ace female detective

Chapter 26 Important clues

Chapter 26 Important clues
After everyone said this, there was a moment of silence in the office. Everyone basically knew the characteristics of the murderer. All that was left was to understand his behavior patterns and criminal incentives, and then obtain more information that was more conducive to investigation.

But that's also the hardest part.

For a while, everyone fell silent, trying to dig out more information from the clues.

A few minutes later, Lu Jin stretched his eyebrows and enlarged a part of the screen: "Look here."

Everyone turned their heads in unison. On the screen, Lu Jin zoomed in on a chat record about an online game.

The name of the online game is Tianxia San, and the part Lu Jin intercepted was a secret word between a player named "Silent Girl" and a player named "Abandoned Enemy".

Silent girl: "My parents went out to play separately again, I was at home alone. o(︶︿︶)oah!"

Abandoned Enemy: "(⊙o⊙) Ah! They don't care about you?"

Silent girl: "╮(╯_╰)╭ They have their own homes outside, and no one wants me. They will not get divorced if they procrastinate like this, and they despise me all day long. (╰_╯) #我恨想them!! !!!”

Abandoned enemy: "My parents are also divorced, that bitch gave my dad a cuckold, and we are in the same boat. ~~~~(>_<;)~~~~ Hu Mo!!"

Silent girl: "Then how did you get here? (⊙_⊙?)"

Abandoned enemy: "Me? Hehe, if I say that I killed that bitch, would you believe me? (^o^)/"

Silent girl: "(╰_╯)#Don't lie to me will you die? I'm serious!!!"

Abandoned enemy: "I'm not lying to you, there are many ways to kill a person, rape, poison, strangle, and...well, kill her with words! (^o^)/You don't know people Are words scary?"

Silent girl: "...Forget it, I shouldn't have talked to you about this topic. -_-|||Where are you going today?"

Abandoned friend: "O(∩_∩)O~ Are you still feeling bad? Don't feel bad, there is a dance in the square tonight, do you want to go?"

Silent Girl: "What dance?"

Abandoned Enemy: "Safflower Fair, once a year. O(∩_∩)O~ It's fun, come on, come on, come on..."

Silent girl: "What time? Where can I find you? ↖(^ω^)↗"

Abandoned friend: "I'll just find you, you've arrived at callme! By the way, I like your red dress, it looks good! (^o^)/"

Everyone read it a few times, and Lu Jin said: "I hacked into her IP address, checked the webpages she had visited and logged in with her personal information, and found that she often played in this online game, and her ID was Silent Girl, which fit her very well. personality, isn't it?"

Tang Zhizhou nodded: "It seems that we underestimated the closeness of the connection between the murderer and the victim."

Lou Yisen was the closest to Lu Jin, so he bent down and watched the conversation several times on Lu Jin's computer.

He was already quite tall, so when he bent down like this, holding Lu Jin's chair with his hands, he felt like enveloping Lu Jin in his arms.Tang Zhizhou was standing next to these two people, Lu Jin remembered the incident that she broke through last time, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed, his cheeks were about to burn.

After a while, Lou Yisen got up, he didn't notice Lu Jin's strangeness, pointed to one of the places and said to Tang Zhizhou: "Look here."

Tang Zhizhou looked at the place he was pointing at, and there was the sentence: "If I said that I killed that bitch, would you believe it?"

She nodded, if she was Li, no, if it was her, Li would definitely believe it.

Tang Zhizhou turned to Lu Jin and said, "Check if there are any missing persons cases in Chen County that have not been solved yet?"

Turning her head, she immediately noticed Lu Jin's embarrassment.Looking at Lou Yisen again, this dull man was still standing upright beside her, he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Tang Zhizhou felt extremely sympathetic to Lu Jin.

After she finished speaking, she deliberately took the materials aside, and said to Lou Yisen, "Team leader, come and take a look here."

Lou Yisen didn't lift his head: "Read."

"It's a picture." Tang Zhizhou had no choice but to say.

Lou Yisen looked up at her, saw her innocent shrug, he frowned, and walked towards her: "Where?"

Tang Zhizhou pointed to the first place where the victim's body was dumped: "Don't you think the posture of the corpse in the photo taken from this perspective is a bit weird?"

Sure enough, he successfully diverted Lou Yisen's attention.

Tang Zhizhou let out a sigh of relief when he squinted at Lu Jin.

She smiled and nodded to Lu Jin. Lu Jin was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head and concentrated on his work.

"What's weird, I can't see it." Lou Yisen raised his head, and the two women he was seeing made eye contact with each other very lingeringly.He was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lu Jin, he was originally a person with a delicate mind, and he immediately understood.He quietly looked at the woman beside him, she seemed to be a little different, compared with the first time we met, this woman seemed not so rigid!
Seeing his expression, Tang Zhizhou knew that this man already knew her sinister intentions.

She couldn't help but felt guilty and short of breath, and quickly diverted her attention with a shy face: "Team leader, the sentence you just showed me also made me understand an important issue."

"What?" Lou Yisen didn't intend to let her go so easily, but he was still attracted by her success.

The pen in Tang Zhizhou's hand swirled gently: "The source of his anger towards prostitutes may come from his mother's cheating. You see, what he called his mother: that bitch, this kind of obvious accusation and anger His expression has revealed his inner hatred, so in his view, women who cheat are unclean."

Lou Yisen nodded and agreed with her statement.

Li Guowei has already done the entire analysis over there, and recorded all the analysis.

Just as they were talking, Zhu Lin walked in and asked Lou Yisen for his opinion: "Leader, the media has rushed over after hearing the news, asking when we can make this case public?"

"Wait a little longer." Lou Yisen frowned, "These people join in the fun when they have nothing to do, and they are not afraid of danger!"

Tang Zhizhou took it easy and said, "It's not easy to run the news, let's be considerate of each other."

Zhu Lin nodded: "Then I will try my best, but according to their level of attention, I'm afraid it won't last long. There are already some speculations about this case on the Internet, and we don't have much time."

After hearing this, Lou Yisen turned to Dai Yu and said, "Can you start the portrait now?"

"You can try it." Dai Yu said: "Although the profiling analysis is not too much, it should not be difficult to find out the basic characteristics. I am afraid that there are other characteristics that have not been found, or that the evidence is biased, which will be more troublesome."

Tang Zhizhou was about to speak when the phone in his pocket rang suddenly.

Quan Jin's call.

(End of this chapter)

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