Fu Canglu

Chapter 612 A Very Good Person

Chapter 612 A Very Good Person
Wei Lingshan looked at the two Qi family members whose black robes were dyed white in the heavy snow, quietly waiting for them to make a choice.

"Miss Wei, I want to ask you one more question."

Wei Lingshan nodded as a gesture.

Qi Lin asked in a confused voice, "What's so important about this map?"

After a moment of silence.

Wei Lingshan pointed to the heavy snow in the distance, and she said calmly, "Bachi Mountain has collapsed."

"My fiance didn't come out."

"The demon race moves west."

She said these three sentences, which sounded like three unrelated sentences without any connection.

But it points to the core of the problem.

These days, the entire Central Plains is in turmoil.

His Royal Highness went up the mountain with a purple box on his back, changing the situation between the north and the south. The North-South confluence that was expected to be driven by the aggressive attacks in the Western Regions has become completely hopeless under the current westward migration of the monster clan. The increasingly tense situation will only advance with time. , became more tense.

The Northern Wei Dynasty made many countermeasures.

The same is true for Qi Liang.

And after the collapse of Bachi Mountain, these lacquer lights hanging from the sky began to appear in the world, and those who knew the existence of the ghost gate had vaguely guessed the omen of these lacquer lights.

The person who really holds the core of the information knows that there is an inseparable connection between these paint lights and Yi Xiao.

The time points are too tight.

After the collapse of Bachi Mountain, the blood pool of the Yaozu collapsed, and countless blood essences disappeared out of thin air. Where did they go?The black dragon and white phoenix sword box that jumped out of the dragon gate was clearly seen by both Luoyang and Lanling City, so it couldn't have jumped out for no reason.

Then contact the identity of the reincarnated Overlord of the Little Highness
Whether it is the Luoyang Imperial Palace or the castle in the sky in Lanling City, they all guessed that what might be hidden at the bottom of Bachi Mountain is the overlord's tomb.

What's in that tomb?No one knows, some guessed it was a peerless magic weapon, some guessed it was a soldier buried with Xichu, a hundred thousand Yin soldiers, some guessed it was the heavenly fortune that suppressed the Spring and Autumn Period. No matter what is hidden, even if it is a useless turbid Qi, for Qi Liang and Northern Wei, it is impossible for the other party to find the cemetery first.

Wei Lingshan hesitated to speak.

Suddenly, she raised her eyebrows.

On the snowy field, a strong wind suddenly blows, blowing frost and snow in the sky. In the distant sky, a dark and thin light, hanging from the dome, faint like starlight, but in the process of shooting to the earth, it seems to be on fire, burning suddenly.

A "chi" sound.

The voice was not too loud, and Qi Lin's cultivation was far inferior to Wei Lingshan's, so he didn't notice it, but he, who has always been good at observing words and expressions, saw the expression of the woman in front of him, turned his head to follow the direction of his gaze, and looked at the same Here comes such a scene.

Not just that ray of paint.

There are more lacquer lights in the distance, like butterflies taking off, fluttering, the snow is white, and after the lacquer lights are burned, they dance like the purest black butterflies in the world.

What ignites the lacquer light is the ethereal sword energy.

This illusory sword energy is very strange to Qi Lin.

Wei Lingshan was very familiar with it.

She stared blankly at the ray of sword energy filling the sky and the earth for no reason, feeling in her heart, all the paint lights in a radius of ten miles, hundreds of miles, were ignited and burned out by this ray of sword energy.

One person sits on top of the ghost gate, suppressing countless disasters.

What kind of good fortune is this?

The fifth uncle of the Qi family squinted his eyes and saw this scene.

He murmured, "What is this?"

"It's light." Wei Lingshan said softly, "The light that burns away the darkness."

Uncle Wu let out a sudden ah.

He is just an ordinary person living in the Great Wei. Even if he has skills, he is still just a small person. A random edict from Luoyang is enough to make him die on the big snowfield. Stand up and still be photographed.

He didn't know what the paint lights meant.

But he knew that these lacquer lights could not be removed, because Wei had too many powerful practitioners, if those ninth-rank masters, or even higher masters, could remove these lacquer lights, then Luoyang would not send himself to come Come to the Western Regions to draw this map.

The fifth uncle of the Qi family knows a very simple truth.

Darkness and light are the same as water and fire, and the two cannot coexist.

If these lacquer lights are unscrupulously derived, one day it will cover the earth and bring about an eternal night. That day will come no matter whether it is sooner or later. If I am lucky and die before the eternal night comes, then there will definitely be Other young people, or the younger generation whom they loved during their lifetime, have to accept this misfortune.

He never thought that the paint light would disappear so quickly.

This should have been a catastrophe.

When the human world just raised its vigilance, the lacquer light has disappeared, how lucky is this?
Uncle Wu murmured, "Was it Qi Liang who did this, or the Northern Wei?"

Wei Lingshan shook his head.

"Neither," she said.

