Fu Canglu

Chapter 280 Tea and Disease

Chapter 280 Tea and Disease ([-])
In the small teahouse, there are four screens.

Each screen is just right to separate two private seats, so that people will not disturb each other when passing through.

But if you really want to see it, you can see clearly what the tea guests behind the screen look like.

Qingli, who drank a sip of hot tea, was so choked that she cried out, sniffed her nose with a sad face, stuck out her half-numbed tongue, and yelled a word miserably.


It immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Yi Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and laughed in a low voice: "You girl, you have said that drinking tea is different from drinking alcohol. You need to be patient. If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, you can't drink hot tea either."

Qingli slurped sadly: "It's still hot."

There were already several glances, and Yi Xiao said helplessly, "Wait a minute, I'll get you a glass of cold water."

Qingli nodded obediently, and sat quietly in the seat.

There was a soft tapping sound from behind the screen.

A young man smiled and spoke from behind the screen.

"A monster, also afraid of being hot?"

The voice was so soft that only Qingli could hear it.

The little girl in Tsing Yi squinted her eyes, and subconsciously wanted to shake her clothes to see who was behind the screen?

The Qingru voice of the man next to his ear came again.

"This is the human world, Lanling Imperial City, how dare you show your demonic aura?"

Qingli's face was gloomy.

The man smiled and said softly: "There's nothing to be afraid of. I don't have cultivation base, so I'm sure I can't beat you. It's just that I didn't expect to meet that person here. I want to come and talk, how about it?"

Before Qingli could respond, the man behind the screen just walked out.

Unexpectedly young.

But the man's voice sounded pure and Confucian, and he actually had a face of a military strategist, his brows were slightly raised, and although there was a faint smile on his mouth, his face was full of murderous intent, which made people palpitate.

He brought a wooden stool and a teacup from his private seat, sat down with a smile, lowered his eyebrows, and poured himself a cup of the pot of tea that His Royal Highness ordered.

Sip lightly.

The thin man smiled and said: "Jiangnan Tieye has a killing spirit. As expected, he really joined the Demon Sect."

Qingli stared blankly at this young and thin man.

He stretched out a hand and said calmly, "Master Mozong Zuoshi, hello, it's the first time we meet."

"My name is Qi Shu."

When His Royal Highness returned to the private seat with cold water, he found a thin young man in his seat as expected.

Yi Xiao smiled and said nothing, first put the glass of cold water in front of Qingli, told her to be careful of freezing her teeth, and then sat down in front of the thin man.

His Highness made a gesture of invitation.

The thin man waved his sleeves very rudely, served tea, raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yi Xiao is the same.

Qi Liang's oldest tea ceremony etiquette.

The two finished it meticulously and returned the gift earnestly.


Not a word.

After the pot of Jiangnan Iron Leaf was shared equally between the two, Yi Xiao said with a smile: "It is said that when a scholar comes to Lao She, he only needs seven points of talent and three points of luck to meet the person he wants to meet. I misunderstood If you stumbled into this place by mistake, you could meet an interesting person."

The thin man smiled and didn't speak.

"In such a heavy snow day, most of the seats in Lao She are not available." His Highness shook his head: "It's unreasonable."

The thin man rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Maybe it's because the people in Tianque are not very good at pretending to be tea drinkers, so your Highness noticed it?"

Yi Xiao smiled: "Not all of them, every teahouse has those fake Confucians who don't understand tea, but prefer to save face, and go to teahouses every day."

After speaking, he glanced at Qingli.

Qingli whispered angrily: "I don't want to drink tea at all!"

His Highness laughed softly and said, "It's because those fake Confucians are too utilitarian. The teahouses they go to are only visited by nobles. Naturally, they look down on Lao She. Even if they really came, they would not choose such a snowy day."

The thin man nodded slowly, still smiling.

His Highness smiled and moved back, and asked: "Mr. Qi Shu, the tea is finished, shall we go out to chat?"

The thin man was startled for a moment, then nodded silently.

His Highness stood up, patted Qingli on the shoulder, and said softly, "Wait here for a while."

Holding the teacup in both hands, Qingli hummed lightly, little by little, trying to stick out her tongue, and gently licked the cool ice water.

Lao She's wooden door was opened.

Heavy snow is blowing in the wind.

The thin man was choked by the heavy snow and coughed slightly.

Someone behind him handed over two umbrellas, Qi Shu just waved his hands.

He raised his head calmly, and said seriously: "I will go out for a walk with Your Highness, the snow is nothing."

The little highness looked calm, walking on the street covered with heavy snow.

Qi Shu, who was dressed in thin cold clothes, just walked side by side with Yi Xiao.

All the way.

His Highness suddenly said, "Teacher is not in Lanling City, not even in Qiliang, otherwise it would not be you who came today."

Qi Shu lowered his eyebrows and hummed lightly: "Master Guo Shi is indeed not here."

Yi Xiao asked indifferently: "Is he so reassuring of you? It's just a newcomer who came up at the end of the literary review. In less than a year, he has already handed over half of the sky to you?"

Qi Shu was slightly taken aback, and after realizing that Yi Xiao was referring to the person in Qi Liang today, he laughed at himself, and then slowly said: "Your Majesty is divine and martial, with discerning eyes."

