Chapter 896 0030, Shang Rong died
Let's say that Yin Ruibai traveled eastward, led fifty elite soldiers to chase the moon through the stars, and finally caught up with Prince Yin Hong who was going to Donglu in the ruined temple.At that time Yin Hong was hiding in the ruined temple and Zhengxiang was sleeping, and Yin Pobai saw him immediately when he entered the ruined temple.

Growing up in the palace, Yin Hong, like Yin Jiao, has never suffered.He has always lived a life of opening his mouth and stretching out his clothes when he eats, but now he doesn't even have the slightest sense of vigilance.

When Yin Hong was woken up by Yin Ruibai, he thought he had encountered a villain.After hearing Yin Ruibai's self-introduction, Yin Hong felt relieved.

He has been away from Chaoge for three days, and he has been living a fugitive life for these three days.His Majesty the Crown Prince is now reduced to sleeping in a ruined temple.Besides, he was only in his teens, so he didn't have much faith at all.If he didn't want to avenge his mother, he might not be able to survive these three days.

Yin Rui was ordered to chase after the two Highnesses, even though King Zhou wanted to kill the grass.But he was afraid that it would be true, so he ordered Yin Ruifei to invite the two Highnesses back to Chaoge.

Yin Hong, who was caught up by Yin Ruibai, had no fear. At this moment, there was nothing but anger in his heart.Since there is no escape, it is better to go back with them.Even if he can't avenge his mother, he still wants to let the princes of the world see.The tiger's poison does not eat its son, but King Zhou wanted to kill his own son.

Yin Hong agreed to go back with him, and Yin Ruibai would naturally treat him with courtesy.He helped Yin Hong get on his horse, and then went all the way back to the three-way intersection where he parted ways with Lei Kai.

The remaining old and weak soldiers are stationed here, and there was an agreement when the two generals separated before.No matter who catches up with the two Highnesses first, they must return here and wait for each other.

Before Yin Ruibo found Yin Hong, Lei Kai had already arrived at Shang Rong's house.Although Shang Rong resigned and returned to his hometown, he was a veteran of the three dynasties after all, and Lei Kai naturally respected him.Even though he heard that the Second Highness was hiding here, Lei Kai still tried to persuade Shang Rong, hoping that he could hand over the Second Highness Yin Jiao.

Shang Rong had already agreed with Yin Jiao that he would take him back to Chaoge in the near future.Now that the pursuers have arrived, the three of them will return to Chaoge together.

Hearing what Shang Rong said, Lei Kai put forward his own idea.King Zhou limited him to recover His Highness within three days, and now two days have passed, and he must bring His Highness back to Chaoge before dark tomorrow.Riding a horse is much faster than taking a car, so he hopes to take His Royal Highness back to Chaoge first, and the old prime minister will arrive later, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds.

Just relying on Lei Kai's careful thinking, he couldn't escape Shang Rong's eyes.He was sure that King Zhou did not impose restrictions on Lei, Lei Kai was just afraid that he would return to Chaoge with him, and King Zhou would punish him if he found out.

Since Lei Kai has this concern, Shang Rong can't make things difficult for him.So let him take Yin Hong back to Chaoge immediately, so that he can start early in the morning.

Lei Kai and Yin Ruifei met at the three-way intersection, and then returned to Chaoge before dawn.King Wu Cheng inspected the palace gate early in the morning, just in time to see the return of Yin Ruibai and Lei Kai.After seeing the two highnesses sitting on the horseback, Huang Feihu taught Yin Ruibai a lesson and gave Lei Kai a lesson.

Huang Feihu said: "It's really a good job, ah! Being so active in arresting his own son for the king, it seems that you two are definitely going to be promoted this time."

Yin Ruibai and Lei Kai clasped fists at Wucheng King Huang Feihu with embarrassing expressions, and wanted to take the two highnesses directly into the palace.Unexpectedly, Huang Feihu ordered the four generals to protect the two Highnesses, and dragged Yin Ruibai and Lei Kai to Shouxian Palace.

Huang Feihu was blocked from the Shouxian Palace, and only Yin Ruibai and Lei Kai were recruited by King Zhou.After listening to the report of the two generals, King Zhou immediately ordered Yin Jiao and Yin Hong to be beheaded immediately for public display.

Hearing this, Huang Feihu was very angry, but he couldn't go straight to Shouxian Palace.Finally, he hurried to Jiujian Hall to inform the ministers about the matter, and the officials who were discussing in Jiujian Hall were very excited when they heard about it.All the officials beat the drum to implore King Zhou to go to court, but Daji, who heard the sound of the drum, stopped King Zhou who was about to go to court.

Daji helps King Zhou analyze the current situation. If King Zhou goes to court, all officials will definitely protect the two Highnesses.At that time, King Zhou will be in a dilemma, and it will be difficult to kill or not to kill.It would be better to kill those two traitors today, and then go to court tomorrow morning.

King Zhou felt that what Daji said was very reasonable, so he didn't go to the nine palaces in front of the hundred officials.Instead, another imperial decree was issued, urging the executioner to execute the two traitors quickly.

Over Chaoge, two auspicious clouds flashed away, and above the auspicious clouds stood two figures.The two of them were Taoist immortals, they practiced in the mountains on weekdays, and walked against the wind in their spare time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the world.

The two of them came to Chaoge today, and had just greeted Empress Nuwa who lived in Guling Mountain.I wanted to continue eastward to Donglu to take a look, but unexpectedly saw something strange here.

The two pillars of air that shot straight into the sky were blocked by dark clouds, and it looked like dark clouds covered the sun.This scene is certainly not a good omen, it can even be said to be a bad omen.

The two of them twirled their fingers at the same time, and after a calculation, they suddenly realized.It turns out that Chengtang's energy is about to be exhausted, and the fate caused by the catastrophe has been fulfilled.Jiang Ziya, who came out by destiny, is about to go down the mountain, and the new master Da Zhou is about to rise.Since it was a matter of obedience to fate, how could the two of them sit idly by.

One of these two is Chijingzi from Yunxiaodong, Taihua Mountain, and the other is Guangchengzi from Taoyuandong, Jiuxianshan.It was the destiny to calculate that Chengtang's strength would be exhausted, and Jiang Ziya was ordered by heaven to help Zhou defeat the emperor.And the two people who were tied to the execution platform at this time will all be Jiang Ziya's famous generals in the future.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then lightly flicked the whisk towards the execution platform.An auspicious cloud descended from the sky, but it suddenly turned black when it hit the ground.

It was originally a cloudless sunny day, but it suddenly turned dark when King Zhou ordered the immediate execution of the two highnesses.There was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, not only the two executioners standing on the stage, but even the execution supervisor beside them were scared to death.

But Yin Jiao and Yin Hong were not afraid, they were already prepared to die.But what surprised them both was that they were directly lifted up by that black cloud.On the premise that the two of them didn't know what happened, the black cloud took them straight into the sky.

This strong wind came and went even faster, just after Yin Pobai and Lei Kai read the imperial decree, the two Highnesses disappeared.They searched the entire practice field several times, but they still failed to find the shadows of the two Highnesses.

The two of them didn't dare to delay at this moment, and hurried to Shouxian Palace to report the matter to King Zhou.King Zhou was furious when he heard the thunder, and ordered him to look for it immediately, and if he couldn't find it, he chopped off their heads.

The two Highnesses met Chi Jingzi and Guang Chengzi, and after hearing their identities, the two Highnesses decided to worship him as their teacher.One followed Chi Jingzi to Taihua Mountain, and the other followed Guang Chengzi to Jiuxian Mountain.

 Group number: 487339425
(End of this chapter)

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