Chapter 391
At the end, Yu Guhuan added something meaningful: "Absolutely, absolutely nothing else."

If you only say the first half of the sentence, it is still normal.

Adding the second half of his sentence, it is very meaningful, and even has a bit of "yin and yang strangeness".

Shen Lingnian punched him on the shoulder, and replied, "You think I can't understand what you mean?"

The two of them were walking along the dirt road in the village towards Granny Liu's house, when a beam of bright lights suddenly shone from the far side of the village entrance.

A fully enclosed electric tricycle slowly drove over.

Walking around Wangyuan Village these two days, Shen Lingnian knew that there were almost no such cars in Wangyuan Village.

is an outsider.

Wangyuan Village is located in a remote location, and few outsiders visit.

Apart from the children of migrant workers who have returned home, and the crew of Yu's Entertainment who will soon be filming a promotional film, Shen Lingnian can't think of anyone else for the time being.

After Shen Lingnian quickly made a judgment, the vehicle gradually approached their location.

Through the glass window, the familiar and beautiful face flashed in front of my eyes.

With just a glance, Shen Lingnian already recognized her identity - Hang Yue.

And the people in the car seemed to have seen her, turned their heads hastily, put their hands on the glass, and stared at them for a long time.

But in the end did not stop the electric tricycle.

Shen Lingnian could barely look back, stretched out his hand and poked Yu Guhuan's waist beside him, "Do you recognize the person in the car?"

At that moment, Yu Guhuan remembered many love-related books such as "Love Strategy" and "Strategy of One Hundred Strategies" that he had read on the Internet.

When a girl asks this question, it may be a proposition.

"Maybe I recognized it, or maybe I didn't recognize it." He hesitated for a while, and replied cautiously.

Shen Lingnian: "..."

She glanced at Yu Guhuan and raised her eyebrows. She seemed dissatisfied with his ambiguous answer, but she didn't struggle too much.

"Maybe the car passed by too fast just now, and you don't know her well, so it's normal if you didn't recognize her." She made up for Yu Guhuan.

Then he questioned his soul again: "Do you think, did Hang Yue recognize you?"

Yu Guhuan was silent for two seconds, it was not a proposition, but it seemed to be a proposition.

"Maybe not?" He couldn't avoid it anymore, and gave an answer after guessing, "After all, I'm so tightly wrapped."

He pulled off the mask on his face twice, then stared at Shen Lingnian with bright eyes.

Obviously, he was quite satisfied with his own disguise.

Shen Lingnian recalled that she and Yu Guhuan had been photographed countless times by paparazzi, and they never succeeded in disguise.

I don't know where Yu got his confidence.

Not to mention, Hang Yue has been secretly in love with Yu Guhuan for many years, and has long been familiar with his appearance, words and deeds so well that he cannot be more familiar with him.

"The little girl who has a crush on you will definitely recognize you at a glance." She said casually.

Yu Guhuan suddenly laughed very lightly, with a very pleasant voice, "That Xiaonian, he seemed to have recognized me many times before, did Xiaonian also—"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lingnian covered his mouth with a double brace.

The little girl's beautiful eyes widened slightly, and her black eyes were like black gemstones after washing, which were wet, and seemed to be a little bit of shame and anger.

"No." Shen Lingnian denied it categorically, "I just have a good memory and you have a special appearance and temperament, so I recognized you at a glance."

She didn't feel it at all, her words and deeds at this moment were obviously no different from "There is no silver 300 taels here".

(End of this chapter)

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