Fu Canglu

Chapter 638 The Tiger in the South

Chapter 638 The Tiger in the South ([-])

It has been a long time since the mission from Lanling City arrived in Qijiang, and they rested for several days with their backs against Hongliu City.

Qi Shu knew that Luoyang would make such a request.

This is a very important negotiation.

It is very important to the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Qi Shu stood on the dragon boat, the robes draped behind him fluttered gently under the wind blowing in the river. Wang Luo stood beside him, and the two looked at each other silently.

The wind blowing from the river is refreshing.

Qi Shu narrowed his eyes, looking at the scenery beyond the river: "Who do you think will come from the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

Xiguan Baipao is dead long ago.

Jiang Qingyi turned his back on it.

Of the four vassal kings when the country was founded, three have passed away.

The Northern Wei Dynasty has long since disappeared.

Now it seems that the temple is almost withered.

The temple in the Northern Wei Dynasty should have been full of incense. At this moment, the children of the Zhong family are struggling to support part of the front line. Among the two who should have been the most brilliant in the lineage, one died on the final peak of the South China Sea, and the other fled to Lanling After Zhong Yusheng and Jiang Qingyi were defeated in the Battle of Juxi in the city, the entire clan fell silent, and all power was handed over to the young man surnamed Duan.

"Chen Wanjuan caused the fuse of this incident, and now this battle post is in my hands. Of course, rather than negotiating, I would rather just watch Qi Liang's army plunder the southern city of the Northern Wei Dynasty like this. Come on." Qi Shu stood on the deck, the dawn light came, the river wind blew his hair, and his voice was softened: "Then speaking of it, Luoyang is going to negotiate, who will come this time?"

This scene is somewhat familiar.

When the Yaozu went south, almost exactly the same negotiation took place on the dragon boat on the Qijiang River.

Qi Shu clearly remembered that when he met at that time, he read unwilling and restrained emotions in the eyes of the young man named Chen Wanjuan, and there seemed to be some unique longing hidden in the eyes of the scholar.

"Chen Wanjuan is dead, and the Yincheng has also fallen." Wang Luo said softly, "The Northern Wei Dynasty has lost the Yincheng behind it. Could it be that it is not clear that the general trend is over now?"

The news that His Royal Highness was not dead, and that the city was destroyed with a single sword, had already spread throughout the Qijiang River.

People from the Seven Great Families have returned to Lanling City one after another.

If it is said that the Lord of Fengxue Yincheng, known as "No. 1 in the world", has always been the confidence of the Northern Wei Dynasty, then now the backbone of the Northern Wei Dynasty has been cut down by the sword energy.

"Yi Xiao is now on the Holy Island. If Qi Liang needs it, then the demon cultivators of the Holy Island can become a group of killers who break the rules at any time." Qi Shu stood on the deck, tapping the railing lightly with his fingers: "A few days ago There was a summons between Lanling City and Shengdao, and Yi Xiao doesn't seem to want to do this, not only Yi Xiao, but also the Second Highness."

He was a little dazed, and touched his waist pocket with one hand.

Wang Luo suddenly asked: "Our business is to persuade Luoyang to surrender?"

"It is impossible for Luoyang to surrender." Qi Shu smiled, "It is absolutely impossible for anyone in Luoyang to come to negotiate this time. It is impossible for Cao Zhixuan to come, and neither will Li Yu from Fengxian Palace. Needless to say, it is not because of the disparity in status and identity. It is because of the anxious situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is impossible for the three of them to get out. Thousands of information are flooding into Luoyang every day. about the battle of Silver City, about the fall of the Silver City, about the comeback of the Holy Island"

Wang Luo nodded.

"The one who came can only be him."

Three of the four vassal kings have gone, and the only remaining one has the ability to speak for the Northern Wei Dynasty, and also has the power to make decisions for the Northern Wei Dynasty.

On the far bank of the river, someone came with a lamp, traveling long distances, passing through the dark night, and he always carried that ancient lamp in his hand.

Now the lights are faint, swaying in the river wind with difficulty, and may go out at any time.

Instead of taking a sword boat, he held a lamp in one hand and calmly stepped on the surface of the river.

Like a lone wolf.

Ning Fengxiu.

He was wearing white-washed cloth clothes and a pair of simple straw sandals.At the wrists and ankles, the black cotton ropes are wrapped around the cuffs, looking like a warrior from the Eight Kingdoms period.

Stepping on the river, his steps were not impatient. He held the lantern with one hand, and the water vapor on the river soaked the straw sandals. contour.

A big gun.

Wang Luo said solemnly: "I heard that he is a first-class gun master in the Northern Wei Dynasty."

The Heavenly Wolf Lord, who was dressed in plain clothes, stopped under the bow of the dragon boat. He looked up at the big boat with neither joy nor sadness on his face: "Mr. Qi Shu, I have been friends with you for a long time."

