ace female detective

Chapter 158 Wen Yan's Situation

Chapter 158 Wen Yan's Situation

No, no!
Tang Zhizhou shook his head again and again.It shouldn't be like this. If so, Wen Chushi would be too cruel, and his reasoning doesn't fit the reasoning.

If it was really the Wen family's intention to split, why did they kill Wen Yan?Wen Yan had been running a formal business before, and Wen Yan's younger brother hadn't interfered in the business at all, and there were no rumors that he accepted the Wen family's gang, and it was unlikely that it was his younger brother.If Wen Chushi did it, how could he really kill Wen Yan?
This reasoning does not stand up to scrutiny at all.

There must still be some unknown factors blocking this truth.

Tang Zhizhou looked at the names in his hands, and his eyes fell on Nie Lao Er and Xiao Ah Qi.

These two people used to haunt Lamen, met Wang Dongyu, the most important witness in Quan Jin's case, and they were both suitors of this woman.But they are also related to Ma Xiyao and Li Beibei, and they helped the brothers in Ma Xiyao's drug smuggling case escape.

Chaos, chaos!

These clues are so messy, Tang Zhizhou has no clue.She held her head and leaned against the back of the chair, her heart was already in a mess.

The Zhu family, the Quan family, the Qiao family, the Wen family...

The mingling of these companies made the case even more confusing.Three years ago, she was involved in the case. Now it is really difficult to thoroughly investigate the case again.The disappearance of useful clues, the death of witnesses, all these are clear, and some people hope that this case can be permanently silent.

Tang Zhizhou closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

Li Guowei asked her: "Wen Yan seems to be involved, what are you going to do? Would you like to summon Wen Yan, maybe you can get some clues?"

"His current situation is not suitable for appearing." Tang Zhizhou said.

Seeing the puzzled faces of the two of them, Tang Zhizhou felt a headache.You can't say things that are gentle, but if you don't, it's really inappropriate.She could only speak vaguely: "Wen Yan himself is in trouble, as you can see from the news. The family struggled for power, and the Wen family almost split."

Li Guowei and Dai Yu looked at each other in amazement.

So how can a person who is as ordinary as jade fall into the filth of this world?They don't quite understand the world of rich people, but they have gotten along with Wen Yan, this man is a handsome young man, and they all like him very much.

Dai Yu suggested: "Then why don't you report to Lou Yisen first?"

Tang Zhizhou agreed.

In this situation, she has nothing to do.

After hearing what they said, Lou Yisen was silent for a while, and then said: "Since this is the case, you should not act rashly. Contact Li Zongsen first, and then find a way to get the news from his mouth."

"Do you want a summons?" Dai Yu said.

Lou Yisen was impatient and scolded: "Are you stupid? For a person like Li Zongsen, interrogation is useless. He is covered by someone, so he is not afraid of us. He can only follow the rules of the road."

"But Lu Jin said that the news of Li Zongsen's sale should be very expensive based on the value." Li Guowei was worried, "Are we really going to pay him?"

"When necessary, ask Wen's family for help." Lou Yisen said, "Let's talk about this first. By the way, Tang Zhizhou, can you contact Wen Yan recently?"

"No." Tang Zhizhou lied.

Lou Yisen felt sorry for himself over there: "Well, if possible, we might try to start with him."

Tang Zhizhou didn't speak. She said it just now, and she didn't approve of causing trouble for Wen Yan.His current situation is very dangerous, and she can't let him have trouble.If Wen Yan was exposed before she was ready because of investigating Quan Jin's case, she would be very disturbed.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhizhou thought about it and said, "You all go back to the National Security Bureau first, I'll go see my mother."

It's very close to the cemetery. She didn't come to see her parents and Lin Lan during the Chinese New Year. Since they are all here, let's take a look.

Both men were worried: "Is it okay for you to go alone?"

Tang Zhizhou smiled and said, "I'm not a little girl anymore."

Li Guowei and Dai Yu looked at each other and got out of the car together: "It just so happens that we haven't met your parents either, they are both colleagues, we will accompany you up there to have a look, and we just happened to pay a visit."

Tang Zhizhou knew their good intentions. Now they all know that she is pregnant and relatively weak. This move is to protect her and accommodate her.She was grateful in her heart, and she couldn't shirk anymore, so she agreed.The three climbed up to the Babaoshan Cemetery together. They accompanied Tang Zhizhou to sweep the snow in front of his parents' graves. Because they came in a hurry, no one bought flowers, so they stood in front of the grave for a while.Tang Zhizhou went to Lin Lan's cemetery again, and also stood there for a while, not letting Li Guowei and Dai Yu wait for a long time, and then came back.

The three of them walked down the mountain, when Li Guowei suddenly stopped the two of them, and pushed forward with his chin.

A group of people were coming up the stairs ahead.

The three of them looked at each other, and in unison, they dodged behind the nearby woods.

When they got close, they could clearly see who was coming up.They were all dressed in neat black suits and came up in two rows. The man in front was a man in his sixties who was in good spirits. Someone held a black umbrella for him. He looked ahead blankly. Walk past the woods.

"Who is that?" Dai Yu whispered.

Li Guowei and Tang Zhizhou laughed together, but they were all wry smiles.

Tang Zhizhou said: "Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. Just now we said to find a way to get news from Wen Yan. Look, that is Wen Yan's father, the number one entrepreneur Wen Chushi."

"He is Wen Yan's father?" Dai Yu was quite surprised.

Wen Yan looks like such a gentle person, but his father looks very indifferent, and the look in his eyes makes people feel particularly frightened. His cold face is not angry but powerful, which is indeed very deep.

"What should we do?" Dai Yu asked Tang Zhizhou and Li Guowei in a low voice.

Tang Zhizhou said, "Let's see what he's going to do first."

So the three of them stopped talking, quietly watching the group of people walk past the graves, and stopped in front of Lin Lan's grave.

"He came to see Lin Lan?" Tang Zhizhou murmured strangely.

Dai Yu said, "Is that your friend?"

Tang Zhizhou nodded, and said in a low voice, "Lin Lan is the child of Wen Chushi's ex-wife and later husband."

"It's so messy." Dai Yu said.

Tang Zhizhou smiled wryly, but did not answer.Her eyes were fixed on Wen Chushi. She didn't understand why a person of Wen Chushi's status came to Lin Lan's grave?She didn't think that Wen Chu actually had something to say to Lin Lan.

She was staring dazedly, when she suddenly heard someone beside her say: "Three, our boss invites you to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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