Fantasy Westward Journey God Pit System

Chapter 134 3 Damage 1 Speed

Chapter 134 Three Damages One Speed
"Well, everyone, the next thing is the one hundred bottles provided by Sui Yue Ru Ge. Let's see if we can make a lot of money." Meng Xuan said loudly after successfully logging into Shui You's account.

"There is another one who is not afraid of death. Lose it, it's best for you to die."

"Brother, don't panic, our stretcher team has already prepared in advance."

"Sit and wait to cool off."

"Hehe, when it comes to opening the bottle, I think of the tragic past."

Meng Xuan ignored these bullet screens, and quickly manipulated Shuiyou's account to the booth near the gem merchant, and began to buy Qinglingjing bottles one by one.

The Qinglingjing bottle is also a bottle that is often said by everyone. Due to the launch of Summoned Beast Advanced 110, the bottle is also launched together.Also began to have the game of opening the bottle.

After spending nearly 4000 million fantasy coins, Meng Xuan bought 99 Qinglingjing bottles.

"I've bought the bottle, let's get started, I'll give you the high seven and the high eight." Meng Xuan muttered.

Then the mouse moved rapidly, and the speed was a little faster than the speed of rolling some things.

With the jogging of the Qingling Jing bottle in the backpack, brightly colored Qingling fairies appeared in the backpack.Seeing the green and red bottles appear one after another, Meng Xuan's face became very depressed. He had already ordered forty or fifty bottles, but he didn't see a single purple one.

The purple bottle is the most useful high-grade Qingling Xianlu. Only those who have purple bottles have the chance to open high eight and high seven.

Fortunately, Meng Xuan's luck seemed to improve slowly for the dozens of bottles in the back, and purple bottles appeared one after another.

Seeing the appearance of these purple bottles, a smile finally appeared on Meng Xuan's face.

"It's over, let's take a look, at least three of them are high eight."

Meng Xuan looked at the five purple bottles lying in the backpack and nodded in satisfaction.

Move the mouse slowly, and the mouse hovers over the first group of purple bottles.

When he saw the displayed aura number, Meng Xuan shouted excitedly.

"Brother, this wave of blood earns. Five high eights. One high eight sells for more than 700 million, and five is close to 4000 million."

As the mouse is slowly opened, the aura value of each bottle is displayed accordingly.

"Well, three high sixes, six high sevens, and five high eights. I finally earned it." Meng Xuan said with a smile.

"666, earned by blood, the first boss who earned today."

"The boss has made a lot of money this time, six high sevens and five high eights. Why don't I have such good luck."

"The stretcher team is gone, the boss is fine."

"Dog care, don't explain."

Finally, some water friends left with a smile, and Meng Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise he would have been somewhat embarrassed if he kept losing money.

After seeing off the water friend, Meng Xuan hastily said something to the audience, and then hastily closed the live broadcast room.

After the live broadcast, the first thing Meng Xuan did was to control Zhige to the border, and quickly plant a money-making sapling. After all, his task has not been completed yet.As time slowly came, the cash cow saplings also reached the harvest time, the mouse clicked, and the ingots fell one after another.

When the seventh money tree planted by Meng Xuan matured, the ten shaking tasks were successfully completed.

"NICE, finally ten times. The task is completed." Meng Xuan said with a smile.

At the same time, Miss System's voice of completing the task resounded in my mind.

Seeing the two hundred points in hand, Meng Xuan smiled contentedly.

The task is completed, and the live broadcast is live.Meng Xuan was not idle, and controlled Zhi Ge's account to the door of the blacksmith's shop, and quickly bought a car of 80-level rings.

Now Zhige's equipment is barely complete, but in terms of spiritual ornaments, it still lacks a lot.Naturally, Meng Xuan wanted to make some good spiritual ornaments. The super simple thing is what he has been pursuing. After all, super simple can cost two forged star pyroxenes more than ordinary rings. A good super simple spiritual ornament, The attribute bonus brought by it will not be less than that of equipment.

"Well, just appraise a car of rings, and go to bed after finishing it." Meng Xuan muttered softly.

There was no live broadcast, and Meng Xuan didn't have to yell at the audience. With just a simple click of the mouse, half a car of level 80 rings was identified by him.

Move the mouse and click on the first ring.

hibiscus ring

Level 80
Defense +21
Durability 500
Spell critical strike rating +10
Spell damage +8
Spell damage +9
Manufacturer: 0000 Faith Strengthening

"Hey, double magic damage and one magic explosion, the main attribute is defense. The upper row's defense exploded by five points, the lower row's magic damage exploded by a little bit, and the magic explosion exploded by two points. It is much better than the national standard. Only with This ring has already paid back." Meng Xuan said with a light smile.

This first ring has a three-attribute ring, and it is also very good in terms of attributes.Meng Xuan began to look forward to the next nine rings.

But after clicking the mouse one after another, the next nine rings did not show the super simple attribute ring that Meng Xuan wanted. They were all double attribute rings, and even the three attribute rings were not seen.

"Hey, there is no half-truck, look at the half-truck behind." Meng Xuan scratched his head and said.

Afterwards, I clicked on the spirit ornament appraiser, and as the spirit ornament appraisers disappeared one by one, the next half-car ring had been identified.

Move the mouse, and check the rings one by one.

When Meng Xuan moved the mouse to the eighth ring, he almost jumped up from the chair, dancing excitedly, a ring he had never seen before appeared in front of his eyes.

After a long time, Meng Xuan suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and looked at the ring carefully.

hibiscus ring

Level 80
Damage +22
Durability 500
Damage +11
Damage +12
Speed ​​+9
Special effects: super easy

Manufacturer: 0000 Faith Strengthening

It was this ring in front of him that aroused Meng Xuan's ecstasy.In fact, Meng Xuan squeezed the muscles on his thigh vigorously, and only when he felt pain in his thigh did Meng Xuan become convinced that what he saw was real.

A top-quality super simple ring appeared, the damage of the upper row exploded by [-] points, the double damage of the lower row exploded by [-] points, and the speed also increased by [-] points.

This ring is definitely the dream ring of an elite physics department. Although it is not as good as the four-damage ring, the double-damage one-speed ring is quite practical.

Meng Xuan watched the competition all night yesterday, but he knew very clearly how important speed is to a physics department.The physics department, which has an advantage in speed, can definitely gain the upper hand in the battle.

In many cases, the Department of Physics does not mean simply to compare whose output is higher, more often the competition is about speed, especially for sects such as Datang Liwuzhuang.High damage does not represent everything, the most important point is to occupy the mobile phone first.When everyone's damage is not much different, the side with the higher speed can often take the initiative.

In Meng Xuan's eyes, this ring is no worse than the four-damage ring.

 First four chapters.There are four more chapters tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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