The Qijiang River in December is not as cold as imagined, perhaps because the dawn that breaks through the night brings a little warmth.

Qi Shu laughed and said, "Mr. Ning is here alone?"

Ning Fengxiu unloaded the big gun behind him, but did not take off the black linen wrapping the big gun. He could clearly see the soldiers standing on the bow. Qi Liang's dragon boat was very big and could accommodate a large number of soldiers. I don't know how many people are hidden in this dragon boat.

He didn't bring a follower.

Both Meng Qi and Zhang Wenyuan were thrown on the western defense line by him.

He had indeed come here alone, with only a gun.

Qi Shu smiled and said, "Qi, Mr. Ning, please come up and explain."

On the other side of the Qi River.

On the empty river bank, it has been a while since the big ship set sail in the distance.

The big boat was shadowy and slowly disappeared into the rising fog of the river, and the swaying river wind rolled up the hem of the old man's clothes.

The young civilian man was supporting his father, and the guards behind him were far away. This river bank is an absolutely safe area.

One after another, an incalculable number of dragon boats just set off from here.

The sails were full, and the entire Qijiang River line was ten miles away from the negotiation area. The fog in the river was so thick that even warriors with good eyesight could not pass the entire Qijiang River before the dragon boat just set off. When, I saw such a change.

And when the dragon boat was halfway through, even if the other party responded, it was too late.

Today is a good day.

It was the day when the Northern Wei and Qiliang were negotiating, and Luoyang was in a dilemma, so no matter what, even at all costs, they wanted this peace.

Jiang An's silence didn't last long.

"Everyone is wrong."

"People who seek peace will think that when they seek peace, everyone will sit down and negotiate calmly, without thinking about fighting." The old man looked at the sails that disappeared from sight one by one in the distance, and said softly: "But why? No? When negotiating, why can't I slap you in the face and turn the table over?"

Xiao Buyi's eyes were complicated.

I have to admit that when the old man beside me talks about certain things, even though he is weak and no longer young, he is still a majestic old lion.

Xiao Wang pursed his lips, and said hoarsely, "I have been waiting for today for a long time."

He stared at the river line, on the opposite side of the river was his opponent who had confronted him for 20 years.Great Wei, after the Eight Great Kingdoms, the two sides have wrestled so far, and now, the situation of victory and defeat has gradually become clear
"Northern Wei Dynasty, I am very disappointed."

Qi Shu stood on the dragon boat, his expression didn't change at all, he stared at Ning Fengxiu under the boat.

Perhaps it was caused by some subtle psychological factors. He always felt that somewhere parallel to this river line, or somewhere on the other side of the river, the dragon boat's sails were furled and anchored, and the wind on the river had been ignited by flames, sharp and sharp. His arrowhead was raised high, tense on the bow and crossbow, ready to break through the moisture above the river at any time, and shoot through the land in the north.

In fact, the surface of the river was calm.

Neither Qi Shu nor Ning Fengxiu could sense other things happening on the river at this moment.

Seen from a high enough height, in the vast river mist, there is a huge and silent shadow, marching on the river, the water flow under the hull silently moves aside, and the passing wind flows from south to top, like The silently roaring tiger, with the help of one dragon boat after another, sailed smoothly from the south bank, and finally slowed down slowly.

The entire river line was patrolled by soldiers from Nanguan. Luoyang put in great efforts to guard against surprise attacks that might come at any time before this negotiation.

Only today, their vigilance has been relaxed a little bit.

The flames slowly rose in the fog of the river. All these happened nearly ten miles away from the north of the river. The fog was too thick, so the poison was quenched, and the arrowheads that were lit were put on the bowstring, and the last part was tensed. distance.

With a "whoosh", the sound sounded like fingertips brushing the strings.

Then there was the sound of loose strings, which burst out one after another, covering the entire coast. The soldiers who were shot by the arrows had no time to cry out in pain, and their bodies were covered with flames. Shot into a sieve.

This continuous shooting lasted for half a stick of incense.

Until the fire and wind by the river became stronger and stronger, the fog was burned hot, and from a distance, one could see the death scene on the other side of the river.

The dragon boat slowly smashed through Jiang Wu.

The ferocious dragon head and the flying flag complement each other among the sparks that shoot and tumbling.

The cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

The wind from the south swept across the Qi River, so the dragon boat that came with the wind landed on the river bank very smoothly.

This is the territory of Great Wei.

No one will let down their vigilance. Everyone knows that this smooth landing does not mean a smooth attack.

They need to lay down the first point to provide protection for Qi Liang's follow-up soldiers, and then build a fort that spans the entire river line, and use this as a base point to continuously transport troops.

And after the rain of arrows was extinguished, opposite the lingering fire wind was the city that was always on high alert.

Sirius City.

The fierce tiger rises from the south, rides the wind, and the first food to swallow is the Sirius.

(End of this chapter)

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