ace female detective

Chapter 229 Partisan Controversy

Chapter 229 Partisan Controversy
Quan Jin completely disappeared.

He seemed to have evaporated from this world without a trace.Lu Jin located his cell phone, and it showed that he was near Qiao's compound.But Qiao Zhenhua proved that he had left, and the guard also said that he saw Lieutenant General Quan Jin leave the military compound.

Soon, Quan Jin's mobile phone was found outside Qiao's yard.

Lou Yisen held Quan Jin's cell phone and was completely confused.

Quan Jin left the military compound, where did he go after that?Who have you met?In the surveillance video, there was no trace of him. The last time he appeared was three hours after he left Qiao's house, he drove away from the military compound by himself.Then at the corner of the military compound, his car was never seen again.The car was found at the intersection and the traffic police later towed it away.All these signs showed that Quan Jin's disappearance this time was extraordinary.

After Li Zongsen reported to Wen Yan, he asked him what to do next.

Wen Yan was silent for a while, then sighed: "If there are no accidents, Quan Jin should have been killed."

Qiao Zhenhua finally couldn't bear it anymore and made a move on him?
"However, if you want to see a person in life or a corpse in death, you have to dig three feet into the ground, and you have to find him." Wen Yan gave the death order: "This person is very important, once you find him, immediately protect me closely. "

"Yes." Li Zongsen agreed.

He was silent on the phone for a while, and then said: "Master Wen, do you still remember Xiao Ling's sister Yuanyuan who promised Miss Tang that Dexing Society would help protect her? Now that Xiao Ling has betrayed her promise, what should we do with that little girl?" ? Do you want to hand it over to Qiao Zhenhua?"

"No, keep protecting it, I'll keep it for great use." Wen Yan said, "Contact me Xiao Ling."

"Okay." Li Zongsen agreed.

Wen Yan thought for a while, and then said: "Also, I heard that the CM Department is looking for a missing waitress named Li Shanshan. After testifying against Quan Jin's case, this woman went to the hospital, and in the hospital Disappeared. Find her as soon as possible, I want her to come out and testify to Quan Jin."

"It's been three years since I disappeared, I'm afraid it will be difficult." Li Zongsen said.

Wen Yan said, "No matter how difficult it is, can it compare to monitoring Qiao Zhenhua and Ge Ermazi?"

Hearing this, Li Zongsen seemed to be in a good mood, and he smiled over there: "That's right! I have disliked this kid Qiao Zhenhua for a long time, and it's very exciting to think about getting rid of this kind of person. Young Master Wen, what do you think if we don’t stop doing one thing, let’s sell another favor to the National Security Bureau and let them burn this fire on Qiao Zhenhua? Once Qiao Zhenhua can’t escape, you won’t have to worry about Quan Jin not being able to get out.”

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Wen Yan smiled.

Li Zongsen is a caged tiger, now is the time for him to come out for a stroll in the woods.He was more than happy to let a tiger out to cause trouble for Qiao Zhenhua.

Most importantly, he also wanted to see what kind of trouble Li Zongsen could cause!

Wen Yan looked back, Tang Zhizhou was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

She heard him tell their story today, and she was amazed that time had already waited for her, and now it was the fourth year after graduating from university.She heard from him that the second time they met was in the winter of Shenyang two years later. She kicked open the door of the room and saved him from the gangsters, who was almost frozen to death.She held his feet in her arms, warming his frozen body and soul with her own body temperature...

Wen Yan didn't know how much Tang Zhizhou could remember when he woke up tomorrow.But when he talked about those past events, those past events that are only remembered by him now, he felt that his heart was full, and it was all about her.

He thought that deep love was all false, but when he got to himself, he realized that what was false was not love, but people.

Just like him, he thought he didn't care, that he cared more about other things, but in the end he realized that all he wanted was her from the beginning to the end.

He likes Tang Zhizhou's silly look, she is too shrewd, and she has others in her heart.

But seeing Tang Zhizhou like this, the anger in his heart was undeniably burning.

It's all Qiao Zhenhua's fault!
If it wasn't for this man, his candy should be alive and well, at the desk of the National Security Bureau, giving advice.At the crime scene, show your sophisticated brain and invincible criminal investigation ability.

He missed Tang Zhizhou's eyes three years later, even though those eyes were full of pain, he still missed them the same.

He is grateful to God for giving him a second chance to approach Tang Zhizhou again, but he hates Qiao Zhenhua for ruining the candy in his heart. Every bit of harm he caused Tang Zhizhou, he will definitely get it back for Tang Zhizhou!
Wen Yan called his secretary: "Li Zongsen will let people from the National Security Bureau start investigating Qiao Zhenhua. When the time is right, reveal everything you know. If there is nothing, tell him too."

"But... Li Zongsen has a solution?" The secretary was puzzled.

Wen Yan said: "If there is no solution, wouldn't it be all right if you find a way? If you can't find a way, just find a way, wouldn't it be all right?"

After hanging up the phone, he smiled leisurely.

The next day, Tang Zhizhou woke up very early, and when she got up, she saw the outside, the smell of the sea breeze with water vapor, and she could smell it clearly from the open window.Her mind went blank, she looked at the person who came in, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.That face is familiar to the extreme, that is, the name is ready to be pronounced.

Fortunately, he said it first: "Candy, wake up? My name is Wen Yan, Lin Lan's brother, do you remember? You helped Lin Lan chase the thief, and the thief injured the back of the head. I will take you to Tianjin to recuperate."

Tang Zhizhou touched the back of her head, it was indeed still painful, she nodded to indicate that she understood.

Wen Yan almost repeated what he said yesterday.

The doctor said that although Tang Zhizhou's body is weak, he has a good foundation. After three or four days of recuperation, he should be able to walk around in the ground.After that, you need to strengthen your exercise, and you will recover faster.

Keep all the gentle words in mind.

The Wen family's villa in Tianjin has not been visited for a long time, and as a relatively secret address, there is no employment here, and everything can only be done by bodyguards.Tang Zhizhou was a girl, and Wen Yan didn't feel at ease letting those rough-handed people serve him.If you stay alone for a long time, you will inevitably get bored.

Wen Yan specially placed a TV in the room for her to watch when she was bored.

When he came back from going out that day, Tang Zhizhou was packing a bag of potato chips, and was eating with relish while watching TV.

Quan Jin is right, she likes these junk foods, and completely forgets the portion when she eats them.

Kwon Jin...

Thinking of this name, Wen Yan's smile collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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