Yi Xiao calmly took a look at Qi Shu, this thin man was left behind in Lanling City after the literary review palace examination, secretly took over Tianque, and matched with the great general of Qi Liang.

This is Qi Liang's fastest promotion rate in more than ten years.

none of them.

What he got in exchange was Qi Shu's calm words of "wisdom eyes and pearls".

How confident should this skinny man be?
There was no arrogance or pride on Qi Shu's expression, in his opinion, all of this should be so.

Yi Xiao sighed slightly.

"Mr. Qishu, as far as I know, you don't practice cultivation."

His Highness said softly: "Since you have no cultivation, why do you still have to be brave, just don't need an umbrella when you go out, and don't even wear a thick coat?"

Qi Shu lowered his eyebrows and smiled, it wasn't cold all around, and the man in black robe next to him spread out his energy as expected, shielding him from the heavy snow and the cold.

"I have never seen His Highness, and His Highness has never seen me."

"This is my first meeting with His Highness."

"Qi Shu just wants to know what kind of situation His Highness will be in when he returns to Lanling."

Yi Xiao suddenly stopped and said with a smile, "Now you see it?"

Qi Shu nodded with a complex expression.

His Highness slightly raised his eyebrows and spit out a few words.

"Tell me."

Qi Shu shook his head.

Yi Xiao lowered her eyebrows and smiled, "But it's okay to say."

Qi Shu still shook his head.

"You guessed that I entered the Holy Island of the Demon Sect, and you also guessed that I will return to Lanling City. You just want to see what kind of identity I am now before I come back here." Yi Xiao said indifferently: "What's the matter?" I dare not say, if I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

Qi Shu smiled wryly and said: "Your Highness, when you released your energy to shield me from the wind and snow, Qi Shu knew that there is no need to talk about today's worries."

Yi Xiao remained silent.

"I have arranged so many people for Tianque in Lao She, and even have several top nine ranks." Qi Shu said calmly, "I just want to see your reaction, Your Highness. That can explain a few things.”

Yi Xiao said with a smile: "Do you think these people will make me feel scruples?"

Qi Shu rubbed his numb face, and said seriously: "Your Highness's ability to return to the Central Plains from the holy island has already shown that in today's world, except for those big monsters, no one in the world can stop His Highness alone, Qi Shu knows it well. "

"However, if Your Highness returns to Lanling City today as the son of the Demon Sect's Holy Island, then even if Qi Shu has never waved his butcher knife northward, he will kill Your Highness."

Qi Shu folded his sleeves silently and lowered his eyebrows.

The wind and snow were very heavy.

"Buried here."

His Highness turned his head to look at this thin man with a murderous look on his face, and asked softly: "Isn't it good to come back here as the son of the holy island?"

Yi Xiao said calmly: "My mother is the saint of the Holy Island. It is only natural for me to return to Lanling City in this capacity."

Qi Shu responded calmly: "Your Highness, you should know what I mean."

His Highness hummed lightly: "The Mozong will not be against Qi Liang, at least I will not."

Qi Shu fiddled with the fingers in his sleeve slowly, but still did not speak.

Yi Xiao added: "Not today, nor in the future. If I am here, this kind of thing will not happen."

Qi Shu bowed his head respectfully and said, "Qi Shu sincerely welcomes His Highness to return to Lanling City as the son of Shengdao."

Yi Xiao said with a smile: "How can you turn your face faster than you can turn your book? I just came here to take a look, I won't stay, and I will leave soon. You are not afraid that I will be like you, and turn my face away when the time comes people?"

The thin man shook his head and said seriously: "Your Highness will not."

Yi Xiao smiled and asked, "Why do you dare to be sure that I won't?"

Qi Shu was silent for a long time, and said: "Because Your Majesty seems to be suffering from a serious illness."

Yi Xiao restrained her smile.

Qi Shu breathed out a hot breath, and said: "Master Guoshi seems to have gone to find medicine for His Majesty. State affairs come first, and His Majesty has no one in front of his bed. He has kept this news from him for a long time, and he doesn't seem to want to tell you."

His Highness raised his head and looked directly into Qi Shu's eyes.

No wonder.

No wonder Qi Liang has been unexpectedly peaceful this year.

Xiao Wuhui, who led the troops to Juqi Palace in the west of North Gusu Road for more than a year, was able to successfully defeat the enemy, bathe in demon blood, and accumulate military exploits, all because His Majesty Qi Liang put the Northern Wei Dynasty out of the chessboard.

More because.
A father hopes that his son can grow up safe and sound.

Before the war between Qi Liang and Northern Wei, the chess palace was used as a whetstone.


seriously ill?

Even the teacher wanted to find medicine for him. What kind of disease is this?

Qi Shu was a little dazed, watching the golden flames ignited in the pupils of the little highness, surging and turbulent, melting all the snowy air in the sky.

Yi Xiao's face was extremely cold, and he said word by word: "Qi Shu, you'd better not lie to me."

The black robe rode the wind and snow and headed straight for the castle in the sky in Lanling City.

(End of this chapter)

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