The beginning of the anger against the original Tianzun, I really want to die

Chapter 210 Master and Disciple Respond to the Next Calamity

Chapter 210 Master and Disciple Coping with the Next Calamity
Jin Ling smiled, for other juniors, this might be a home where they could be free, but for this senior in front of him, it didn't seem to be the case.

Since a long time ago, Jin Ling had this feeling that the senior brother in front of him didn't seem to care about anything.

In his eyes, it seems that the only way to enjoy life is to constantly provoke those who are better than him.

He has always been like this, and after becoming the Emperor of Heaven, he seems to have become a lot more peaceful.

Jin Ling looked Su Ye up and down. What was the reason for Su Ye to change so much?

Is it right?

Or is it because of the growth of cultivation base?
But I heard from those juniors who came back from the Heavenly Court that this senior is almost always a shopkeeper, leaving everything to his subordinates, and he doesn't care about anything else.

But it can't be said that Su Ye, the emperor of heaven, is not a good one. At least there has not been any negative influence from the heavenly court so far. This also shows that Su Ye, the emperor of heaven, is extremely competent.

Jin Ling didn't say much, and after everyone came up to talk about the past, they also left.

Su Ye entered Biyou Palace and saw Master Tongtian on the stage, and directly bowed to the ground: "Master."

Tong Tian smiled and nodded, "I heard that you drove everyone out of the Heavenly Court. Doesn't the Heavenly Court need guards?"

Su Ye said with a smile: "Few people dare to confront me in today's prehistoric times. Even if there were, they would not dare to force their way into the Heavenly Court."

"Is there anything you want to tell me when you come back this time?"

Su Ye thought for a while, nodded and said, "Master is really a prophet, and I really have something to say."

"If the world is peaceful today, I think this may be the situation hoped by the Dao of Heaven. Therefore, I am here to tell Master that letting the disciples enter the human race can be regarded as making a contribution to the peace of the world."

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and it was not that simple to say such words from Su Ye's mouth.


Is this really what Heaven wants?

Even if it is, you Su Ye really don't know how to do anything?
Tong Tian pondered for a moment, and the two of Zhu Xian's sword formation immediately wrapped up: "You tell the truth, what exactly do you want to do?"

Su Ye chuckled: "I still can't hide it from your eyes."

Tong Tian rolled his eyes at him and said, "You boy, I've been following you since the very beginning. I don't know how many fancy intestines you have in your belly?"

Su Ye smiled helplessly and said, "Master taught me that."

"Actually, I don't want to do anything, it's just a retreat."

Tongtian is puzzled, what is retreat and what is attack?

Su Ye explained: "Isn't Tiandao wanting to do nothing? I'll let him be indifferent all the time."

Tong Tian frowned: "In this case, wouldn't it be a waste of sacrifice for the two clans of Liches?"

Su Ye shook his head and said: "Sooner or later, the Lich and Demon Clans will perish. It's just a matter of time. Even if the two clans don't start the war in advance, they will still fight to the death if they work together in ten thousand years."

"From the beginning to the end, the two races are incompatible, and the final situation will only be a loss for both."

Tong Tian nodded slightly, Su Ye was right, not only Su Ye thought so, but other saints had already seen it.

Tong Tian pondered for a moment: "Before Tiandao called me to wait for the saint, you were there at that time, and you heard what Tiandao said. Isn't this in the way of Tiandao?"

"No, Master, think about it, after the Lich War, does the Heavenly Dao keep attacking again?"

Tong Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, did Tian Dao make a move?

If one counts the merits of the Dao of Heaven, then this kind of attack is more than just once or twice.

"Think about it again, Master. If Tiandao really just wants to do nothing and prolong the invasion of the extraterrestrial demons, why should he lower his merits and virtues in order to improve his own strength in a disguised form?"

Tong Tian was stunned, shouldn't it be a normal act to send merit from the sky, how could it become a disguised promotion?
Su Ye saw the doubts in Tongtian's heart, and said with a smile: "Although the prehistoric world has been shattered, it is still prehistoric. Unless the world is completely broken, unless someone reopens the sky, otherwise the sky of this world will naturally be destroyed." It will be him."

"The way of heaven is immortal, the prehistoric world is immortal, and the saints will never be destroyed. The thoughts in the hearts of the prehistoric creatures are nothing but the way of heaven. As long as the prehistoric creatures continue to improve their order, the cultivation of the way of heaven will continue to grow."

Said Su Ye glanced at Tongtian and said: "Master, don't you feel that it is not so difficult to practice recently?"

Tong Tian was completely stunned, he couldn't imagine how Su Ye's brain grew.

Even he himself didn't realize that the cultivation during this period was really smooth, and he thought that he had a better understanding of the way of heaven, which is why he made rapid progress.

Listening to what Su Ye said now, this is not the case.

After a moment of silence, Tongtian shook his head and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Su Ye said with a smile: "I plan to do nothing, since Tiandao said to maintain the current state, so be it, unless he can't help it."

Tongtian took a deep look at Su Ye, and after a long time, he let out a long breath. In the entire prehistoric world, he was probably the only one who dared to do this.

Only Su Ye can figure out the mind of Tiandao so clearly.

Tong Tian hesitated for a moment and said, "Then what should I do?"

Su Ye said with a smile: "Speaking of which, it has only been a few thousand years since the last calamity was measured."

"But today's Great Desolation has already produced the breath of calamity, does Master know why?"

Tong Tian shook his head slightly.

Su Ye said softly: "Everything starts because of the heaven."

Tongtian's eyes suddenly became bigger. Measuring calamity is not a trivial matter, and every calamity will be superimposed, one after another, and today's calamity is even more terrifying.

If it is said that this calamity was caused by the Heavenly Court, then the Jiejiao must also be involved, and Tong Tian felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

With the outbreak of this mass calamity, Tianting and Jujiao may not know what kind of changes will happen.

Tong Tian pinched his fingers and said: "Has the person who should be robbed been found?"

Su Ye chuckled and said: "The last time I measured the calamity, the person who should be robbed was Hou Yi, who was rescued by me and sent to the underworld. Naturally, it is no problem to find the person who should be robbed this time."

Tong Tian nodded with a gloomy face and said, "Then do you know when it will explode?"

Su Ye pointed to the sky: "It depends on when this person can't bear it anymore."

Tong Tian looked at his second apprentice, and couldn't help feeling a little powerless in his heart.

This apprentice has always acted like this, always preparing one step ahead of everyone else.

It's just that I don't know what will happen this time, and the worry in my heart can't be erased, I'm afraid things are not as simple as imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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