The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 854 0017, Battle of Qin and Chu

Chapter 854 0017, Battle of Qin and Chu
After destroying the state of Wei, Zhao Zheng summoned all the ministers to discuss how to attack the state of Chu.

Among the six kingdoms, Wei State has already lost its combat effectiveness, and the only one that can rival Qin State is now Chu State.

Zhao Zheng asked Li Xin, if you were asked to lead troops to attack Chu State, how many people do you think it would take to defeat Chu?

Li Xin said, if King Qin asked me to lead troops to attack Chu, 20 would be enough.

Zhao Zheng asked Wang Jian again, if General Wang leads troops to attack Chu, how many troops do you think is appropriate?
Wang Jian said, if King Qin asked me to lead troops to attack Chu, it would be 60.

Zhao Zheng was not happy when he heard it. Qin has always won many battles, and this is the time when morale is high.It cannot be said that one counts as a hundred, at least one counts as ten is no problem.Wouldn't it be necessary to use most of Qin's troops to fight a Chu country?
So Zhao Zheng felt that Wang Jian was trying to uplift others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige.He didn't listen to Wang Jian's words, but asked Li Xin to lead 20 Qin troops to attack Chu.

Li Xin was ordered to leave the hall to prepare for the expedition, and Zhao Zheng, the king of Qin, discussed the issue of food supplies with the ministers.In the end, Wang Jian rejected Zhao Zheng's arrangement and refused to serve as a grain and grass transfer officer for the 20 Qin troops who went on the expedition.

Someone asked Wang Jian in the main hall if he was timid to fight.Could it be that General Wang is so afraid of Chu State? Now that the Qin State has become so powerful, it is possible that it is not as good as a small Chu State.

Wang Jian didn't care what others said about him, but asked Zhao Zheng again, hoping that he could send an additional 40 troops to attack Chu.Someone reminded Wang Jian that he should stop at all times.Knowing that King Qin is in high spirits right now, why do you have to pour cold water on him?

Sure enough, Zhao Zheng, who heard that Wang Jian still insisted on his own opinion, became angry.When reprimanding Wang Jian in front of civil and military officials, the implication is that if you don't want to participate, you can stay out of it, but don't disturb the morale of the army at this time.

Wang Jian smiled bitterly in the hall, seeing that he was powerless, and then submitted his resignation to Zhao Zheng.He claimed that he was too old and weak to serve the country, and hoped that Zhao Zheng would allow him to resign and return home.

Zhao Zheng knew Wang Jian's temper, so he naturally knew why he chose to do this.But since he has made a decision, of course he will not change it easily.If even the military order can be changed day and night, how will the generals of the Qin army treat him as a monarch, and how can they have the confidence to swallow the state of Chu.

Zhao Zheng approved Wang Jian's resignation in public, and Wang Jian had already left the hall before the dynasty disbanded.Someone advised Zhao Zheng that Wang Jian was a seasoned veteran, and that if Qin wanted to unify the six kingdoms, it would be absolutely necessary to have a good general like Xiang Wang Jian.

Zhao Zheng agreed with this person's point of view, but unfortunately he only wanted to win Chu State as soon as possible at the moment, and he was very disgusted with those who opposed his previous decision.

At that time, Zhao Zheng really didn't listen to persuasion, and in the end he just sent someone to keep Wang Jian in a symbolic way, and then put the matter behind him.

The 20 Qin army went to the Chu State, and the king of Qin appointed Li Xin as the general and Meng Tian as the deputy general.After getting the news, Chu State sent Xiang Yan to lead the army to meet the enemy.

Li Xin has always been cautious in doing things, and he is good at using military tactics to lure the enemy deep.However, he has never taken Chu State seriously, and he has heard Xiang Yan's name several times.But those were just hearsay, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Meng Tian brought the Meng family army with him this time, and Li Xin knew that he could not command the powerful Meng family army, so he chose to split up with Meng Tian.Before meeting the main force of Chu State, the two of them need to form an encirclement trend.

Li Xin led the main force to detour to the rear of the Chu army, while Meng Tian led [-] troops to hold back the main force of the Chu army.In order to buy time for the main force led by Li Xin, Meng Tian could only choose the battlefield at the entrance of the canyon.

The entrance to the canyon is narrow, and the army cannot be deployed at all.No matter how many soldiers and horses there are, they will be pointless when they get there.If there is another ambush above the two sides, it is indeed a good place to set up an ambush.

Li Xin planned very carefully, and even calculated the arrival time of the main force of the Chu army, and accurately calculated the time when the main force of the Qin army arrived at the designated location.

However, he underestimated one thing.When he and Meng Tian split up, Meng Tian had reminded Li Xin.Xiang Yan was a famous general of the Chu State, and he was familiar with military books when he was young.No matter in terms of qualifications or actual combat experience, he surpassed Li Xin by a lot.Meng Tian hopes that Li Xin will not underestimate the enemy too much, and must not be arrogant.

Before the main force of the Qin army arrived at the designated location, the scouts discovered a convoy.Judging by the flag, this convoy came from the state of Chu, and the people sitting in the car seemed to be the royal family of the state of Chu.

Li Xin was eager to make contributions and sent people to stop the convoy.Unexpectedly, the convoy suddenly accelerated and killed the scouts of the Qin army who were going to investigate.

Li Xin led his army to pursue, but unexpectedly met the Chu army in a forest.That convoy had long since disappeared, and the main force of the Qin army was facing countless Chu troops.They figured out what happened with their buttocks, but this is not the time to pursue responsibility, and the only way to fight to the death is to kill a bloody road.

Xiang Yan didn't expect Li Xin to underestimate the enemy so much, let alone meet him so easily.The combat effectiveness of the Chu army is not inferior to that of the Qin army. On a battlefield with equal numbers, the Qin army can't take advantage of it.This is even more so now, because the number of the Chu army is much higher than that of the Qin army.

A big battle came to an end, Xiang Yan has been staring at Li Xin.Even killing all the Qin soldiers is not as good as capturing a Qin general alive.Doing so can not only prevent the two sides from continuing to fight, but more importantly, it can boost the morale of the Chu army.Let the soldiers of Chu know that the Qin army is not invincible.

According to the scheduled plan, Meng Tian led [-] soldiers and horses to hold back the main force of the Chu army. After arriving at the scheduled location, the main force of the Chu army did not appear for a long time.After sending scouts several times to inquire, it was finally learned that the main force of the Chu army had already fought with the main force of the Qin army.

The matter was urgent and urgent, so Meng Tian made a decisive decision and led fifty thousand troops to support Li Xin.Fortunately, he went in time, when he unexpectedly appeared behind the main force of the Chu army, Li Xin was almost captured alive by Xiang Yan.

Meng Tian's Meng family army is not given for nothing, mainly because Meng Tian has the opportunity to go out, and they will definitely go out together.No matter what harsh environment they encountered, no one in the Meng family army retreated.

It can't be said that one counts as a hundred, but it is no problem for the Meng family army to count as one.What's more, they cooperated very tacitly. In a group of three or five people, killing people was like chopping melons and vegetables.

There was no need for them to say anything, the main force of the Chu army was already in disarray.Naturally, Xiang Yan didn't give it in vain. When he knew what happened, he immediately adjusted his deployment and led the Chu army to face Meng Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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