hungry and eats wild fruits, Bajie likes to stand under the wild fruit tree, waiting for Brother Hou to drop the fruit from the tree.After throwing one, he picked one up, wiped it on his clothes twice, and stuffed it into his mouth.Eat while picking, pick while eating.When Brother Hou came down from the tree, there was not a single fruit on the ground.Bajie had two in his hand and one in his mouth, and the others all went into his stomach.

Looking at Bajie who was held by Tang Seng to talk heart-to-heart, brother monkey and I turned our heads at the same time.But neither of us dared to look down, because we were both on the boat at this time.Neither of us can swim, and there is a real risk of drowning if we fall.But having said that, why are there all waterways here?
(End of this chapter)

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