The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 957 0091, Wu Cheng Wang Fan

Chapter 957 0091, Wu Cheng Wang Fan ([-])

Even if he told King Zhou, he wouldn't take it to heart.Because his heart is no longer full of Tang Jiangshan, and now his mind is full of eating, drinking and having fun.

Yao Zhong wanted to refute, but Wei Zi raised his hand to stop him.

He could guess what Yao Zhong wanted to say, but Wei Zi's words could make Yao Zhong shut up.Because King Zhou has done too many absurd things, any one of them will be hated to the bone.

Don't talk about Queen Jiang or the old grand master, just talk about Shang Rong, the prime minister who is the elder of the three dynasties and the minister of Tuogu, and Ya Bigan, who is the uncle of King Zhou.

Both of them are courtiers, and both of them are the heads of civil servants.

But what was the result? Shang Rong died in Jiujian Temple.Bigan was determined to become the Tang Dynasty, but in the end he was forced by King Zhou to dig his own heart.

Hearing what Wei Zi said, Senior Doctor Yao Zhong lowered his head slowly.He is naturally aware of these things, and he also knows that Wei Zi persuaded him for his own good.

But as a senior doctor, his duty is to solve problems for the emperor.Now that something major has happened, if he doesn't report it, it means that he didn't do his duty.Just like the previous prime ministers Shang Rong and Ya Bigan, didn't they do it to fulfill their duties.

The reason is the same, they just want to remind King Zhou in their own way.Whether it will work or not is not up to them, but they can at least do so with a clear conscience.

Yao Zhong's thoughts are the same as theirs, as a senior doctor, he must also be dedicated to his duties.Even if King Zhou didn't care at all, or King Zhou would punish him.He was well prepared for all these, and he must show King Zhou to read this memorial no matter what.

It is exaggerated to say that Yao Zhong has the determination to die, after all he is just a scholar.But with so many people dying generously, why should he be afraid of a bad old man?

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded by Wei Zi, he had no choice but to let him go to find King Zhou in the end.However, Wei Zi later told other people about it, and none of the princes were angry when they heard that Ji Fa, the second son of Ji Chang, had proclaimed himself king.

Everyone seemed calm, as if it should be.Their reaction was as Wei Zi expected. Now that even several princes have given up hope for King Zhou, who can save the dying Chengtang Jiangshan?

Yao Zhong finally handed over the memorial to King Zhou, but the ending was the same as Wei Zi said.He had never put Xibo Hou Jichang in his eyes, so how could he put Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya in his eyes.Knowing that Ji Fa had made himself king, King Zhou smiled instead of anger, and said that they could do whatever they wanted.

Yao Zhong expressed his helplessness about this. Although he was mentally prepared, he still felt a little regretful when he encountered this situation.

The annual New Year's Day is coming, and according to the system of Cheng Tang ancestors, all officials have to enter the palace to drink with King Zhou.The wives of the officials will also enter the palace, but they are not going to meet King Zhou, but to have dinner with the empress in the East Palace.

Today's queen is Su Daji, so Su Daji's place will be very lively today.In order to welcome the wives of the officials, Su Daji also had people start preparations early in the morning.

Huang Feihu's wife's surname is Jia, and Mrs. Jia will go to the palace every New Year's Day to celebrate New Year's Day with the empress.They spent New Year's Day with Empress Jiang for many years, and she did not enter the palace for some reason in the past two years.Today my sister-in-law sent her a message from the palace, saying that she missed her and hoped that she could come to the palace to talk.

Mrs. Jia is Huang Feihu's wife, and Huang Feihu's younger sister is Huang Guifei of the West Palace, so Huang Guifei is Mrs. Jia's sister-in-law.The relationship between the two of them has been very good since Huang Guifei was not out of the cabinet, even if Huang Guifei entered the palace, it has always been like this.

After entering the palace, Mrs. Jia first went to the West Palace and stayed with Concubine Huang for a long time.Mrs. Jia, who hadn't entered the palace for several years, was afraid of being late, so she left the West Palace early and rushed to the East Palace to meet the Empress.

But she didn't know that she came early. When she arrived at the East Palace, none of the wives of the officials had arrived.But she has already stepped into the gate of the East Palace, and now all she can do is wait here.

The maid saw Mrs. Jia, and then told Queen Su Daji.Hearing that Mrs. Jia is the wife of Wucheng King Huang Feihu, Su Daji came to the main hall to see her.

Although Mrs. Jia is much older than her, but Mrs. Jia's beauty is not inferior to Su Daji in the slightest.But don't forget that Su Daji is a fox demon who has practiced for thousands of years, and her beauty has something to do with her cultivation.And Mrs. Jia is just an ordinary person, and ordinary people can be called national beauty with such beauty.

Su Daji didn't expect King Wucheng to have such a beautiful wife, so he went up to greet Mrs. Jia.When meeting Mrs. Jia for the first time, naturally she didn't dare to say much, but Su Daji treated her as if she had known her for a long time, calling her elder sister left and right elder sister.

Regardless of whether Mrs. Jia is willing or not, Su Daji insists on being a sister of Mrs. Jia.Mrs. Jia had experienced this kind of thing, so she couldn't bear Su Daji's enthusiasm, so she responded to the elder sister.

While Su Daji was chatting with Mrs. Jia, someone suddenly shouted at the door, "Your Majesty is here!"

Mrs. Jia was taken aback, but Su Daji was very calm.According to the system of Chengtang ancestors, as the son of heaven, King Zhou could not meet with his ministers' wives.Mrs. Jia was at a loss, so Su Daji let her hide in the back hall.Then, as if nothing had happened, they greeted the sudden arrival of King Zhou.

On New Year's Day, it stands to reason that King Zhou should have a drink with all the officials.But King Zhou didn't like to drink with officials, so he wanted to come to see Su Daji for a while.

Su Daji served King Zhou and sat down to rest, then leaned into King Zhou's arms and said softly, "My lord, have you ever met King Wucheng's wife?"

King Zhou said: "There is a clear stipulation in Cheng Tang's ancestral system that the emperor is not allowed to meet his ministers, wives and concubines, so this king has never seen them."

Su Daji sighed and said, "That's really a pity."

King Zhou said: "Today is New Year's Day, why is my concubine sighing? What a pity?"

Su Daji said: "Wu Chengwang's wife is beautiful and beautiful. Comparing my concubines and concubines, there is a world of difference."

King Zhou was taken aback when he heard the words, and comforted him: "Aifei must be joking, how can anyone be more beautiful than Aifei in the world."

King Zhou didn't believe it, so Su Daji told him that Huang Feihu's wife was in the back hall to avoid him, and she could call Mrs. Jia out for King Zhou to see.Upon hearing this, King Zhou shook his head again and again, this is going to destroy the ancestral system.If this matter gets out, someone will stab him in the back.

Don't look at King Zhou's righteous words, but Su Daji has heard other meanings from his tone.Then Su Daji whispered a few words in King Zhou's ear, this idea will definitely satisfy King Zhou.

After hearing Su Daji's words, King Zhou's eyes lit up, and he smiled and nodded at her.King Zhou then left the East Palace, and before he left, he didn't forget to turn his head and show Su Daji a smile.Daji is the one who knows the other, and she can guess his mind without saying anything, so how could it make him unhappy.

 Group number: 487339425
(End of this chapter)

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