Thousands of elegance

Chapter 420 Unraveling the Truth, the General’s Anger Cannot Dissipate

Chapter 420 Unraveling the Truth, the General’s Anger Cannot Dissipate (2)
Yun Qianche did not defend himself, on the contrary, he sincerely buried this guilt in his heart, and expressed his persistence with a deeper love.The word "father-in-law" came out naturally, and Murong Xiaotian was also moved by it.

Although Murong Xiaotian was furious, he was still unavoidably shocked by the heaviness of Yun Qianche's words. As a man, he knew that a man had gold under his knees, and he also knew that a dragon among men like Yun Qianche, The weight of one knee.But even so, the anger in his heart was still unavoidable. If he was to forgive him so easily, he would not be willing to do so. It was a joke, how could the daughter he held in his palm be so bullied?He waved his hand and snorted coldly, "Hmph, Palace Master Yunxiao doesn't have to be like this. I, Murong Xiaotian, can't afford it. For the sake of Palace Master Yunxiao once saved Qing'er, mother and son, I don't care about it this time. The humble house is simple and simple. , the hospitality is not good, Palace Master Yunxiao please."

Murong Xiaotian's words were extremely blunt, with a gun and a stick in his hand, it was a lot of beating, the meaning right now is that my small temple can't accommodate this big Buddha like you, you can get out.And it's the kind that rolls as far as it goes
Ao Chen didn't seem to have thought that Grandpa would suddenly become so angry, his big eyes blinked as if he was afraid, but when he looked closely, it was not difficult to find a trace of malicious gloating hidden under the panic .

Hmph, who told him that he once made mother sad, so, he should let grandpa teach him a lesson, and see if he dares to provoke those wild bees to make mother sad in the future.To be honest, if he didn't want to worry his mother, he would have cleaned up the wild bee, even though the wild bee didn't please him.In his heart, there is no one in this world who can compare with his mother.

Yun Qianche raised her eyes and said firmly, "I know that my father-in-law is very angry, but my love for Yun'er can be learned from the sun and the moon. If I don't regret it in this life, it is because my father-in-law refuses to forgive me for a while. My Palace will not change my mind."

"Hmph, you still have the face to say, do you know what kind of consequences Qing'er suffered for the sins you committed back then? Everything Qing'er suffered was caused by you, but when Qing'er suffered Where are you again? Yun Qianche raised his eyebrows, "My father-in-law's words are wrong, it is precisely because my son-in-law and Yun'er have missed many good times of reunion, and now I don't want to waste time. The regret three years ago, this palace I don't want it to happen again, but please forgive me for not agreeing to this incident. "His son-in-law for a while, and the palace for a while, he is expressing his sincerity of loving and protecting each other, and it is also a plea to Murong Xiaotian's identity. On the other hand, he has also expressed his position, that is, he will give It is another kind of commitment to defend their happiness with the power of the first house.

Murong Xiaotian naturally heard the meaning of his words, his eyes full of anger and frost slightly dilated, it is indeed not easy for a man to do this, even if he didn't say the reason, but with Murong Xiaotian How can my experience not understand the truth that the heights are too cold.

Yun Qianche is proud, the past has become a memory, the most important thing is to grasp the present, besides, he has worked so hard to get happiness so hard, how can he be easily deterred.What he wanted to tell Murong Xiaotian was that all the things that happened yesterday were like yellow flowers died yesterday, and what he wanted to do was to make Yun'er happy and healthy in the days to come, without any worries in his life.

Murong Xiaotian's anger gradually dissipated. Part of it was because of Yun Qianche, and a bigger part was because of Yun Qing. As Yun Qing's father, after understanding the root cause of this, he also understood his own daughter's anger. Thinking about it, Qing'er already knew all this, but seeing that she still brought him back, one can know her intentions.

Like Yun Qianche, the two men who felt sorry for Yun Qing had the same thought in their hearts, which was to make this woman happy, and Murong Xiaotian understood that his daughter's happiness now depends on this man in front of him. Putting aside all prejudices, he is indeed worthy of Shang Qinger.

Thinking back to the first time I met this person, he gave him the feeling that he was like a heavenly man. Even if the mask covered his picturesque face, it did not damage his unparalleled elegance. Now it seems...

He couldn't help looking up, only to see a faint smile on the corner of Yun Qing's mouth, warm and peaceful eyes, Murong Xiaotian's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking, "Yun'er, you already knew all this, didn't you?" All the anger dissipated, and the dull and oppressive atmosphere in the study quietly disappeared.

Yun Qing hasn't spoken since just now, this is a contest between two men, and she believes that they will handle it well, but she just watched with a faint smile and remained silent.Hearing this question from Murong Xiaotian at this time, he couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Qing'er only found out not long ago."

Murong Xiaotian was stunned, and doubts flashed in his eyes, "Why is that?" Based on his understanding of Qing'er, Qing'er who knew the truth should not be like this. Li accepted this person?Murong Xiaotian was puzzled, his eyes locked on Yun Qing's face, as if he wanted to see something.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed suddenly, could it be...

With just one look at Yun Qing, she understood what her father was thinking, she smiled lightly and said, "Just like what my father thought." Yun Qing glanced at Yun Qianche, faced Murong Xiaotian's face full of doubts, and said with a faint smile, " Speaking of which, this person's father has already known him, he is Xiaoyao Wangjun Yuechen."

That's it!

Murong Xiaotian's puzzled eyes instantly became clear, so many things had reasonable explanations.Murong Xiaotian couldn't hide his shock as he looked at Yun Qianche, no matter what he could not have imagined that the person in front of him was Jun Yuechen, the happy king who didn't care about the world and was carefree like the wind.

All the things that Jun Yuechen did for Qing'er in the past came to the fore one by one. The palace banquet was assassinated, and he rescued him. Aochen was poisoned. Prince Xiaoyao disappeared after World War I. He didn't understand the reason at first, but now that he thinks about it, his situation back then was not optimistic.Thinking of this, the anger in Murong Xiaotian's heart gradually disappeared a lot.It's just that his face is still a little worried, because even so, it can't obliterate the mistakes he made to Qing'er, but the anger has dissipated a lot invisibly.

"Get up first, it's just a matter of that year, I want you to have a reasonable explanation."

Yun Qianche stood up, "Even if my father-in-law doesn't mention this matter, I will find out the truth and give Yun'er an explanation."

Murong Xiaotian was taken aback when he heard the words, what's the explanation?

(End of this chapter)

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