me and a divorced housewife

Chapter 72 Inexplicable Nervousness

Chapter 72 Inexplicable Nervousness

Guo Xiaoting looked around as soon as she came in.

"What about people?"

"Who is it?" I asked puzzled.

"Sister Ruyue." Guo Xiaoting said, "I'm not here to see you today, I'm here to see Sister Ruyue."

"She and her daughter went to Happy Valley." I said on my lips, but I knew in my heart that you came to see them.

"Why didn't you go?" she asked, "Aren't you their patron saint?"

It really is a pot that cannot be opened without mentioning.

"I have something else to do." I said.

She went to my bedroom, saw the laptop open, and glanced at my manuscript.

"What?" she said, "my great writer, is he writing again?"

"It's really boring, pass the time."

"I'll be the first one to read it when it's finished." Guo Xiaoting said, "I've read a lot of suspenseful works, and I have rich experience. If I read it and think it's good, then it must be good."

"Okay, no problem," I said.

She glanced at the manuscript again, nodded, and said, "The writing is good and readable. I'm looking forward to it. Don't let me down."

" came to see me for something?" I asked.

Dressed like this, she came to my place in the middle of the night, which really made people want to move around, and made me feel inexplicably nervous.

"Do you have to have something to come here?" She said, squinting at me.

"Of course not." I laughed.

"Did you notice something?" she said.


"We saw less and less often," she said.

"Have it?"

"Of course." She simply sat on my bed and said, "I thought that if I went to your company, we would meet more often, but I didn't expect it to be worse than before. At least I could invite you for a coffee. , now it’s better, don’t talk about drinking coffee, and talk less.”

She was dressed like this and sat on my bed, and with the dim light in the bedroom, she immediately had a different style, which made me afraid to look at her.

"No." I said unnaturally, "Don't we meet every day in the company?"

"So what, you always don't go to work, and you don't even bother to say a word to me all day." Guo Xiaoting complained.

I smiled and said, "You didn't come to my place just to complain about me, complaining that I didn't talk to you?"

She also laughed, stood up, and said, "I'm not that free, I really don't know what to do on weekends, so I come to your place for a stroll and see if there is anything interesting here."

As she spoke, she looked around and walked out.

I hurriedly followed out, the light in the living room is relatively bright, the ambiguous and enchanting like a woolen tickle in your ear has been diluted a lot.

"What fun can I have here, and I don't like those, I don't even have a game console here." I said.

"Who said there is no?" Guo Xiaoting said while bending down to look at the wine bottles displayed in the wine cabinet, and said, "You don't like drinking, you have good wine here."

I was taken aback, I didn't buy it, it belonged to my classmate. When he gave me the house, the wine was inside. They were all foreign wines, and there was not even a single Chinese character on the bottles, so I never even looked at them.

Guo Xiaoting was not polite at all, and took out a bottle from it, "Just try this, I have never drank such an expensive drink in my life, I have only heard of it, and today I have your light, don't you mind. "

I didn't drink at first, but when I thought about it, it's nothing to worry about anyway. Besides, I'm really in a bad mood recently, so it's good to have a couple of drinks with me.

"Okay, you drink." I said.

Guo Xiaoting happily took two wine glasses, skillfully opened the wine, and poured it into the glasses. The maroon liquid looked very nice when poured into the glasses.

"Come on, have a drink, don't disappoint." She said to me holding a glass.

"Okay." I also raised the glass, touched it, and took a sip. "Don't tell me, this wine tastes really good."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, this bottle is more than 3000, it's not delicious." After she finished speaking, she suddenly realized, "You don't know what kind of wine you bought?"

I was just about to pour myself another glass, but the bottle almost slipped from my hand when she said that, "What are you talking about? How much is this wine?"

"More than 3000." She took a sip and said, "Don't you really know?"

I was taken aback, I never expected that such an expensive wine still exists. If I knew this wine was so expensive, I would definitely not open it. Of course, it has already been opened at this moment. Besides, my classmate has let go and can drink it , then drinking a bottle is nothing.

"This wine is not mine, but a friend's." I explained. "I'm looking after the house for him."

"No wonder." Guo Xiaoting said, "I said, why are you so rich? There is no 5000 yuan in the wine cabinet. This bottle is still the cheapest one. Who are you helping to look after the house, so rich?"

I suddenly realized that I used to know that my classmate’s family was rich, but I really didn’t know how rich. I only knew that his father was in the high-level official residence in Binhai City, but now I can probably guess his family from the value of these wines. How rich it is is beyond my imagination.

