ace female detective

Chapter 126 Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Chapter 126 Finding a Needle in a Haystack
Seeing her strange expression, Tu Rui was very puzzled: "Tang Zhizhou, what's wrong?"

Tang Zhizhou shook his head: "It's okay, I thought of someone, and I have some thoughts in my heart."

She didn't say much, but took out the file bag and handed it to Tu Rui, and said while opening the door: "In my opinion, now, we may have to re-investigate the deaths of those waiters. Go back to the National Security Bureau, this matter Lu Jin is indispensable."

"Where are you going?" She won't go back?
Tang Zhizhou pointed to the 711 convenience store in front of him: "I'm hungry and I need to eat." She didn't eat, and the child was still waiting for her to eat!
She went down to buy a bunch of snacks, brought some rice balls for Tu Rui, and the two of them ate them in the car before driving back to the National Security Bureau.At this time, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was gradually getting dark, which made people feel a little depressed.Lu Jin and the others didn't leave work either, they were reviewing the case file.

After Tang Zhizhou came back, Wu Xiao, the captain of the special operations team, asked her, "What was the result?"

Tang Zhizhou didn't trust him, and shook his head: "No gains, no clues."

Wu Xiao's eyes were deep, but her mood was too low for him to believe it.He groaned, turned around and took other files to read.

Of course Lou Yisen was different from him, Tang Zhizhou's strangeness did not escape his eyes.

Taking a chance, he quietly asked her: "You don't trust Wu Xiao, do you?"

"I don't believe it." She didn't believe anyone related to the Zhu family.

She is not timid, but deeply knows how long the Zhu family's claws extend and how many people it can control.Having experienced being under his claws and being played around by him, Tang Zhizhou felt very grudged.

Lou Yisen looked at Wu Xiao on the other side, and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do? I can't get rid of this Wu Xiao."

"There is no other way, let's investigate first, as long as the key evidence is not reported to him." Tang Zhizhou said.

This is the only way to do it now.

She returned to Lu Jin and told Lu Jin what she thought on the road just now.Lu Jin immediately went to the police station where he reported the crime, and checked the electronic records.Fortunately, the files of those dead waiters are also very complete, and the records are also very detailed. On the surface, there are no flaws.

However, Tang Zhizhou feels that the more flawless something is, the more clues it has.

As long as... find the right person.

She browsed through ten lines at a glance, and soon finished reading their death records.

Wang Dongyu died in a group brawl. It is not known who died in the chaos, so there is no conclusion.Most of the people involved in the brawl were sentenced, but everyone denied killing her, and the matter was left alone.Tang Zhizhou looked carefully, and there was no fingerprint of anyone left on the knife that killed Wang Dongyu.

She had a feeling that the person who killed Wang Dongyu was not among those who fought in the group.

There were people who were fooling around and took advantage of the confusion to kill Wang Dongyu.

She checked the statements of some people who were at the scene at the time, and one of them, Cao Yang, caught her attention.

According to Cao Yang’s recollection: “Because I often played in that bar, so I can remember it clearly. That day, the beautiful head waiter wore a sky blue dress with an open chest, which was sexier than usual work clothes. I went up to talk to her, We made an appointment with her after get off work that day. But at that time, several men made appointments with her, so she was always surrounded by several men. She promised me that of course I would follow her closely. Before the gang fought, we She was standing near the bar all the time, when the group was fighting, a man at the door called her over, and she fell down suddenly as soon as she got to the side of the group."

After reading it, Tang Zhizhou had several doubts in his mind.

First, who were the people who wanted to date Wang Dongyu?

Second, who is that man calling Wang Dongyu at the door?

Third, on the way Wang Dongyu left Cao Yang and walked over, did she collide with others, and did Cao Yang witness the entire murder?
She had to contact Cao Yang.

Tang Zhizhou called Cao Yang, unfortunately, his number was empty.

It was Lu Jin who helped her find Cao Yangxin's number and address.

Tang Zhizhou took the phone but didn't dial it. She suddenly realized that something might be wrong.She stepped on Turui and decided to go directly to Cao Yang.

Cao Yang lived not far from the National Security Bureau, and the two arrived soon.Because of Wen Yan's incident, she was not sure that Tang Zhizhou's phone was safe, but she didn't use the National Security Bureau's phone because she was involved with Zhu Yunyi again.

She used Rui's private mobile phone to call Cao Yang.

It was connected over there, and the voice was full of vigilance: "Hello, who is it?"

"Property manager, is Mr. Cao at home?" Tang Zhizhou said.

Cao Yang immediately relaxed his vigilance: "Oh, I'm at home. Is it time to collect the property management fee? Didn't you pay it for a year in March?"

"Other things." Tang Zhizhou said, hung up the phone and said to Tu Rui: "He's at home, go up."

The one-minute call just now told Tang Zhizhou a lot.Cao Yang's vigilance is very high, like a frightened bird, she can imagine that since he testified about Wang Dongyu's death, his life must be in collapse.

Zhu Yunyi and others will not sit back and watch the loopholes in any case related to Quan Jin.

Cao Yang was lucky that he didn't die, probably because what he said at the time didn't reveal too much.

Cao Yang lived on the fourth floor, and Tang Zhizhou knocked on the door.She didn't wear work clothes today, otherwise Cao Yang would not dare to drive.After the two rang the doorbell, the room was quiet for a while. Tang Zhizhou knew that Cao Yang was looking at them through the cat's eyes, and she could feel the gathering of eyes.She lowered her head, pretending to record.

Cao Yang's vigilance relaxed, and he quickly opened the door.

Tang Zhizhou took Tu Rui in, and after entering the door, he signaled Tu Rui to hold the door and not allow anyone to approach or let others in.

"Didn't the property management fee be paid for only one year? You have to pay it before the due date. What's the matter with you?" Cao Yang's expression was not good, and he was a little out of breath.

Tang Zhizhou scanned the room vigilantly, and said while looking at it: "Recently, it will be repaired, and some new items have been added."

It was a typical single man's room, messy, with a lot of furniture scattered around and without rules.But... Tang Zhizhou noticed that some pieces of furniture were arranged in a particularly orderly manner, as if they hadn't been moved for a long time.

She suddenly got into trouble, took out a gun from behind with one hand, jumped up to Cao Yang, covered his mouth, and pointed the muzzle of the gun right in front of his head.

Cao Yang's eyes widened, his feet softened, and he sat down on the ground.

Tu Rui was very surprised, Tang Zhizhou had already looked over and signaled him to lock the door.She nodded at Tu Rui and asked him to look through a bookshelf in the corner of the sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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