After a pause, she said with emotion: "This is done by one person."

Qi Lin sat on the ground, feeling unbelievable, and said in a daze, "That must be a very remarkable person."

Wei Lingshan glanced at the two of them.

She didn't say the person's name.

Jian Zongming.

She just narrowed her beautiful eyes, and said softly: "The paint is gone. If this scroll is left on you, it will cause the greatest disaster in the world, and it will only attract endless pursuit. The two of you If you are willing to go to Qiliang, you can take this token and live well."

She threw down a piece of purple jade token, turned around and left, the wind and snow blew away her purple clothes, and the wooden sword on her waist collided with the snow, swaying in the strong wind and snow every step, and disappeared in a few steps. Deep in the snow field.

"What are you looking for?"

In the snowstorm, someone spoke.

Has come a long way.

Wei Lingshan frowned suddenly. She had been exuding vitality until now, but she didn't notice any strange aura within a radius of ten feet around her.

Until she walked forward and saw that familiar figure.

The man was standing opposite him, separated by tens of feet.

The wind gradually weakened, and the swing range of the large, pitch-black layman's robe and the floor-covering hem decreased with the wind, and in the end it only swayed slightly without ripples.

The jade pendant and the ancient umbrella tied around the waist collided with each other in the wind and snow, making a pleasant sound.

Yi Xiaoan held the umbrella handle with one hand, and the red string of the umbrella handle was tied to his wrist. The tip of the umbrella was lightly poked in the snow. The black umbrella was not opened, and a layer of snow floated on the folds of the folded umbrella surface.

Her complexion looked a little pale, her sleeves, the tip of her eyebrows, and the ends of her hair were all dyed a little white.

The red bun was gently held by her lips, and the other free hand was struggling to pull the long hair, and finally pinned it with a hairpin.

Wei Lingshan looked at this haggard figure, and asked with some puzzlement: "It took a lot of effort to get here from Lanling City?"

Yi Xiaoan smiled in a low voice, and hummed.

"I stayed in the snow field for a while before, and I'm a little tired now."

Wei Lingshan thought for a while, then said softly, "You're looking for him too."

It's not a question, but a statement, as if speaking of an inevitable fact.

No one would run from Lanling City to the Great Snowfield of the Western Regions for no reason.

Wei Lingshan smiled self-deprecatingly, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

Regarding this sentence, Yi Xiaoan didn't nod or shake his head.


Such silence lasted for a long time.

After a long silence, Yi Xiaoan raised his head and looked into Wei Lingshan's eyes.

Three words were spoken.

"he died."

Wei Lingshan smiled nonchalantly, and said, "You want to persuade me too? Or do you want to tell me the truth after seeing his death with your own eyes?"

Yi Xiaoan was in a daze, not knowing how to answer.

"Yi Xiao is dead."

"Everyone said that. Lanling City has already held a funeral for him. I heard that Darong Temple also held a funeral. There is no news from the Holy Island. These days, on this snowy field in the Western Regions, it is inevitable to see him. to some acquaintances."

After the collapse of Bachi Mountain, Wei Lingshan has been wandering in the snowfields of the Western Regions.

Dong Jun.

South St.

I've seen them all.

"You all say that, but who saw the ending with their own eyes?"

"You didn't see the ending, and you came to this conclusion." Wei Lingshan shook his head and said, "It's just because you want to get this ending."

"Or, you don't care."

Dongjun Nansheng was either an individual or the forces behind him, and what they cared about was not just the life and death of His Royal Highness.

After the collapse of Bachi Mountain, Gu Shengcheng also disappeared.

The new owner of the Western Regions did not come out alive.

His Highness did not come out alive.

Then things become very clear.

The westward move of the Great Xia Chess Palace of the Monster Clan in the Western Regions is logical and reasonable, and it no longer contains elements of trickery. After losing the palace master one after another, they are really preparing to hide their strengths and bide their time, rest their lives and rest, and no longer start wars with the human race.

Wei Lingshan looked at the girl in black robe standing with an umbrella, and said seriously: "I thought you cared a lot, but if you cared enough, you wouldn't say what you said before."

The princess's voice was difficult: "There are still many people running around in this snowfield, seeking the truth. Even if they all think that Yi Xiao is dead, I definitely don't think so."

"Tianque came to the Western Regions to perform a mission, and the order he received was to see people alive and dead bodies."

"Me too."

"Live to see people, die to see corpses."

"I don't believe it. I don't believe he died like this."

Yi Xiaoan pursed his lips tightly, looking at the woman in purple clothes who was slightly taller than him, there was a flash of pain in his eyes at this moment, but he didn't have the slightest doubt.

She didn't know what to say.

She thought for a long time in silence, and finally hesitated to speak.

She silently raised her hand, pulled out the tip of the umbrella that had stuck to the bottom of the snow, and then slowly opened it.

Yi Xiaoan said softly: "You are a very good person."

"So...good luck."

(End of this chapter)

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