Sure enough, power and wealth are not separated. In this Chinese society, having power means having money.

"A classmate." I said.

"It's really luxurious." She said while drinking, "Then let's drink more, and take advantage of this capitalist."

I couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's too bad for you, drinking other people's wine and calling them capitalists."

"What's wrong with capitalists?" Guo Xiaoting said, "This is not a derogatory term, I wish I was a capitalist."

"That's easy, just marry a capitalist." I said.

She was happy, scratched her head and smiled, "Do you think I have this condition?"

"It's okay, it's not ugly anyway, maybe I got used to it after watching it for a long time." I smiled.

In fact, she is pretty good, especially the moment when she flicks the stockings with her hands, with her curvy long legs, she is extremely sexy.

"You are not guilty of saying this. I saw it just now. Your eyes are straight." She said with a smile.

"Nonsense, I'm amblyopia. With the distance between us, I can't see anything clearly, I just see a black blob." I said.

She stood up and walked over.

Although I was joking with my mouth, I was actually very nervous all the time, especially at night, when I was alone with a girl dressed like this, my shy nature was fully exposed. I kept joking, but it was actually just for Cover it up, so when she does come, I feel my heart pounding.

She came over, stood in front of me, turned sideways to me, suddenly puffed out her chest, posed in a big shape, and said to me, "Do you see clearly this time? How is it? Do I have the qualifications?"

Of course, she was already in good shape, and she was wearing a tight black silk skirt. When it was stretched like this, the whole dress was tightly attached to her body, clearly outlining the outline of her body, with big breasts and buttocks. The upturned one is simply devoid of conscience.

I didn't dare to look at her at all, and said quickly, "Yes, yes, of course, you put it away quickly, and the silicone will fall off later."

"Hate!" She punched me.

I probably saw that I was a little embarrassed, so I didn't do anything else, and walked back, "Speaking against my conscience, I will be punished with a drink."

I had no choice but to raise my glass and drink, "Tell me, why are you here today?"

"It's boring." She took a drink by herself, "Why do you keep asking this?"

"It's nothing, I just think you don't come here very often. You came here suddenly today, maybe there's something wrong, maybe you're too embarrassed to speak up, so I'll give you a step down." I said with a smile.

"Then you can think too much. I have nothing to say to you. Don't forget, you are my master. It is your duty and responsibility to help me in work and life."

"Well, I'm being self-indulgent, you kidnapped me in the name of a master, I can't shirk it when it's over, it would seem unrighteous of me to shirk it." I said.

She giggled, "That's not true. I've never heard the old saying that I'm a teacher for a day and a husband for the rest of my life."

"Pronounce the pronunciation clearly, for the father, not for the husband, don't keep taking advantage of me."

"Can I do what I say?"

The two of us laughed and spent a long time, drinking while drinking, and before we knew it, more than half of the wine had gone down.

I was surprised to find that the more I drank this wine, the more I wanted to drink it, and I didn’t feel any sensation after drinking it. Is this the case with good wine?Or am I drinking too much?

The two of us quickly finished a bottle, and we still wanted to drink, so we opened another bottle and drank it.

When I drank half of the second bottle, I seemed to have a feeling.

Guo Xiaoting didn't seem to see any signs, she raised her glass and said, "This one, I respect you, thank you."

"no need thank me?"

"Well...Thank you for helping me. I was talking about the case, and you came here to comfort me later. I think are quite caring." She seemed a little embarrassed as she spoke.

"Oh, so you came here today for this matter. I dare not take credit for this. This is Fatty. He asked Wang Shuo to let me comfort you."

After hearing this, she seemed very disappointed, she stopped talking and drank in silence.

"Actually, Fatty Liu, he has a good heart. You can tell that he likes you." I said.

"I don't need you to remind me. I'm not a fool. I've already rejected him very clearly. If he insists on being cheap, I don't care about it." Guo Xiaoting said.


"You are not allowed to talk about this again!" Guo Xiaoting suddenly interrupted me loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk." I said quickly, and she seemed to be angry.

She looked up at me and said, "What about you?"

I was taken aback, "What am I?"

"You persuaded me to think about him, so have you thought about me?" She said with a little drunken eyes.

I really wanted to know that she was joking, but looking carefully, she didn't mean to be joking at all.

"This...I..." I didn't expect her to ask such a direct question suddenly, and I was at a loss, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

She stood up, "Aren't you tempted at all by me?"

(End of this chapter)

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