The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 857 0020, Jing Ke Assassins Qin

Chapter 857 0020, Jing Ke's assassination of Qin Qin ([-])

Xiang Yan ran away with the Chu army for a day and a night, and Wang Jian led the Qin army to chase them for a day and a night.Of course they are not made of iron, but Wang Jian has just the right rhythm for this.

When Chu Jun was exhausted and needed to rest, he asked people to slow down, and when Chu Jun started to rest, he asked Qin Jun to rest where he was.He didn't need to rush to catch up with the Chu army, all he had to do was consume all the confidence of the Chu army.Let them be afraid of Qin Jun, and then never dare to fight Qin Jun again.

Physical and mental exhaustion can hold on, but once a psychological shadow is cast on Qin Jun, this person will be crippled immediately.

Xiang Yan is very aware of this truth, so he has been cheering up the soldiers.They even deliberately sent people to sneak attack Qin Jun who was chasing after them. The purpose was not to do anything to Qin Jun, but to restore Chu Jun's confidence.

The Qin army and the Chu army have always maintained a distance that is neither far nor close. If the Qin army pursues them endlessly, they will catch up with them within two hours.

But this is not Wang Jian's ultimate goal. In addition to causing a psychological shadow on the Chu army, he also wants to help Qin State work harder.A few more opportunities to get in touch with Xiang Yan, is it possible for Xiang Yan to come to Qin to play for him?

Chu State is the only country that has the power to fight against Qin State, but it is a pity that it has never met a wise master.Although Xiang Yan was a famous general, he was unable to turn the tide in the end.After being chased by the Qin army for three days and three nights, he was finally killed by the Qin army.

Xiang Yan died, the Chu army was defeated, the city of Chu State was destroyed, and the State of Chu perished.The number one overlord in the South during the Spring and Autumn Period was wiped out before the flames of war ended, and was hidden in the long river of history.

If Chu State was not the most powerful country in the south, it would not have taken Qin State three years to take it down.

Qin Wang Zhao Zheng was of course happy when Wang Jian's banner was successfully opened.But when he read Wang Jian's memorial, he was so angry that he overturned the table in front of him.

He has not been so angry for a long time, and he has never been so angry since he took office.

"Your uncle Yan Wang, it seems that I will die if I don't deal with you." Zhao Zheng said angrily.

A minister asked the king of Qin why, and the king of Qin passed the memorial to other ministers for inspection.After reading the memorial, all the ministers were as angry as King Qin.

Wang Jian said in the memorial that when he led the Qin army to attack the capital of Chu State, another force suddenly appeared in Chu State.They tied the state of Chu to deal with the Qin army, and they used all kinds of methods to deal with the Qin army by all means.Many Qin soldiers died at their hands, and were attacked by them to death.

Now that the state of Chu has been conquered, the state of Yan jumped out to seek death in such a hurry, how could it be worthy of the soldiers of the Qin army who were killed by their surprise attack if they did not defeat the state of Yan.

But when Wang Jian was waiting for King Qin to order him to attack Yan, he received a letter from Xianyang City.The letter was written by a friend of his, and the letter probably meant to remind him to stay calm.Because the King of Yan sent envoys to Xianyang City, saying that he wanted to present the map of Yan State.

When the monarch sends envoys to present maps, it means voluntary surrender, and the map means the territory to which he belongs.In this way, Qin State can take Yan State into its pocket without a single soldier.

But no one can guarantee what kind of trick the envoy of Yan State is, so King Qin will not let Wang Jian withdraw his troops.As long as he stays on the border of Yan State first, if things don't go well here, he needs to be able to destroy Yan State at any time.

Yan's national style is tough, which is very similar to that of Qin State.It's just that the folk customs of the old Qin people are not afraid of death, and they can fight to the death for the Qin country from generation to generation.The folk custom of Yan State is to advocate martial arts, and many people of Yan State are martial arts masters who can't be hidden from the world.

And among these people, there was one person who was the number one expert in the country of Yan, and his name was Jing Ke.His original name was not Jing, but no one knew his original name, only that he was called Jing Ke when he became famous.

A long time ago, Jing Ke was just a small pavilion chief in Yan State, and the pavilion chief was the lowest-ranking official among Yan State officials.He realized the way of swords by himself, and then learned swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks. He gathered the strengths of all the masters into one furnace, so his kung fu is not like anyone else.At that time, many people laughed at his kung fu for being completely different, but those people couldn't laugh anymore after ten years.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, Jing Ke fought three times in ten years.The first one to meet was a monk. The monk who lived in the deep mountains was very big.He can carry four large buckets with one hand, and he can walk on the single-plank bridge like flying.

It took only a stick of incense for Jing Ke to fight him, and the monk just cupped his fists and surrendered.No one knew the process, because no one dared to approach the monk.It's a trivial matter that fists and feet have no eyes, the key is that the monk's strength is too great, he can lift the millstone just like ordinary people pick up a bench, and he can throw the millstone far away with a wave of his hand.

Everyone who watched the excitement was not afraid of being accidentally injured by the monk, so no one dared to watch the battle.

The second person challenged by Jing Ke is a couple. It is said that they have retired from the world for more than 20 years.The two couples opened an inn in the capital city of Yan State, and there are still many houses under their name for rent.

Women are called charter wives, and men are called charter fathers.When Jing Ke came to the door, they were still arguing with someone about the rent.

If he hadn't felt the aura of the two of them, Jing Ke would have doubted whether they were the legendary pair of Condor Heroes.

The process is still unknown, because both of them have unique skills, which cannot be seen by outsiders.The opponents are not good either, except of course the opponents they beat, because all the opponents they beat are dead.

As for the last one Jing Ke challenged, it was the afternoon before he met Prince Yan.Jing Ke challenged the No. [-] swordsman in the country of Yan. His sword was so dazzling that no one could see clearly how he made it.Even Jing Ke didn't see it clearly, but he lost to Jing Ke's sword.

Competing swords with Jing Ke, even though that man is the number one swordsman in the country of Yan, he is still ashamed of himself.For this reason, the man vowed not to practice swords again, nor to use the title of the number one swordsman in the country of Yan.

Prince Yan received the news that Qin State was about to attack Yan State, and King Yan was too scared to bear it.He wanted to take the initiative to seek peace with Qin, but he never thought of a way to do so.Finally, Prince Yan made a suggestion to him, and sent envoys to send the map of Yan Kingdom directly to King Qin.

King Yan immediately approved Prince Yan's proposal, which made Prince Yan completely disappointed in him.After finding Jing Ke, Prince Yan arranged everything for him.

As an envoy of the State of Yan, Jing Ke took the map of the State of Yan to Xianyang, the capital of the State of Qin.Then go to Xianyang Palace and personally give the map of Yan Kingdom to King Qin.This is also a pre-arranged procedure, otherwise it would not be enough to show the sincerity of Yan Guo.

(End of this chapter)

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