ace female detective

Chapter 249 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 249 The Truth Comes Out
Li Guowei continued to ask, Yang Leyu seemed to be extremely tired, and he looked thin and pitiful.

In her mouth, one by one old things are narrated.

What she did for Gao Yiting was to eradicate a man named Fang Bangding for this woman.This man was the most famous drug dealer in BJ's underground bar at that time, and he was marketing almost all the ecstasy and other items in underground bars and dance halls.In Gao Yiting's words: "He has been doing it for too long, this position should be given up."

Gao Yiting promised that if this person is removed, the people who come up in the future will give them a commission, [-]% per person.This commission may seem small, but in fact, it is a huge amount of money.It was such a condition that moved her and Lu Qianyi's hearts.

Fang Bangding has a bad habit, he likes to go to sensual places, only here, he doesn't like to bring many bodyguards.

Both Yang Leyu and Lu Qianyi are beautiful, and after three days of squatting at his frequented spot, this man appeared.

He took a fancy to them at a glance, took them to the box, and brought himself to hell.

That night, Fong Bonding died of a drug overdose.The police took an excess of drugs from his bag, and the matter ended as a suicide.

Li Guowei knew about this case, it was already six years ago.At that time, there was a great sensation. After Fang Bangding died, Ma Xiyao came up.According to Yang Leyu, this case was their first business in their debut, and the successful completion of the task was of extraordinary significance to both Lu Qianyi and her.

Soon, with the help of mysterious forces, Ma Xiyao came to power and became the biggest drug dealer in underground bars and other places.

Because there was an agreement before, a lot of money flowed into their pockets every month, and the two also went further and further on this road.

Yang Leyu said that she still remembered the feeling of meeting Ma Xiyao for the first time.Accompanied by Gao Yiting, this man appeared in the bar.At first glance, she didn't associate this handsome man with a drug dealer. She was just surprised, thinking that this was Gao Yiting's rich boyfriend.

"Hello, I'm Ma Xiyao." When the other party reached out her hand, she froze.

Yang Leyu recalled the scene of that day very clearly.After Ma Xiyao signed the contract with them, he left under the protection of his subordinates.When the car door opened, a teenage girl got out of the car, her face was cold to cold, and her eyes were cold and sharp.

She only felt a bone-chilling cold.

That person was later Ma Xiyao's wife Li Beibei.

When Yang Leyu said this, his body trembled unconsciously.It seems that after many years, Li Beibei still scares her.

After that, they met Li Beibei several times, but they were not very deep.

Until several years later, one night, Li Beibei came to the door.

When she saw them, the first thing she said was: "I have a big deal, can you do it? If it works, it will be 500 million each."

500 million!
This woman is really generous!
At that time, Yang Leyu's first reaction was that this transaction must be life-threatening.She hesitated, but Lu Qianyi was very moved, and she always listened to Lu Qianyi's words very much, plus the matter of being threatened and her beloved man, she never dared to go against them again, so she agreed.

What Li Beibei wants them to do is very simple.

"I want the Quan family to completely disappear from the political arena." Yang Leyu remembered Li Beibei saying this.

When she said this, her eyes were frightening, and Yang Leyu couldn't help but want to back away from her fierce killing intent.Lu Qianyi looked very excited: "The Quan family? The Quan family of Quan Jin?"

"Yes." Li Beibei put a bag on the coffee table: "This is a deposit, 50 per person."

She pushed the things in front of the two of them with cold eyes: "Shen Yijun said, you are absolutely capable of completing the task. My request is very simple. I will spare no effort to completely bring down the Quan family. On the day the task is completed, someone will send the rest of the money to you." For you guys."

She put her hat on and lowered it down: "I haven't been here today, and if anyone asks in the future, don't say I have been here."

Not long after Li Beibei left, both Yang Leyu and Lu Qianyi received a call from Gao Yiting: "Li Beibei went to find you, did you agree?"

"Agreed." Lu Qianyi said straightforwardly: "We are not fools if we have money, aren't we?"

Gao Yiting said: "Very well, after the matter is over, you will have other benefits."

"However, the Quan family is deeply rooted and powerful, how can we overthrow their family?" Yang Leyu was incredulous.

She knew very well about the Quan family that the power of this family had been stable for many years, and it was impossible to shake it.No matter how hard they try, with their three women, how can they do it!
Gao Yiting smiled on the phone: "You can rest assured about this. I have prepared contacts and plans for you, and you follow the plan. I will send the plan to your machine, and you can read it quickly. If you don't understand, we will talk about it."

Soon, Yang Leyu saw the so-called plan.

Looking at the available people on the list, Yang Leyu felt that it was impossible.

Zhu Changling?This is a playboy brother who is as famous as Quan Jin in Kyoto, and he is also known for his arrogance and coldness.Will you listen to them?
And this, Ge Ermazi, is the most mysterious noble son Qiao Zhenhua's celebrity, and they can't do anything about it!

And... Yu Zinan, this is Young Master Qiao's secretary. With them, can it work?

But Gao Yiting dispelled their doubts. In order to gain the trust of the two of them, she had to have a showdown with them: "You don't have to worry, relying on Qiao Shao's ability, you need people, you have money, you want things, and you can knock them down." A Quan family is nothing. I'm not afraid to tell you that I belong to Young Master Qiao, and Young Master Qiao has a big plan. If it really comes to fruition, the benefits cannot be missed without you. "

"However, even if this is the case, we can't meet Li Beibei's request. Quan Jin is so clean, there is nothing we can do." Lu Qianyi said.

After hearing this, Gao Yiting just sneered: "He's so clean, let's find a way to make him unclean. Li Beibei is ready at any time, and she is our opportunity."

After that, under the planning of Lu Qianyi and Gao Yiting, a terrible plan kicked off.

After investigating Quan's family, Lu Qianyi decided to start with Quan Jin.

This man is the easiest to get rid of, because he is a normal person that is rare in politics.He has a brother who is so close that he wears the same pair of pants, and a girlfriend who is so innocent that he can be used.After Lu Qianyi's investigation, they set their target on this woman named Tang Zhizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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