ace female detective

Chapter 167 Lou Yisen's Heart Knot

Chapter 167 Lou Yisen's Heart Knot
Tu Rui and Lou Yisen stared with displeasure on their faces.

Seeing her come in, Lou Yisen stood up and gave up his seat, and Tu Rui also stood up, and the two of them let Tang Zhizhou sit on their side as if angry.Tang Zhizhou didn't bother to pay attention to them, he went straight to Lu Jin's bedside, touched her forehead, there was no fever, it seemed that Lu Jin was in good health.

Lou Yisen said on the side: "It's okay, I'll watch it."

"I let you watch it because it's nothing. I'm alive and kicking this morning." Tang Zhizhou gave him a blank look.

Tu Rui said on the side: "Yes."

Tang Zhizhou immediately turned his head and gave him a blank look: "There is also you, so there is no way to join in the fun. You want to lie on the hospital bed and be with Lu Jin?"

Tu Rui immediately scratched his head in embarrassment and giggled.

Tang Zhizhou couldn't bear to say anything about the two of them, Lou Yisen stayed up all night and all day, his chin turned blue, his eyes were pitifully red and swollen, and his eyeballs didn't have any luster.Although Tang Zhizhou knew that he deserved it, seeing him like this, his heart softened a little successfully.

She didn't want to blame him anymore, now Lou Yisen had guilt written all over his body, and she knew it without her having to say it.

"Lou Yisen, let's talk for a while." Tang Zhizhou said.

Lou Yisen glanced at Lu Jin, then at Tu Rui, hesitant, but finally nodded: "Okay."

The two sat down on the long corridor outside the ward. Before Tang Zhizhou could speak, Lou Yisen said it himself: "Are you going to blame me for being so negligent?"

"It's not negligence, but half-heartedness." Tang Zhizhou said clearly: "Since you can't treat her wholeheartedly, don't let her fall in love with you in the first place."

Lou Yisen lowered his head and didn't speak for a long time.

He stared at his toes, but turned a lot of thoughts in his mind.After a long time, he said: "Actually, I also thought a lot this night. It is true that I am sorry for Lu Jin."

He thought about it a lot, from the astonishment when he first saw Lu Jin when he was young, to his infatuation later, to his crazy longing on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.So many days and nights of anticipation, why did they start to collapse after returning to China and seeing Lu Jin?
In the past, he didn't quite understand that his eyes were occupied by Tang Zhizhou, but he also knew that just a few months of getting along with Tang Zhizhou was not enough to defeat his nearly ten-year relationship with Lu Jin.It was not his admiration for Tang Zhizhou that defeated his reason, but his own heart knot.

The secret place in his heart is full of malice towards Lu Jin.

I hate that she used to dislike me, and couldn't see her infatuated love, so when she got it, she would lose the feeling of cherishing it.

Hate that her timing was wrong, that she wasn't wholehearted when he could be wholehearted, so there was a bit of vindictiveness in it.

These were hidden deeply, until last night, when he calmed down and reviewed the scene between him and Lu Jin, he finally understood.

Lou Yisen looked at Tang Zhizhou, and said word by word: "I was too narrow-minded and mistook appreciation for admiration, which confused my feelings and blinded my eyes. I am really sorry for Lu Jin. After yesterday, I suddenly I feel that I have always been unworthy of her. I thought I was the only one giving, but I didn’t realize that what I paid was actions, and what Lu Jin paid for me was tolerance and consideration. I am not worthy of her.”

"You know." Tang Zhizhou said.

She raised her head, her eyes unconsciously swept to the door, and a piece of clothes stopped there, it was a hospital gown.

Is Lu Jin awake?
But Tang Zhizhou pretended not to see it, she wanted Lu Jin to listen to Lou Yisen's innermost thoughts, the estrangement between them may never be resolved if they don't tell the truth.

To untie the bell, one must tie it!

Lou Yisen said: "I didn't know before, but I suddenly lost news of her yesterday, I couldn't find her in the streets, and I didn't know where she might go, I suddenly realized Now, how important Lu Jin is to me. Tang Zhizhou, you don’t know, I was so scared to death at that time, my head was full of messy voices. I even thought... If I found Lu Jin and she was no longer breathing, what should I do... Later, when I found the house where that bastard hid Lu Jin, I was thinking again, what if I found Lu Jin and she was bullied by that beast... Later, when I went to the cave where Lu Jin hid, I was even more frightened, I'm really scared, what should I do if I step in and Lu Jin is already separated from me in the inside."

Lou Yisen said, turned his head to look at Tang Zhizhou quietly, and said slowly: "I didn't even dare to take a step at that time, I wish I could kill that bastard!"

His voice resounded quietly in the corridor, Tang Zhizhou could see the bottom of his eyes, where the mad killing intent still remained.

Last night, Lou Yisen's scarlet eyes were still fresh in Tang Zhizhou's memory.

At this moment, Tang Zhizhou suddenly felt that Lou Yisen was actually like a lost child who couldn't find his way.Lu Jin told him the direction, but he mistook Lu Jin's guidance for air, and thus took many detours.

The confusion in his eyes made Tang Zhizhou feel sorry and distressed.

Lou Yisen and Lu Jin are very compatible, they are both smart, cheerful, tolerant and magnanimous.

Just looking at them, sometimes I feel envious in my heart.

She encouraged Lou Yisen to continue talking with her eyes.

Lou Yisen clasped his hands nervously on his knees, interlocking his fingers, his expression was still tense: "I will never forget what happened yesterday. Tang Zhizhou, if Lu Jin ignores me from now on, what should I do?"

"What do you think?" Tang Zhizhou pushed him to answer.

Lou Yisen lowered his head and said after a long time: "I won't let go, I will never let her go again, I swear."

His voice was low, and Tang Zhizhou could feel the firmness in it.

She quietly glanced at Lu Jin standing by the door, she believed that Lu Jin should also be able to feel it.

All those who love each other should be commanded.

Tang Zhizhou stood up and smiled at Lu Jin who was standing behind Lou Yisen: "It's useless to swear to me, go and swear to Lu Jin. I don't care about the two of you, so I'm going home now. Hey, I'm so tired recently!"

She walked around Lu Jin and saw Tu Rui standing behind Lu Jin.His expression was a bit forced, but his smile was sincere.He really likes Lu Jin, the way he looks at Lu Jin can make women on the street scream crazily.

But he gave Lu Jin a slight push, and exited side by side with Tang Zhizhou.

Lou Yisen suddenly turned around, only to find that Lu Jin was standing behind them.Her face was very pale, and she looked into his eyes so quietly that his heart suddenly jumped like when he looked up and saw her in the mud many years ago.

Lou Yisen stood up and walked straight towards Lu Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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