The super seminary of a certain mythical beast

Chapter 124 0124 Deno Melee: The Fuse

Chapter 124 0124 Deno Melee: The Fuse (Please collect and recommend)
The time of 500 years is like a fleeting meteor, passing by quickly.

The Deno galaxy is filled with the smell of gunpowder that cannot be ignored!

Nuoxing, in a dark room.

"Did you understand everything I just said?" A Ling looked at everyone present with a solemn expression.

"Understood!" A total of [-] soldiers in black space combat suits all showed enthusiasm.

"Okay~ Then we will act according to the plan. As long as this matter is successful, Prime Minister North will definitely report back." Fifteen black energy bombs engraved with the skull logo appeared in A Ling's hands as if by magic, and they were thrown to everyone present. people.

"For Nuoxing!" Fifteen soldiers in black space combat suits said in unison.

"Let's go~" A Ling ordered loudly.

The chaotic footsteps of 'Deng Deng Deng' resounded in this room without much light, making it seem extraordinarily weird.

When the last soldier wearing a black space combat suit left, Ah Ling's face showed uncontrollable joy.

He hurriedly opened the dark communication and began to report the situation to the person on the other end of the communication.

"Google~ Ms. Kaisha, the plan is going well so far, and Dexing and Nuoxing are expected to start a war soon."

The voice of Kai'Sa on the other end of the communication also came over: "Continue to carry out the next step of the plan, and we must also bring down that civilization called Lie Yang."

"Understood." A Ling's tone was respectful.

After a brief communication, the communication between the two was completely disconnected.

"Hey hey~ Deno's fireworks show is about to start." A Ling sneered and disappeared into the darkness.

Three hours later, Dexing.

The night is as dark as ink, and the cold moonlight shines on this simple and simple civilization. Everything is as usual. The residents of Dexing, who have worked hard for a day, fall into a deep sleep and rest, preparing for the busy life of the next day. .

In a high-rise alley full of technological style.

Three Nuoxing fighters in black space battle uniforms are currently finishing the arrangement of the black energy bombs in their hands.

"The bastards of the German star, go to Karl, the god of death, to be proud." A Nuoxing soldier said with a sneer.

"Have you fixed it? It's almost time for the German Star Guard to change shifts." The other two Nuoxing soldiers in charge of security cursed angrily.

"It's over, let's go, let's go to the next target location." The Nuoxing soldier hurriedly stood up.

The three of them alternately took cover and soon entered the darkness that could not be illuminated by the moonlight.

The same scene is happening in other corners of Dexing.

One bomb after another of black energy was arranged by the soldiers lurking in Nuo Xing. It is conceivable what will happen to the entire German Xing civilization when it is detonated.

"Who?" Just as a Nuoxing soldier was about to place a last-minute black energy bomb in the corner of Jarvan III's palace, he suddenly alarmed the guards on duty.

"Damn it! It was discovered, retreat." The leading squad leader at the gate of the Dexing Super Theological Seminary branch gritted his teeth and gave the order to retreat.

And the guard's shout was like a stone thrown into the originally calm lake, causing layers of ripples. The lights of the entire Dexing family were turned on, and the tired-looking Dexing people and officials rubbed their sleepy eyes. out of their homes.

"Catch the spies!"

"Come on, ah."

"Don't run!"

An angry shout after another made the residents of the entire German star quickly understand what happened.

He picked up the belongings of the guys around him, put on a pair of clothes and joined the team of chasing spies.

Fifteen Nuoxing warriors wearing black space combat uniforms ran around, avoiding the monstrous wrath from the German Star residents.

"Mathai, Sandor. Hurry up and detonate the bomb!" The Nuoxing fighters scattered in different places on the German Star heard this order.

"But Edmondo and Boll are still inside..." The Nuoxing soldier named Ma Zeyi in the communication channel hesitated.

"Don't you understand my order? Hurry up and detonate!" The team leader in charge of leading the group of Nuoxing fighters said anxiously.

Following the squad leader's voice, the voices of Edmondo and Bohr also came out from the communication channel.

"Detonate, Mathai, Sandor. Now is the best opportunity!" Edmondo said firmly.

"Hahaha yes, don't hesitate. We Nuoxing men have never been afraid of death? Come on, Sandor, detonate quickly, don't let me look down on you." Boer's heroic voice also sounded.

"Damn it~" Ma Cai and Sandor pressed the button to detonate the bomb with tears in their eyes.
boom -
Different buildings, different locations, monstrous flames and huge explosions alternate with each other.

"Ah! Help, help, I don't want to die."

"Help me~"


Not long after, the order of the entire German star collapsed instantly.

Crying, howling, and the desire to struggle to survive, this moment seems like purgatory.

Dexing, in the government affairs hall.

Jarvan III glared angrily at Boer, who was covered in blood and torn clothes under the control of two German star fighters.


Unable to suppress the anger in his chest anymore, Jarvan III kicked the grinning Boer over.

"Hey hey hey, listen up, King De Xing. This is the consequence of your powerlessness, this is the consequence of your De Xing angering our Nuo Xing!" Boer looked mad as if possessed by a demon.

"I'll kill you!" Jarvan III's eyes were red, and his sanity gradually lost in his head.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and made a fist gesture.

The next moment, the ground of the entire government affairs hall seemed to be stimulated by something and began to move vigorously, and then a fist formed of clods of soil and rocks was formed under the control of Jarvan III.

"Go to hell." With red eyes, Jarvan III controlled the fist formed by clods of soil and rocks and slammed it down on Boer.
dong dong——
The huge sound was like a big drum beating, shaking the hearts of everyone present one after another.

Just as Zhao Fei was about to say something, Ge Feng hurriedly stopped him and shook his head.

'Tick tick tick' came the low sound of blood, Jarvan III withdrew his fist, but endless tears welled up in his eyes.

"Zhao Fei~" Jiawen III said in a low tone.

"The minister is here." Zhao Fei knelt on one knee while leaning on the spear.

"Go, assemble the team, I want those bastards from Nuoxing to pay for the lives of the innocent and suffering people on Dexing." Jiawen III ordered.

"Yes." Zhao Fei replied without hesitation.

At the same time, Nuoxing.

"You bastard! Who told you to make your own decisions." North looked at A Ling angrily.

"Prime Minister...Subordinates...Subordinates also want to share your worries..." A Ling pretended to be panicked.

"Get out, get out. I'll settle the score with you after I've dealt with De Xing." North rubbed his temples.

"Prime Minister... Please take care of your body." A Ling looked concerned.

"Get out!" North roared.

A Ling hurried to the gate of the office.

"Remember Ah Ling~ Don't overstep your authority. If there is another time, I will kill you with my own hands." North's voice was cold.

Feeling the indistinct god-killing power on North's body, A Ling couldn't help shivering.

If this kind of power acts on the compatriots of the 'void', the consequences will be.

Not daring to continue thinking about it, A Ling left in a hurry.

North closed his eyes and pondered, thinking about what to do now.

After a long time, North dialed Ducao's dark communication with a gloomy face.

"Hello? Prime Minister?" Ducao's doubtful tone came over there.

"Assemble the team." North said firmly.

"Ah? What do you want?" Ducao asked over there.

"Assemble the team, it's time for us to settle the score with the Dexing gang of trash." North responded.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task." Ducao over there seemed to be giving a military salute with an excited tone.

After hanging up the communication, North raised his head and looked at the German star who was looking far away, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth.

The territory of that planet will soon belong to him.

(to be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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