The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 375 0376, the bloody clothes hidden in the cellar

Chapter 375 0376, the bloody clothes hidden in the cellar
In Liujiazhuang, An County, Liu Dong rushed home from the field early this morning.Because today is the birthday of the two sons, although poor families don't pay much attention to it, they still have to celebrate the birthdays for the children.You can't throw a big feast like the rich and powerful, but you have to improve the lives of the children, right?

Liu Dong has three children, a daughter and two sons.The sons are twins, three years younger than the daughters.A family of five could have shared the happiness of the family, but unfortunately the child's mother died not long after the root cause of the disease she suffered when she gave birth to two sons.

Liu Dong has three children, and he is both a father and a mother. What he cares most about is not to let the children go hungry.Others grow rice and wheat, but he planted sweet potatoes for three years in a row, and then dug a cellar outside his yard.Store all the sweet potatoes harvested in three years.People on their side all use this method to store food, and most of the food can be stored for three to five years without any problem.

Liu Dong improved the lives of the children and went down to the cellar to get some sweet potatoes.This thing has many advantages, for example, it can be eaten raw, and of course it can be cooked before eating.It can even be fried and eaten. Liu Dong wants to give the children a cold sweet potato, so that the children can try it.

Going down to the cellar, Liu Dong smelled a strange smell. It stands to reason that it is five or six meters above the ground.The cellar has been dug for several years and has never had this peculiar smell.Liu Dong only thought that some sweet potatoes had gone bad, and planned to rearrange the sweet potatoes in the cellar when he had time.If the sweet potato is not good enough to be bad, it will spread other sweet potatoes to be bad.

"Father, what is this?"

The child who wanted to eat a raw sweet potato first picked up the sweet potato and pointed it to Liu Dong, asking innocently.

Liu Dong took the piece of sweet potato, then sent the three children to the neighbor's house, and took the sweet potato to the Anxian county government.He was going to report the crime, because those sweet potatoes were covered with blood.Liu Dong is a full-fledged farmer, but he doesn't have the guts to find out.This matter can only be reported to the government and let the government take care of it.

Coincidentally, when Liu Dong went to the government to report the case, Long Fei happened to go out to inspect.The person who received Liu Dong was the policeman of the county government. After asking the reason, he was moved, hoping to seize this opportunity to perform meritorious service.On his own initiative, he called two yamen servants and went to Liujiazhuang together.

The police went down to find out, the original intention was to use this matter to make a contribution.Since Wu Kun, the county magistrate, was imprisoned, the post of head arrester of the county government office has been vacated.The previous one who resigned voluntarily, and Long Fei from the province went to investigate him.On the one-third of an acre of land in An County, the position of headhunting is either too big or too small.

Many people want to compete for this position, but so far no one has been able to win it.There are a total of twelve yamen servants in the county yamen, and this head arrester will definitely happen among the twelve of them.This catcher is the oldest among the twelve yamen servants, if he is ranked according to his seniority, he must be the head catcher.

Li Butou listened to Liu Dong's introduction, and then went into the cellar without hesitation.He had already prepared before going down, and lit the torch after entering the cellar.Looking back and forth in the cellar with a torch, the two yamen servants standing on the ground had already raised their hearts to their throats.

It is true that they are all servants in the county government office, but they only have the right to obey orders on weekdays, and they have no right to handle cases independently at all.Just like today's situation, it stands to reason that they should wait for the county Wei Longfei to come back, and then Longfei can do whatever he wants them to do.

Liu Dong was also standing at the entrance of the cellar, but his eyelids kept twitching. He wanted to stop the policeman.But he still swallowed the words. After all, he is just a commoner, and he is not qualified to give opinions to the county government.


After the dust flew up, the three people standing outside the cellar were all dumbfounded.A large pit appeared in front of him, just enough to bury the cellar as a whole.I don't know what happened below, which caused the cellar to collapse in an instant.

It was Liu Dong who came to his senses first, and ran into the house to get a shovel and a hoe.The two yamen servants also came back to their senses at this moment, and tried their best to dig up the collapsed soil.While digging, I looked at Captain Li's name, but unfortunately there was no response from the cellar.The cellar was five or six meters deep, and it was too late for the three of them to dig it.

Liu Dong called the villagers of Liujiazhuang and asked them to help rescue people together.After all, people were buried, not animals, and they didn't dare to dig deep with tools blindly.Most of the time, they had to dig with bare hands. Fortunately, there were a lot of people and strength, and they dug up the buried Captain Li in less than a stick of incense.

Detective Li's face lacked any color, and his body became extremely stiff.At this moment, he was speechless, and his mental state was not very good.If it weren't for the doctor's diagnosis, I'm afraid everyone would have quickly regarded Detective Li, who was in a semi-comatose state, as bewitched.

Not only Captain Li was dug out, but also a bloody coat covered in blood.At the beginning, everyone thought that the clothes belonged to Captain Li, but after a comparison, they suddenly realized.This bloody coat did not belong to Captain Li at all, and Captain Li went down to the cellar to find these things.

Of course Liu Dong didn't know where the bloody coat came from, but he had to admit that he dug the cellar.He is not the only one digging cellars in Liujiazhuang.There are no conditions for storing food at home, and they are not as rich as the rich and gentry. Storing food in the cellar is the only way to store it.

