Pokémon System Master

Chapter 20 Target Dead Leaf City

Chapter 20 Target Dead Leaf City

After leaving the Super Gym, Xiao Yu went to the Elf Center first, and after recovering the state of the fire-breathing dragon and the electric shock beast, she walked towards the fighting dojo in Gold City.

After defeating Nazi, the Charizard rose to level 8 with 40 times the experience value bonus. Not only that, but the electric shock beast also reached level 33 and got 50 points. Xiao Yu checked the system's own points, only 70 points Yes, and I have to exchange an electric booster for the electric shock beast, and the remaining points are only 50.

In order to meet Nazi's requirements as soon as possible, I need a lot of points, and the points are only available to challenge trainers. As for catching the beast, Xiaoyu can't even think about it now.

In addition to Nazi's super power gym, Gold City also has a fighting dojo. Don't underestimate this fighting dojo. The owner of this dojo has had three honorary battles with Nazi, and it has spread in Gold City. .

The owner of the fighting gym is Nobuhiko. He was the original gym owner of Gold City. Later, after losing the honor battle with Nazi, Nazi's super power gym became the official gym of Gold City. The fighting gym has become a dojo.

Although Nobuhiko has always wanted to regain the right to host the gymnasium in Gold City, it is a pity that the reason why the fighting department was restrained by the superpower department, and Nazi herself is also a girl with superpowers. .

Although he was defeated by Nazi, it cannot be said that Nobuhiko does not have the strength of a gym master, but compared to Nazi, the elves he uses are restrained, but Nobuhiko is a top ten gym master trainer, Xiao Yu has long wanted to challenge, If you defeat him, you can earn 50 points!
Immediately rushing to the door of the fighting gym, looking at the fighting gym in front of her, Xiaoyu was speechless. Even if she lost the official recognition, this was the former fighting gym after all!

The fighting dojo in front of me is not to mention broken, the walls are full of holes, cracks, and the concrete floor has been scraped away, exposing the muddy soil inside.

Compared with Nazi's gym, the former fighting gym seems to be really down and out now!
Xiao Yu sighed, pushed open the door of the fighting dojo, seeing the empty fighting dojo, Xiao Yu shouted.

"Is there anyone? I'm here to challenge the trainer of the fighting dojo here, and I want to fight the master of the dojo here!"

A few seconds later, a muscular man in karate uniform came out from a side door in the dojo, and he said to Xiao Yu in frustration.

"Master Nobuhiko has gone to Leibo Mountain to cultivate! Please go back!" After speaking, the man ignored Xiaoyu and closed the door.

"Uh!" Xiao Yu reluctantly ate the door, and then glanced at the front of the fighting dojo, there was a couplet.

"Besieged on all sides" and "karma"

Looking at this couplet, Xiao Yu thought for a while, then shook her head and whispered.

"It seems that there are some stories in it!"

With Nobuhiko's absence, Xiao Yu's plan fell through, so she had to leave the fighting arena, ride a bicycle with one hand, hold Casey's egg in her left hand, and head towards the next destination.

Gold City is located in the center of the Kanto region. From Gold City to the left is Road No. 7. After passing Road No. 7 is Yuhong City. There is a grass-type gymnasium there, and the owner of the gymnasium in the game is Li Jia, and this world , Xiaoyu hasn't investigated yet, but probably nothing has changed.

Yuhong City is also the hometown of Mina-kun, the boy who pursued Suicune, the current Mina-kun is probably in the Chengdu area!
In addition, Yuhong City is also a big game city. To put it bluntly, it is the kind of slot machine game, similar to the AM in Xiaoyu's previous life (because the city cannot be typed, I think you all know which city it represents!), but with What is different in the game is that the Yuhong Department Store in the game has been transferred to the Gold City.

To the right of Gold City is Route 8. After passing Route 8, there is Aster Town, which is famous in the game for having the grave of Pokémon. The ghost of a thousand years.

Ziwan Town is a town without a gym, so Xiaoyu doesn't plan to go there for the time being. When I came to the intersection of Gold City, Xiaoyu thought about it for a long time, and decided to go to Route 6 first, and then challenge the leader of the electric gym in Dead Leaf City Zhishi, Ma Zhishi was mentioned by many trainers when Xiaoyu went to the abandoned power plant.

Ma Zhishi, a proud and invincible man, is also called "a tough guy like lightning".

Xiaoyu remembered that there was a newspaper in Gold City, which introduced Ma Zhishi from Dead Leaf City.

Ma Zhishi was a major in the Air Force, piloted a special aircraft powered by electric-type Pokémon, and participated in at least one war.Ma Zhishi's electric-type Pokémon also joined him in the battle and saved his life in the battle.And Ma Zhishi also saved the life of a comrade-in-arms during the war, and that soldier later became an assistant in the Withered Leaf Gym.

I don’t know if this guy’s personality is as annoying as in the anime, but Xiaoyu remembers it very clearly. This guy only likes Pokmon that has evolved. To him, Pokmon that have not evolved are weak, and fighting is very useful. Aggressive, very heavy strikes, many Pokmon defeated by him were seriously injured.

Maybe it's because he is a soldier, but in Xiao Yu's perception, soldiers in his own world never bully the weak, this Ma Zhishi is just the opposite.

In the end, the most gratifying thing is that this guy was finally defeated by Pikachu, who Xiaozhi had not evolved. The evolved Raichu was not as sensitive as Pikachu in speed. No matter how strong the opponent is, it will be futile, and Raichu's defense is not very strong.

But what really interested Xiao Yu was that no matter how many badges the trainer faced, Ma Zhishi would use 60.00% of his strength to fight. After winning, he would taunt the opponent and attack the newcomer trainer.

After Xiaoyu faced Xiaoxia's full strength, Xiaoyu also had a certain understanding of the strength of the gym master trainer. Although the strength of each gym master is also strong or weak, at least there will not be too much difference. Xiaoyu remembers Xiaoxia's Gyarados is level 70. If Ma Zhishi exerts 60.00% of his strength, then most of the spirits he sends will be around level 42. At this level, he is still very confident to challenge.

At this level, the experience is very high. The most important thing is that Xiaoyu can feel 60.00% of the gym master's strength.

Now I have obtained three badges, but under Xiaoxia's full strength, I have suffered a disastrous defeat. With Nazi's double mental power, my main fire-breathing dragon was almost defeated. If Nazi used a high-level Super spirit, I am afraid that his fire-breathing dragon has already been defeated.

Xiaoyu is very curious about how strong her current strength is, and she is eager to know whether she can defeat Ma Zhishi with 60.00% of his strength!
At the thought of fighting Ma Zhishi, Xiao Yu's inner blood boiled instantly, and after making up her mind, she rode a self-confident bike towards Route 6.

(End of this chapter)

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