white snake evolution

Chapter 299 Time Fish

Chapter 299 Time Fish

In the intertwined time branches and space dimensions.

At this moment, a strange weak fluctuation suddenly appeared, and then in silence, a time white hole and a space white hole overlapped each other.

Rapid condensation emerges.

The two exist separately, but they also exist together, forming an extremely mysterious hole in time and space.

"Wow, it's finally out!" Bai Feixue's head just got out of the space-time hole formed by the white hole of time and the white hole of space, and she couldn't help opening her mouth, letting out bursts of joyful cheers .

The sound is crisp and sweet, mellow and melodious, like the sound of nature, so beautiful that it is unbelievable.

It's just a little childish and innocent.

Until Bai Feixue's entire body was completely drilled out, the mysterious time white hole and space white hole suddenly flickered and disappeared immediately.

As if it never existed.

to this situation.

Bai Feixue also didn't notice the slightest difference, just like the time black hole and space black hole in the past.

Come without a trace, go without a trace.

"Huh? What's this place? It looks familiar!" Bai Feixue widened her silver-white eyes, curiously observing the environment here.

At a glance.

Everything is distorted, and the picture is extremely abstract and weird.

Colorful and dazzling.

This area seemed to be composed of endless rainbows and fairy lights, mixed with each other, and her eyes were a little dazzled.

"This place, can't it really be a gap between time and space?" Bai Feixue murmured.

She perceives carefully, concentrates, and can vaguely perceive that time is washing herself vaguely, but it doesn't seem to exist.

Some are inseparable, seemingly real and illusory, and it is difficult to distinguish the truth.

"It should be a gap between time and space. When I used the rule system talent to detect the hooking subsystem to hunt and kill the evolution system, I vaguely saw it. Unfortunately, the hunting and killing evolution system was flying a little fast at that time, so I didn't see it clearly."

Bai Feixue raised her vigilance a little, and thought to herself: "The gap between time and space, in terms of mystery, I'm afraid it's a little weaker than the mysterious nothingness not long ago."

"But in terms of the degree of danger, the two are comparable."

"Mysterious nothingness is rooted in nothingness. There is nothing and nothing exists. It is a different kind of danger. But in the gap between time and space, there are some strange and mysterious life forms, which are extremely difficult to guard against."

"Not to mention, there are even some unpredictable and dangerous life forbidden places, which appear here due to innate or acquired reasons."

During the time when Bai Feixue was thinking secretly.

She herself has adapted to the special space-time gap environment here because of the only eternal Dzogchen twelfth-grade Taoist body.

This moment.

Bai Feixue could clearly perceive that what she saw and heard was no longer the confusion and distortion of not long ago, which made her a little dizzy.

Instead, another scene appeared.

Strands of misty threads of time, like three-dimensional twisted spider webs, are intertwined and entangled with each other, forming a bridge of core branches and supporting everything, which is Yiping of its existence.

Every intersection position is a time node.

It's just that compared with the three-dimensional spider web, the time thread network structure is more fine and compact, as if it exists as a whole.

In the cracks of these time threads, large or small.

A variety of distorted spatial structures are perfectly integrated with it, and the layered dimensional structures contain and are contained by each other, twisted and connected, forming a special shape like a curved mirror.

Bai Feixue probed her head and observed.

Impressively, it can be seen that in these distorted space interfaces, there are mountains, rivers and lakes, ocean continents, sun, moon and stars.

There are also many life forms that are even smaller in size, multiplying freely.

Or fighting, or swallowing and excreting, or mating screaming and so on.

Each picture is different. It seems that endless parallel worlds are manifested together, and it seems that different time stages of the same world are manifested at the same time, which is magnificent and mysterious.

Very mysterious and difficult to explain in detail.

"It's better to leave here first. With my low level of cultivation in the Dao Embryo Realm, although I have the special nature of the only eternal Dzogchen to bless my body, it is still not suitable for staying in the gap between time and space for a long time."

"This is an advanced level that can only be touched at least in the realm of gods and demons. I still don't want to rely on the special blessing of the only eternal Dzogchen Taoist body and top-level fusion characteristics to show off my prestige here."

"Slip away."

Bai Feixue withdrew her gazing and watching posture, and carefully sensed the space-time area where Bai Meisheng's breath was the strongest, and found the general direction. The slender and round snake-singing body shrank to the size of a grain of rice.

Then, along the gaps of time and space that are different in size and twisted and weird, they swim cautiously and circuitously.

The universe here is difficult to understand, and the universe is ignorant.

She herself doesn't know how much real time has passed, how many real distances she has swam carefully, and the boring silence seems to be an eternal theme.

And in a place that Bai Feixue didn't notice.

A group of time-space fish, born to live in the gap between time and space, are swimming aimlessly and freely in the gap between time and space.

The almost completely transparent tiny body looked extremely weird.

The upper and lower jaws resemble piranhas, full of sharp fangs, but the structure inside the mouth is very similar to the sucker mouth of a lamprey.

Whether it is around the mouth or on the tongue, there are many curved and sharp teeth.

The structure of the body behind the head looks somewhat similar to that of the moon snakehead, with an overall length of less than three centimeters.

Small and elegant, flexible and powerful.

Whether it is the dorsal fin growing on the back spine or the caudal fin at the end of the tail, they are extremely flexible, sharp and terrifying, shaking their heads and flicking their tails.

There are faint invisible time and space ripples, as if they are really swimming in the water.

The tiny synapses growing above the head, like the space-time life radar, continuously scan and search the space-time cracks, trying to find some other creatures to devour.

They are like a group of gluttons who can never get enough to eat.

All my life is about food.

Either on the way to find food, or in the state of devouring food, even when they are extremely hungry, they will kill each other and devour the same kind desperately.

However, the road is fair.

These time-space fish are born to be able to hunt freely in the cracks of time and space. The cubs are born in the realm of the Tao, and the adults are the supreme gods.

The bloodline is powerful and extraordinary, terrifying and magical.

But because of this, his intelligence level is not very high, his temperament is fierce, manic and violent, and he is extremely aggressive.

Just unconsciously.

The time-space distance between Bai Feixue, who is swimming and winding in the gap between time and space, and this group of time-space fish is approaching.

at some point.

The leading time-space fish with a body length of five centimeters, its head synapses, suddenly searched for a strange breath of life in the gap between time and space.

This time, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest.

This group of time-space fish went crazy immediately, like piranhas who smelled blood, violently rioted, and quickly swam through the gap between time and space, scrambling to be the first.

They all rushed towards the detailed location where Bai Feixue was.

If there are other living beings here, look towards a certain area behind Bai Feixue and stare carefully.

It can be seen that there is a faint and imperceptible transparent luster flashing in the faint, like an invisible transparent wave, surging at extreme speed in the gap between time and space, moving forward violently, but silently.

And all this has changed.

Bai Feixue in front of her didn't notice it at all.

 Thank you Qishengjie for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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