The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 979 0013, Fengzhao Western Expedition

Chapter 979 0013, Fengzhao Western Expedition ([-])
Nezha, who was on a hot wheel, went down the mountain for half a day and came to Xiqi. When he arrived outside the city of Xiqi, he asked the city gate guard to report.After entering Xiqi City and arriving at the Prime Minister's Mansion, Nezha finally met Uncle Jiang.


Someone came to report to Ziya, and there was a young man dressed as a Taoist priest outside the door asking to see him. This person claimed to be Jiang Chengxiang's nephew.

Ziya was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly let the future come into the main hall.After seeing Ziya, Nezha reported himself to his family, and repeated the original words of his master to Uncle Jiang.

One more person means more strength. Although Ziya doesn't know what Nezha has, he is very happy to join Nezha.

Ziya introduced Nezha to the generals, and Huang Feihu paid homage to Nezha when he saw him.If Nezha hadn't acted at the beginning, I'm afraid he would have died in Huangquan long ago.

Everyone didn't know why King Wucheng worshiped the young man, so they went up to ask.Nezha didn't take that matter to heart at all, but Huang Feihu was an ungrateful person.In front of so many people, Huang Feihu told the story.

Nezha is not interested in these, what interests him most is fighting.So he asked Huang Feihu to lead him to the top of Xiqi City. Nezha didn't understand the free card.Huang Feihu could only explain to him the meaning of the free card, and after listening to the explanation, Nezha ran down the city.

By the time Huang Feihu found him, Nezha had already been talking to Jiang Ziya for a while.Although he was not sure about Nezha's ability, Jiang Ziya agreed to Nezha's challenge.However, he told Nezha to be careful with Shangfeng Lin because he would spit out black smoke, and to be careful with Zhang Guifang because he could tell people to dismount and accept surrender.

Nezha didn't take it to heart at all, and stayed on the mountain for so many years.Since the incident of the third prince of the Dragon King, Nezha has been confiscated by his master.In the past few years, Nezha has been suffocated, but now he is ordered by his teacher to go down the mountain.The purpose of going down the mountain is to listen to Jiang Shishu's words, and Jiang Shishu's current task is to fight the war.

There is no difference between fighting and fighting to Nezha, it is just that one person is less and the other is more.Jiang Ziya wanted to give him [-] soldiers, but in the end Nezha didn't bring any of them.Although he doesn't understand the art of war, he has heard his master say more than once that the king should be captured before the thief is captured.

It doesn't matter how many people he brings, as long as he can defeat the opponent's general, what does it matter how many soldiers he brings?

Jiang Ziya asked people to accept the exemption card, and Zhang Guifang who got the news sent Feng Lin, the vanguard officer, to call for the formation.Feng Lin met Nezha who had just arrived in Xiqi, a boy who looked under twenty, which really made Feng Lin lose his fighting spirit.

But after ten rounds of fighting between Feng Lin and Nezha, he seemed to be a different person.Full of fighting spirit, he wanted to compete with Nezha, and he swung his mace like a windmill.

After more than sixty rounds with Nezha, Feng Lin felt a little tired.He spit out two puffs of black smoke at Nezha, waited for Nezha to hit the ground, and then added a few sticks.

Seeing the oncoming black smoke, Nezha blew lightly twice.Then he took a sharp puff, sucked the black smoke into his mouth, turned his head and spit it out again.

Seeing the situation, Feng Lin reined in his horse and turned around, as if he wanted to run away.At this moment, Nezha didn't chase after him, but took off the Qiankun ring from his neck in a calm manner, and threw it lightly in the direction where Feng Lin was fleeing.

The circle of heaven and earth hit Feng Lin's back directly, and Feng Lin spat out blood with a wow.Nezha walked towards Feng Lin with a gun, but was stopped by Zhang Guifang who came after hearing the news.

