The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 305 0306, Assemble 8 princes

Chapter 305 0306, gather the eighteen princes

Fighting a war is not a child's play, if you are not careful, you will die.Sun Jian likes his two sons to be knowledgeable, but he doesn't want them to take risks.

After entering Sizhou from a distance, Sun Jian let the four children leave the main force.There are many interesting places here, and Sun Jian asked Sun Ce to take them to play.Don't rush back, just go wherever you want.

Sun Shangxiang has no objection, because she came here to follow Long Fei.As for Sun Ce and Sun Quan, as long as they are not under Sun Jian's supervision, there will definitely be great conflicts.Both of them are very independent, but no one is willing to compromise. It is a good thing to have independent opinions, but if two people have independent opinions, there will be problems.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a beautiful scenery. Standing on the top of the mountain and breathing in the fresh air, Long Fei felt much lighter.The voices of Sun Ce and Sun Quan were still discussing enthusiastically, but the voices became smaller and smaller.

These two brothers are really rude, they actually started to fight while talking.Sun Shangxiang wanted to help, but the two brothers refused to accept each other, and ran down the mountain while beating.Sun Shangxiang fell and failed to catch up with them in the end.

Helping up Sun Shangxiang who was limping, Long Fei sat on the edge of the cliff with her.Because there is a huge peach tree here, full of peach blossoms.Sun Shangxiang said that she likes peach blossoms the most, so she forced Long Fei to sit with her under the peach tree.

Suddenly, a scene appeared in Long Fei's mind.

A person who couldn't see clearly was lying on a peach tree, laughing wildly while stuffing peaches into his mouth.Eat only one bite of each peach, and then pick a new one.Those peaches are getting bigger and more delicious one by one.Long Fei salivated, but no matter how much he yelled, the person lying on the peach tree couldn't hear him.

Someone walked into the peach orchard, and the person on the tree turned into a peach.Then he was laughed at, and finally made a big fuss at the party.It wasn't until the man flew into the lower realm that Long Fei woke up from the dream.

"Brother Fei, save me!"

After waking up, Long Fei was lying on the edge of the cliff, while Sun Shangxiang had already fallen off the cliff, one hand was caught by Long Fei, and his body was constantly swaying by the wind.Long Fei's body was slowly sliding down, and he hooked the branch next to him with his feet.Long Fei is trying various methods to rescue Sun Shangxiang.

He didn't know what happened, it was already like this when he woke up.He only remembered that the two of them were sitting together under the peach tree just now, but he didn't know that such a thing would happen to Weihe.

The hands were slipping, Sun Shangxiang was sliding down non-stop, and Long Fei was gradually getting off the branch.He has nothing else to borrow now, the only point of support that allows him to hold on to Sun Shangxiang is the crack in the rock that his left hand is holding tight to.

For some unknown reason, Long Fei felt that Sun Shangxiang was getting heavier and heavier.He had already heard the sound of a broken bone coming from his left hand, and he also felt the piercing pain deeply.It was as if someone was pulling Sun Shangxiang, or the two of them.


Long Fei's left hand was not broken, but the crack in the rock he was clasping was cracked.The two quickly fell towards the cliff, and at this moment, Long Fei held Sun Shangxiang tightly in his arms.No matter how deep the cliff is, he will not let Sun Shangxiang touch the ground first.He wants to use his body as a shield for Sun Shangxiang, and this is the only way at the moment.

A burning pain came from his back, and Long Fei fell hard on a branch, and then turned 180 degrees.It fell down again, and this time Long Fei could clearly see it.Below this cliff is a fairyland on earth.

"Plop!" With a muffled sound, Long Fei and Sun Shangxiang fell into the water.Then it hit the bottom of the lake hard, and finally floated up again.Fortunately, they were not far from the shore, Long Fei borrowed the branches on the shore, and moved to the shore little by little.He put Sun Shangxiang in his arms on the shore, and let her lie flat.

Sun Shangxiang's breathing was weak, but at least she was breathing now.His wrists were covered with blood, and his back still had a burning pain.Long Fei can't take care of these now, because he discovered a very important problem.In front of them, there is not only a fairyland on earth, but also a group of guys who are not like human beings.

These people look like people, but they have expressionless faces and strange clothes.Now they surrounded Long Fei and Sun Shangxiang, they just surrounded Long Fei and Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang, who slowly opened his eyes, sat up, and those people suddenly panicked, and they all knelt down after taking two steps back.Long Fei couldn't understand what they were talking about, only that they seemed to be very afraid of Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang, who was more puzzled than Long Fei, stood up, and all those people lay on the ground, and a strange clansman gestured to Sun Shangxiang.It was only at this moment that Long Fei realized that these people wanted Sun Shangxiang to step on them.These people lay down on the ground and paved a road, a road leading directly to the waterfall in the distance.

Long Fei made a gesture of invitation to Sun Shangxiang, and then wanted to enjoy the carpet made of pure people with her.As soon as he stepped on it, Long Fei was penetrated by an invisible force all over his body.From the soles of the feet to the forehead, it was as if someone had stabbed a silver needle from below.That feeling was indescribable, but it was unforgettable to Long Fei.

Slowly approach the waterfall and continue to step on those people's backs.It's incredible that these people can't sink when they lie on the water.And it has been paved into an artificial bridge, from the ground to the waterfall in midair.Sun Shangxiang was very scared, she held Long Fei's hand tightly.