The bloody clothes were sent back to the county government, and Long Fei, who came to inquire, had people seal off the scene.Zhao Yun checked the bloody coat, and then told Long Fei his judgment.Zhao Yun, who used to not like to say one more word, became very interested in solving the case under the influence of Long Fei these days.

Previously, Long Fei asked him "Zhao Yun, what do you think?" Then he would answer truthfully.But now it is different. Every time Zhao Yun and Long Fei arrive at the scene, they will collect evidence from his perspective.Then connect with Long Fei's judgment to draw a preliminary conclusion.

After sealing off the scene, Long Fei ordered people to completely dig out the collapsed cellar.The purpose is to see what else is in the cellar. Since the bloody clothes have been dug out from the cellar, there must be something else in it.In order not to damage the first scene as much as possible, Long Fei asked the officials in charge of excavation to wear gloves.

Digging with shovels and hoes is indeed quick, but it is also easy to damage the site.Besides, it is no longer the stage of preliminary judgment, but enough evidence has been obtained, there must be some amazing secret hidden in the cellar.

An hour later, several yamen servants who were digging the cellar jumped out of the two-meter-long pit.It wasn't that they successfully completed the task, but that they were frightened by the small bugs that popped up out of nowhere.

If there are one or two small bugs, they will definitely not care, even if there are thirty or fifty, it is not surprising.But have you ever seen little worms lined up out of the soil? They are like a group of well-trained soldiers.They all got out of the soil at the same time, and then left the deep pit in a neat team.

Of course, they are not harmless, as evidenced by the one-foot-long flower snake.The flower snake broke the formation of the little bugs, and just as it was about to climb out of the deep pit, the group of little bugs entangled the flower snake.The flower snake only struggled twice, and turned into a pile of bones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, the flower snake was eaten by the group of worms in the blink of an eye, scaring the yamen servants out of the pit.The embarrassment of the yamen servants was fully seen by Long Fei, and then he looked at Liu Dong, the reporter who was on the side.

At this time, Liu Dong was frightened into a fool, and he kept praying in his heart.Fortunately, he didn't encounter these little bugs when he went down to the cellar, just because of the speed at which they devoured the flower snake just now.If it were Liu Dong, it probably wouldn't take a few blinks of an eye.

Walking in front of Liu Dong, Long Fei asked, "You dug the cellar, so do you know where these bugs come from?"

Liu Dong suddenly came back to his senses, waved at Long Fei embarrassingly, and explained: "Master Long, I really don't know what's going on. It's true that I dug the cellar, but I've never seen these bugs before. The speed at which they devoured the flower snake just now, if I were replaced by it, I would have been eaten up a long time ago."

Liu Dong's words are not false at all, but it depends on whether Long Fei believes it or not.Detective Li was sent back to the county government office. According to the yamen servant who came back to report, Detective Li was a little delirious, and some people said he was bewitched.

Long Fei doesn't really believe in the theory of gods and ghosts, but he agrees with the cycle of cause and effect.Such things as retribution are common, what kind of cause will be reaped.Just like Detective Li, if he didn't want to perform meritorious service, how could he be buried in the cellar.

Fortunately, those people came in time, which allowed Detective Li to escape the danger smoothly.If it's another 8 minutes or [-] minutes at night, I'm afraid Captain Li will become a corpse by now.

After hearing the story of the yamen servant, Long Fei called Liu Dong aside.He hoped to learn more about the cellar, and of course the most important thing was whether Liu Dong found anything unusual.

At first, Liu Dong firmly insisted that since he dug this cellar, he never found anything wrong with this cellar.The rations of their whole family are stored in the cellar, and it may be said that he has the foresight or that he is as cowardly as a mouse.Anyway, Liu Dong doesn't care, he only cares whether the family is hungry or not.

The children asked Liu Dong more than once how his mother died.Every time Liu Dong would explain to the children that their mother was infected with some kind of sudden illness because of her weak constitution.

The children don't know what a sudden illness is, anyway, they all believe Liu Dong's words.But this is not the case. There is another reason for Liu Dong to dig a cellar to store food.Natural disasters and man-made disasters will cause people to live in dire straits. Among them, natural disasters have the greatest impact, but man-made disasters are the most dangerous.There have been years of severe drought and no harvest, and there are wars everywhere.

Before and after Liu Dong's daughter-in-law gave birth, the family had already run out of food.Liu Dong's wife hasn't had a full meal for a long time, and Liu Dong has been hungry for several days.He wants to leave food for his wife and daughter, and when he is really hungry, he will drink water to satisfy his hunger, and drink a water first to be full.

Even so, Liu Dong's daughter-in-law still couldn't escape the teasing of fate.Her resistance was weakened due to malnutrition, and then she had to breastfeed her two children.His physical condition became worse and worse, and he finally passed away with hatred.

Under Long Fei's repeated questioning, Liu Dong had no choice but to tell the truth about the excavation of the cellar.Although he didn't want to tell others about it, he also believed that Long Fei would not publicize it.Especially not to let his two sons know. As for the daughter, she may have already guessed the clue.

(End of this chapter)

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