The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 931 0065, Fayou 2 ministers

Chapter 931 0065, Fei You Erchen
But if the flames of war are raging and Chengtang Jiangshan is crumbling, then the future master of Xiqi must be her second grandson.Because Ji Fa is a sincere person, with kind thoughts in his heart but also a strong heart.He liked to dance with guns and sticks since he was a child, and he was born to fight a bloody way in order to lead troops to fight in the flames of war.

"Grandma, is my brother okay?"

Sitting next to the old lady, Ji Fa asked softly.

The old lady sighed, and said softly: "It's a blessing, not a disaster. It's a disaster that can't be avoided. Before your father left, he said that he would suffer seven years of disaster when he went to Chaoge, and he would return after the seven years expired. During this period No one is allowed to visit him, and no one is allowed to pick him up. But if your elder brother doesn’t listen, this is life.”

Hearing the old lady's last words, Ji Fa suddenly came to his senses.It was as if he suddenly remembered something, and then left the old lady's bedroom with a pale face.

In fact, he wanted to go to Chaoge for his elder brother, but Bo Yikao firmly disagreed.At that time, he was worried that there would be accidents when his brother went to Chaoge. After all, he was the future master of Xiqi, so Ji Fa wanted his brother to stay in Xiqi wholeheartedly.

But the proposal to go to Chaoge to pay tribute for atonement was put forward by his elder brother, so he wanted to complete it by himself.In fact, before he left, he had prepared for the worst. If he was also left in Chaoge, he hoped that Ji Fa could immediately inherit the position of Marquis of Xibo.

Standing on the top of Xiqi City, Ji Fa looked towards the official road outside the city where there were no traffic.In those years, he traveled alone, and every time he came back, he would see his brother standing at the top of the city waiting for him.Just like he is now, standing at the head of the city waiting for his brother with his favorite barbecue.

The two brothers have always had a good understanding. If he encounters danger outside, his brother who is far away in Xiqi will always feel it immediately.

For example, every time he returns to Xiqi, no matter whether it is early or late, he can see his brother standing at the top of the city waiting for him every time he enters the city.At first he was puzzled why his brother would know that he was coming back.Later, he finally understood that as long as he wanted to go home, his brother would be able to sense it.

It's not that my brother knew that he was coming back that day, but that he would wait for him at the top of the city every day.He would stand at the top of the city at the same time every day, looking up at the official road outside the city.Waiting for Ji Fa to come back again and again, sending Ji Fa away again and again.It's like this every time, always standing on the top of the wall and shouting a few words at Ji Fa's back.

"Come back early, brother is waiting for you at home. Remember to take care of yourself when you go out alone. If you run out of money, remember to write home and I will send someone to send you money..."

The cold wind blew on Ji Fa's face, but he didn't feel any pain at all.If it was normal, he would have covered his face and hid away.But today he wanted to stay at the top of the city for a while, maybe he could see that familiar figure waving at him.

The seven-year period is about to expire, and at this time the eldest son Boyi Kao came to Chaoge.Xibo Hou Jichang has been worried about this matter, and he has to divination for his son every day.

Early this morning, after eating, Ji Chang once again divination for his son, but was startled by the hexagram in front of him.The past few days have been unpredictable, although he is worried, at least it is not a foregone conclusion.Now that he saw this hexagram, it was obviously a sign that Bo Yikao had died.

Seeing this Zhao Jichang was already heartbroken, and then he made another divination for himself.When Ji Chang saw the hexagram, he suddenly vomited blood, then lay on the ground and twitched non-stop.

He has figured out everything that happened to Chao Ge, but what can he do if he figured it out.It was all settled now, and it wouldn't be long before someone came to bring him meatloaf.

He had figured everything out right now, knowing that the meatloaf was made from the meat of his son Bo Yikao.But how can he choose?If you don't eat it, you will definitely be killed by King Zhou, so wouldn't his son die in vain?If you really want him to eat meatloaf, how can he swallow it.

That night, the people sent by King Zhou arrived at Yuli City and put two meatloaf in front of Jichang.His mission on this trip was very simple, if Ji Chang ate the two meatloaf, he would immediately return to Chaoge.If Ji Chang refused to eat these two meat pies, he would directly kill Ji Chang.

Glancing at the messenger standing at the door, Ji Chang tried his best to control his trembling hands, then picked up the two meatloaf on the plate, opened his mouth slowly, and bit down.

While chewing those two patties, Ji Chang's heart was bleeding.But he couldn't show it, and couldn't let the messenger see the clues.He pretended to eat the meatloaf as if nothing had happened, and then praised the person who made the meatloaf for his good craftsmanship while eating.

After Ji Chang finished eating the two meatloaf, the messenger left Yuli City and rushed back to Chaoge.When the messenger left, Ji Chang stretched out his hand to clasp his throat, hoping to spit out the meatloaf he ate.It's a pity that all the meatloaf has already entered the stomach, and it may not be so easy to spit it out.

The decree officer returned to Chaoge and reported the matter to King Zhou.Hearing that Ji Chang ate chicken cakes so delicious, King Zhou was in a good mood and immediately ordered Ji Chang to be released.

But before the decree was issued, Fei You and the other two stopped King Zhou in time.From the point of view of the two of them, Xibo Hou Jichang must not be let go.

Originally, this matter was agreed in advance, but now someone jumped out to block his decision, so King Zhou was naturally very unhappy at the moment.But Feiyou and the others have always been very good at trying to figure out his thoughts, so he didn't get mad at Feiyou and them, he just asked them to give him a reasonable explanation.

Seeing that King Zhou was a little angry, Fei You and the others hurriedly knelt down to report to King Zhou.

The princes of the four major towns have turned against two now. If Xibohou is released back to Xiqi now, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.If Xibohou held a grudge, he would definitely turn against him after returning to Xiqi.Therefore, they couldn't let Ji Chang go back to Xiqi, only in this way would Xiqi not dare to act rashly.

King Zhou felt that what they said was very reasonable. Although he did not take Dongbohou and Nanbohou seriously, if the princes of the four major towns lost three instead, the threat to him would be different from what it is now. .

Therefore, King Zhou gave up his intention of releasing Ji Chang.

When Bigan and several princes learned of this, since Bo Yikao had been killed by King Zhou, Ji Chang should be sent back to Xiqi.If it continues like this, sooner or later, Xiqi will turn against him.

No one dared to stop Bigan and the princes from meeting, but King Zhou didn't listen to their nonsense at all. Before saying a few words, King Zhou got impatient and got up and left, leaving Bigan and the princes looking at each other in blank dismay.

Bigan and several princes still wanted to make things clear for Ji Chang, so King Zhou played hide-and-seek with them.He appeared in Shouxian Palace from time to time every day, and then went back and forth to hide in other palaces.Anyway, Bigan and the princes couldn't see him, and after a few days of tossing around, they stopped.

 Group number: 487339425
(End of this chapter)

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