Chapter 904 0038
King Zhou was not willing to let Ji Chang go, but now he heard what Fei You said.Immediately ordered someone to bring Ji Chang back, this time he must execute Ji Chang.

At this time, Ji Chang who was standing at the gate of the post house did not get into the car.Now that he knows whether it's a blessing or a curse or if he can't avoid it, there's no need to struggle.Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Ji Chang stood at the gate of the post house for half an hour.It was not until the decree official came to announce the decree that Ji Chang let out a long breath.

After listening to the imperial decree, Ji Chang did not rush to the palace, but chatted with Ya Bigan for a few words.Bigan then called several princes and followed Ji Chang to meet King Zhou.

King Zhou wanted to kill Ji Chang for the crime of deceiving the public with evil words, of course Bigan and the others would not stand idly by.Two of the princes of the four major towns have already died. If Xibohou is killed again, the world will be in chaos.

But King Zhou didn't care about these things, and he didn't want to listen to what the princes and Bigan had to say. This time he was determined to kill Ji Chang.However, Ji Chang did not sit still, even if King Zhou wanted him to die, he should at least let him die clearly.

It is said that he is bewitching the public with lies, but what he uses is the divination technique created by the ancient sage Fuxi.If you really want to say that Ji Chang is bewitching the public, wouldn't you be slandering the sage Fuxi?

Ji Chang's words were on point, not only King Zhou was speechless, but Fei Zhong and You Hun were also speechless.Reasons and principles are all reasonable as long as you follow the Tao.King Zhou held back for a long time without uttering a word, and finally Fei Zhong helped him out, and proposed to verify Xibohou Jichang's divination skills.

This verification is very simple. If the facts are the same as Xibohou's calculation, then King Zhou will save him from death.If the facts are different from what he calculated, then he will be punished for the crime of lying and deceiving people.

Bigan and the seven princes wanted to stop Ji Chang, but in the end it was still one step too late.Ji Chang has already agreed to Fei Zhong, and he can prove that what he said earlier was the conclusion obtained after divination, not his deceitful words to confuse the public.

Standing on the Nine Halls, Ji Chang sat on the ground and divination on the spot.After about a cup of tea, Ji Chang stood up with a smile and said to King Zhou, "My lord, we should send more people to the Ancestral Temple tomorrow, in case there is a fire in the air defense."

King Zhou frowned when he heard the words, and looked at Fei Zhong who was at the side. Fei Zhong bowed slightly to King Zhou, turned his head and said to Ji Chang, "Since Lord Xibo can figure out that the Taimiao will be on fire tomorrow, but he doesn't know when the fire will burn?"

Ji Chang said: "It's noon."

Hearing what Ji Chang said, Fei Zhong let out a long breath.This matter can always be resolved now, whether or not the Taimiao is on fire is not the point, the point is not to let it catch fire at noon.

King Zhou ordered that Xibohou be detained first, and a decision will be made after noon tomorrow.

Xibohou reminded him in a low voice when he passed by Bigan that all the tablets in the Taimiao should be moved out tomorrow morning.In the final analysis, he still thinks about Chengtang Jiangshan, and all the tablets of the ancestors are enshrined in the Taimiao.It would not be a good sign for Cheng Tang if the tablet was burned with a torch.

Bigan naturally believed Ji Chang's words, but it was Fei Zhong and You Hun who told the story.King Zhou entrusted this matter to them, and the others had no right to intervene.

The ministers should be able to guess the thoughts of King Zhou and Feiyou, they are determined to kill Xibohou.But they never thought about how much chaos would be caused if Xi Bohou really died.

The next day, Fei Zhong and You Hun went to the Taimiao early in the morning, and then ordered that it is strictly forbidden to light fire near the Taimiao.Putting an end to all hidden dangers that might cause a fire, Fei Zhong and You Hun could already imagine Xibo Hou Jichang's willingness to gamble and lose.

By noon, Fei Zhong and You Hun had been guarding the Taimiao for two and a half hours.Seeing that the time was just right, and just as he was about to report to King Zhou, a voice rang out from the Taimiao.

"Come on, come on, it's on fire, put out the fire!"

When Fei Zhong and You Hun rushed to report to King Zhou, the main hall of Taimiao had already been reduced to ashes.The two of them were walking on thin ice at this time, Sheng was afraid that King Zhou would take them both if he was unhappy.

Both of them had seen the torture of cannon fire with their own eyes, so at this moment they dared not hide anything, Xibo Hou Jichang did know the art of divination.The first sage Fuxi just created the gossip, but Ji Chang has evolved the gossip into 64 hexagrams.The number eight or eight is the essence of gossip, and ordinary people can't detect it.

Since what Ji Chang said in divination was true, it stands to reason that he should be let go.But King Zhou didn't want to let Ji Chang go just like that, and Fei Zhong and You Hun also held grudges against Ji Chang.In the end, King Zhou listened to Fei Zhong's suggestion and left Ji Chang behind.

Bigan heard that King Zhou refused to let Ji Chang go, so he went to ask King Zhou to clarify.The final reply left Bigan speechless. King Zhou said that he only agreed to exonerate Ji Chang from the death penalty, but did not agree to release Ji Chang back to Xiqi.

Afterwards, Ji Chang was taken to Yuli City.


Prince Wucheng's Mansion

Huang Feihu looked at the secret fold in his hand, with a look of almost despair in his eyes.What he held in his hand was the military information that had just been passed on. Jiang Wenhuan, the son of Dongbo Marquis Jiang Huanchu, and Eshun, the son of Nanbo Marquis E Chongyu, raised their troops at the same time.

The hatred in Huang Feihu's heart, Chengtang has lasted for more than 500 years, and there has never been such a large-scale uprising.The eight hundred princes rebelled in half, is it true that they really want to ruin their hundreds of years of foundation in this generation?

According to a secret report from the military, Jiang Wenhuan, the son of Jiang Huanchu, succeeded Dong Bohou and led more than [-] troops to Wandering Soul Pass.E Shun, the son of E Chongyu, succeeded Nan Bohou, and led more than [-] troops to take Sanshan Pass. The eight hundred princes have now turned four hundred.

As King Wucheng of Zhenguo, the first thing Huang Feihu did after receiving the military news was to invite King Zhou.No one but King Zhou can take charge of such a major event related to the rise and fall of Cheng Tang.

After telling King Zhou about this, Huang Feihu went to find Bigan, the seven princes, and several senior officials in the court.They are the mainstay of Cheng Tang, Cheng Tang would not be able to operate without them.

Huang Feihu is a military commander, so it's okay to ask him to practice soldiers and kill the enemy immediately, but he can't do things like this kind of strategizing.Moreover, this problem was caused by King Zhou himself, and this kind of headache should be borne by himself.

All of this was within Bigan's expectations, and the seven princes were not surprised either.After killing Jiang Huanchu and E Chongyu, one should be prepared for their sons to come and take revenge.


Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace
Jiang Ziya was rarely interested in playing chess with Shen Gongbao today, and even let Shen Gongbao regret the game.Jiang Ziya is good at chess, but Shen Gongbao has no chess skills at all.However, in these few chess games, he seemed to see a truth.

 Group number: 487339425
(End of this chapter)

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