Feng Lin, who was seriously injured, was taken back to the Chinese army camp. Zhang Guifang glared at Nezha angrily, and hurled insults at him.It was Feng Lin just now, and now it is Zhang Guifang.Nezha showed no signs of abnormality, and stabbed Zhang Guifang in the face with his gun.Zhang Guifang dodges left and right, and retreats quickly to distance herself from Nezha.

"Who are you? Tell me your name!" Zhang Guifang shouted sharply after retreating a few steps.

Nezha glanced at Zhang Guifang, and sneered, "If you fight, you fight. Why talk so much nonsense? If you win, I'll tell you my name. If you lose, you don't deserve to know my name."

Seeing that Nezha was about to come forward again, Zhang Guifang shouted: "Your Grandpa Zhang and my subordinates are immortal ghosts. If you refuse to report your name, I will not fight you."

Nezha put the fire-pointed gun behind him, and said, "Grandson, listen carefully, I am Nezha, the pioneer officer under the tent of King Qiwu of Xixi! Don't talk so much nonsense, let's shoot your grandfather first!"

"Nezha, get off your horse and accept surrender!"

Nezha rushed to Zhang Guifang, but heard the other party say this.Nezha glanced around, thinking it was Zhang Guifang's secret signal.Seeing that there was no movement around, Nezha rushed towards Zhang Guifang who was retreating again.

"Nezha, get off your horse and accept surrender!"

"Nezha, get off your horse and accept surrender!"

This time Zhang Guifang yelled twice, and Nezha paused twice.But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Nezha, who was already angry, was really angry.

I wanted to fight Zhang Guifang one-on-one, but now it seems that I can't do it.So Nezha took out the Qiankun circle around his neck, and shouted at Zhang Guifang: "You think the young master is scared? What are you doing by being so surprised? Since you don't want to single out the young master, then the young master will let you I know why the flowers are so red."

As soon as the words fell, the universe circle flew out of Nezha's hand and flew straight towards Zhang Guifang who was still retreating.

Huang Feihu and Jiang Ziya, who were standing at the top of the city, saw that scene clearly. It seemed that they both underestimated this kid's ability.It directly broke Feng Lin's Taoism, and Zhang Guifang's Taoism had no effect on him at all.Thinking of Nezha's casual attitude just now, Jiang Ziya and Huang Feihu could only smile wryly.

Zhang Guifang's Taoism is specialized in taking people's souls, which can take away people's three souls and seven souls.It's a pity that he didn't know that Nezha cut his bones to return his father and his flesh to return to his mother, and then Daoist Taiyi used lotus flowers to reshape his body.Nezha in the form of a lotus flower does not have three souls and seven souls, so Zhang Guifang's Taoism is useless to Nezha.

Although Nezha wounded Zhang Guifang, General Nangong Shi and Deputy General Zhou Ji were still in the enemy camp.Relying on Nezha alone, Jiang Ziya had no idea, so he decided to go to Kunlun.

Before leaving, Jiang Ziya arranged for Wuji and Nezha to work hard and cooperate with Wucheng King Huang Feihu to defend Xiqi City.Don't go out of town until he comes back.

Jiang Ziya went to Kunlun Mountain and met Yuanshi Tianzun who had already figured out that he would come back.Yuanshi Tianzun gave Jiang Ziya a scroll called Fengshen Bang.

Yuanshi Tianzun told Jiang Ziya to build a Conferred God Platform after returning to Xiqi.After the completion, the Conferred Gods List will be hung on the Conferred Gods Platform. As for the usefulness of the Conferred Gods List and the Conferred Gods Platform, he will know this later.

As a result, Jiang Ziya, who was on the list of gods, did not intend to leave, but asked Yuanshi Tianzun for advice.Although he stayed in Kunlun Mountain for decades, he never felt that he had learned anything.Now he is assisting King Wu, and King Zhou sent troops to conquer.Xiqi had many generals and soldiers, but none of them knew Taoism.

 Group number: 487339425, I wish everyone a happy new year, a family reunion, in the new year, academic success, smooth career, happy love, and family safety!

(End of this chapter)

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