Chapter 42 042 Void?Void! (Four)

Angel Civilization, Melo Star.

After finishing the day's research, Hexi stretched lazily, the perfect curve that was inadvertently displayed under the golden light gave people a sacred feeling.

Not far behind her, a Kamikawa wild boar that seemed to weigh 600 jin followed closely behind.

Looking at the 'Star Life' made of dragon scales on his waist, He Xi thought of that big bastard who always treated her like a child for no reason.

"Bing Yi, you bastard~ When will you understand my thoughts?" He Xi muttered angrily.

Suddenly, the antique communicator that was used to contact Bingyi made a crisp 'click' sound.

He Xi heard the sound and looked, and when he saw a crack appearing on the screen of the communicator, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It can't be Bingyi, what happened to him?" He Xi thought so and started to communicate with dark energy, planning to try to talk to Bingyi.

But what made her a little uneasy was that no matter how she tried, what responded to her was always a burst of energy interference fluctuations. It was obvious that the dark energy on the other side had fallen into a state of disorder at the moment.

"Bing Yi~" He Xi hurriedly flapped his wings and flew up into the sky. She decided to tell the man-in-law and then go to the Shenhe galaxy to see the situation.

At the same time, the Kamigawa civilization, the planet Kuer.

With a sound of 'dong', the energy shells from Jess's hammer blasted a huge deep pit on the ground, but it did not cause the slightest damage to the unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly.

"It's always like this~" The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak and unable to see his face shook his head: "You civilizations are always trying to challenge the rules."

"Bah, what a broken rule, it's just that you 'Void' are self-righteous." The commander retorted.

"Hey~ Self-righteous? We are a higher existence that transcends all known forms of life! How can you young children understand the feeling of being superior?" The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly said Explained in a contemptuous tone.

"Aloof? Hehe, you guys really think highly of yourself." Bingyi clenched his fists, and there was a sound of creaking and knuckle movement.

"Even if it's a so-called god..." Bing Yi turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the unknown creature wearing a purple cloak with a face that couldn't be seen clearly. mercy, mercy!"

When the unknown creature, who was wearing a purple cloak and could not see his face clearly, reacted, Bingyi's fist had already come in front of him with a fierce wind.

After a burst of piercing pain, the unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly had been severely punched out by Bingyi's fist.

Purple blood shot out from the mouth of an unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly.

"My God... No... Impossible... My God is a phantom, how is it possible." Kassadin's eyes widened.

Despite all the disbelief, the scene in front of him actually appeared in front of his eyes.

"You... how could you... hit me who is a phantom?" The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak and whose face could not be seen clearly stopped in the air with a look of shock.

"I can't even stand Xuanwu with my fist, what are you? How can you compare with him?" Bing Yi blew the purple blood off his fist with a calm face.

"Nice job, Frozen End." Jess shouted loudly.

"Hey, I don't believe that you dare to do anything when your comrade is under control!" Wearing a purple cloak, the unknown creature whose face could not be seen clearly flashed a hint of sternness on his face, and then secretly made a fist gesture towards the ground.

The ground shook slightly, as if in response to his movement.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly: "Kassadin, activate the fear bomb and destroy this galaxy."

"My God... Kogas, Kog'Maw, and Rek'Sai..." Kassadin hesitated.

"Are you going to disobey my order?" The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen said coldly.

"No... dare not." Kassadin bowed helplessly and then entered the ship hidden in the darkness.

"Hehehe, I admit that you are very strong, but if I destroy this galaxy, I want to see who you can save." The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face cannot be seen clearly looked at Bingyi and said.

"Bingyi, stop him quickly." Jess and the commander shouted anxiously.

"Hey hey, it's late." The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly responded with a sneer.

As if in response to his words, a tiny purple light in black suddenly flashed in the boundless darkness, and that tiny light shot straight into the sky at an extremely fast speed that only Bing Yi could see.

Looking at the unknown creature who was wearing a purple cloak with a winning expression on his face, Bingyi gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to mobilize mana.

In the current situation, I'm afraid the only option is to use the tail feathers that sister Suzaku gave him.

A burst of fiery red energy replaced the colorful light, and a feather continuously spun in Bingyi's palm.

Looking at the constantly rotating feathers, the unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly felt a heart palpitation.

He knew that the energy contained in it might be able to destroy nearly fifty of himself.

"The way of heaven is clear, and the phoenix is ​​the fire; the heat that protects all living beings is in my possession." A strange incantation was chanted from Bing Yi's mouth.

Under everyone's attention, the energy of the whirling feather suddenly increased greatly, and everyone seemed to vaguely see a bird covered in flames constantly flying around, and bursts of high-pitched cries were also emitted from its mouth.

"Stop him." The unknown creature wearing a purple cloak whose face could not be seen clearly ordered to the densely packed Kogas behind him.

"Hey...your inner demon... is about to move..." The weird words seemed to be orders, and the densely packed Kogas slowly approached Bing End with earth-shaking footsteps.

"Let's go, don't let them interrupt Frozen End." Jess ordered to the soldiers in black combat uniforms behind him.

Just when the warriors of the Kamigawa civilization were about to act, the ground under their feet suddenly shot out purple shock waves.



"Damn it..."

The originally neat defensive formation was interrupted by a sudden change, and the soldiers in black combat uniforms turned into scum the moment they were shrouded in purple shock waves.

Jess pulled the commander to fly higher again with the cooperation of the remaining two battle gods who responded very quickly.

"Damn it.. Mr. Bingyi can't be interrupted. Let's go." Seeing that Bingyi Commander, who was still concentrating on brewing energy, gritted his teeth and took the lead, rushed towards the Kogas who were gradually encircling Bingyi.

At this time, Shenhexing.

After transferring the last batch of ordinary people from the Kamigawa civilization, Kieran wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even with the calculation of the big clock and the blessing of three generations of gods, Kieran felt a sense of powerless dizziness.

"Huh? What happened over there? Why is it all black?" Kieran seemed to have sensed something when he raised his head and saw the planet Kule shrouded in a strange darkness.

"Where is the planet Kule?" Kieran frowned.

Just when he was about to see what happened there, Ding Hei's voice suddenly entered his ears.

"Kiran, don't go to Kul, go to the Kamigawa Research Building and evacuate Kamigawa with the research materials of 'The Power of Kamigawa', 'God of Kamigawa' and 'Dawn of Kamigawa'."

"Teacher?" Kieran raised his head in doubt.

"I'm on the outskirts of Shenhe, and I'm about to go in soon." Dinghei's voice continued to sound.

"Teacher? You don't want to..." Kieran seemed to think of something.

"Ziran, I'll leave it to you and Bingyi in the future. Remember to discuss with him before making a decision! I'll go and research the 'Void' for the entire known universe first!" Dinghei's voice echoed him.

"No! Teacher!" Kieran exclaimed.

But this time Dinghei never responded.

(to be continued...)
(End of this chapter)

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