Passing through the waterfall, there is actually a cave inside, with two large characters written on the entrance of the cave, "Water Curtain."

Sun Shangxiang walked into the cave, and Long Fei was always by her side.There are countless human-like animals here, and they are very similar to the same kind of people.But they don't talk, they communicate with each other with eyes.

An old woman with white hair came over and took Long Fei and Sun Shangxiang's hands.Walking slowly towards the depths of the cave, there were bursts of water droplets from time to time in the cave.There is a bottomless cave there, which can be regarded as a cave within a cave.It was very bright in here, and there was heat everywhere.

Long Fei suddenly discovered that Sun Shangxiang had grown a lot taller than before he came in, and he was obviously not as scared as before.Going further inside, Sun Shangxiang was already as tall as Long Fei, and she was walking in the front now, the old grandma had disappeared at some point.There were only Sun Shangxiang and Long Fei in the cave, and at this time Sun Shangxiang was half a head taller than Long Fei.

There were words on the wall, Long Fei did not follow Sun Shangxiang closely, but read the words on the wall by himself.The hole outside is called Shuilian Cave, while the hole inside is called Samsara Cave.It wasn't until now that Long Fei realized that not only Sun Shangxiang had grown up, but he himself was also getting smaller.Now he looks like a child of eight or nine years old, while Sun Shangxiang looks like a boy of fifteen or sixteen.

Long Fei wanted to stop Sun Shangxiang, but unfortunately Sun Shangxiang disappeared in a blink of an eye.Just like that, he disappeared into the cave, no matter how Long Fei shouted, he didn't respond.At the same time, there were also some strange voices in the cave, some voices were very familiar to Long Fei, but some voices could not be understood.

Going further inside, Long Fei saw Sun Shangxiang again, she was sitting beside the cave.Holding a box in his hand, there is a huge pearl in the box.It looks like a pearl, but this pearl is not an ordinary pearl.There is a line written on the box, that may be the name of this pearl.

It is called reincarnation, and it is the treasure of this reincarnation cave, and also the treasure of this fairyland on earth.But it has already turned into a human being, and Sun Shangxiang at this time was summoned by it.

Sun Shangxiang was in a semi-comatose state, the only one who was lucky was Long Fei, and at this time a cloud of white mist flew out of the pearl.Some people call it the Dragon Ball, others call it the Magic Box, and some less sensible people call it the Devil.

"Let me introduce myself first. Hello, Long Fei. My name is Long Zhu. It's a pleasure to meet you here." The rising white mist said to Long Fei.

If he hadn't befriended Brother Hou, Long Fei would have been taken aback by this guy.This guy looks very abstract, because although he has a body, he has no shape.To put it simply, this guy has no face.There are noses, eyes, ears and hair, but no face.

Dragon Ball said: "In order to see you again, I have been waiting for you for 500 years. Thankfully you showed up, otherwise I would definitely go out to find you."

Long Fei was a little confused, so naturally he was not familiar with Dragon Ball.He didn't want to cause any trouble for himself, and he didn't want Sun Shangxiang to just fall into a coma.They just came here by mistake, Long Fei didn't like this scene in his heart.

Picking up Sun Shangxiang who was in a coma, Long Fei ran away without saying a word.Before running away, he didn't let Chong Longzhu drop a sentence, "You have mistaken the person, I am not the Long Fei you are looking for."

After running out of the cave, I realized that the guys outside were gone.But the lake is still there, and the waterfall is still so fierce.If you want to jump out of the cave, you must be prepared to be splashed by the waterfall.

After taking a few steps back, the sound of Dragon Ball came from the cave.Long Fei made a smart move and jumped out holding Sun Shangxiang who was in a coma.After being hit hard by the waterfall several times, Long Fei and Sun Shangxiang fell heavily into the lake.Then he floated out of the lake and coughed non-stop after climbing ashore.

"Do you want some water?"

"Thank you!"


Holding a teapot in his hand, Long Fei opened his mouth wide and looked at the guy in front of him.Protecting Sun Shangxiang behind him, Long Fei said, "What exactly do you want?"

The guy said: "Listen to what I have to say, and I will help you wake up the girl."

Long Fei hesitated for a moment, glanced at the pale-faced Sun Shangxiang, and nodded silently.

The guy said: "I will change back to my original shape later, and you will swallow me, and everything will be clear. I will help you wake up the girl first, and then you can swallow me."

As the saying goes, people are shameless, trees don't want skin, and the world is invincible, so the guy Long Fei met now, he has no face at all, can you tell him any great truths with a shameless person?

After Dragon Ball rescued Sun Shangxiang, Long Fei still refused to believe what he said.He wanted to take Sun Shangxiang away, but was forcibly merged with him by Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball and Long Fei merged into one, and many images appeared in my mind.It's not like the Dragon Ball is harming Long Fei, it's more like it is a part of Long Fei itself.Now it's just returning to its place, and during the fusion process, the four words that appeared most in Long Fei's mind were "Nine Worlds of Reincarnation."

Before fully merging, Long Fei didn't know what these four words represented.But there is a lot of information stored in his mind, which also proves why he can't practice martial arts.

A person's IQ can be high or low, as is physical strength and limits.If you are particularly good in a certain aspect, you must be weak in a certain aspect. Only in this way can you maintain balance.

(End of this chapter)

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