me and a divorced housewife

Chapter 75 Emergency telegram

Chapter 75 Emergency Calls

It was obvious that Yang Yang really wanted to talk to me, but there was a monkey around, so he couldn't say anything.

I think it's good, because if there were no monkeys, she would have to talk about art, or she would bring up the old story and talk about dedicating herself to art, and I couldn't bear it.With monkeys messing around here, at least I'm not that embarrassed.

Yang Yang was disappointed and didn't want to stay any longer, so the monkey had to send us back.

After sending Yang Yang off, he sent me back. When I got off the bus, Monkey asked me for Yang Yang's contact information.

I categorically refused, "I said you are a bit modest, you are about to get married, can you calm down, let me tell you that this girl is different from other girls, she is very simple, you are not allowed to pester her. "

"Why is it different?" Monkey was unconvinced, "It's just two breasts and two legs, I don't see any difference, just say, if you have anything to do with her, then I will definitely not Touch, if it’s nothing, then don’t occupy the latrine and stop shitting, what’s different, what’s so simple, let me tell you, I haven’t seen such a simple girl before!”

With that said, he closed the car door resentfully and drove away.

This kid, but let’s talk about it, I really have to remind Yang Yang that although the monkey boy is my brother, he is too playful. A girl like Yang Yang who is not deeply involved in the world is easily hurt, and she has a sensitive heart. The fragile artistic heart.

When I went upstairs, as soon as I opened the door, I immediately seemed to return to that lonely atmosphere. To be honest, I didn't even want to go in when I opened the door.

After entering the door, I immediately discovered the changes in the home!
The house has been cleaned!I'm in a bad mood these days, and I haven't cleaned the room at all, so the room is in a mess, full of all kinds of household garbage.

Those rubbish were still piled up in the house when I left, but at this moment, they magically disappeared!The house became tidy and orderly, even the floor was wiped, and the shoes thrown everywhere were neatly arranged.

My first reaction was that Liu Ruyue is back!I couldn't help being overjoyed, and rushed to her bedroom, but after I opened the door, to my disappointment, it was empty, and there was no sign of Liu Ruyue.

Who cleaned that room?I was wondering, a little unwilling, and walked into the living room to see if there were any other traces.

At this time, I saw a bag on the table, went over to pick it up and took a look, and found that there were stacks of red Mao Zedong inside!I counted, forty thousand.

There is also a note under the bag, the content of which is very simple:
Yu Hao.

I don’t know what to call you, I thought about it, let’s call you by your name. After I went back, I thought about it a lot. In fact, I don’t need to be angry. There is nothing wrong with you. You are single, these are your freedoms, but I have some …It’s too much, this is the money I owe you, so pay it off for the time being, and I will try to return the rest to you as soon as possible. I will hold the key first, and I will give it to you after the repayment is over.No matter what, live a good life, that girl should like you very much, and you are also good, cherish it.

Liu Ruyue stayed
After reading the note, I couldn't let go of it for a long time. I couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, but I was very disappointed.

I'd rather she just say a few words and only talk about paying back the money, that means she's still angry and still cares, but the tone of her voice now is obviously looking aside.

At this time, her adult sense of calmness and rationality is particularly obvious. Every time she feels this way, it makes me feel that she is indeed getting farther and farther away from me.

Well, that's it, that's all.Just let it happen.

I thought to myself, but there is one thing I have to tell her, it is money, I don’t know where she got the money, but it should be borrowed, she is short of money at this time, there is no need Give it back to me so early.

She is so anxious to pay back the money, I think it is because she is anxious to get rid of me.

I picked up the phone and dialed Liu Ruyue's number. The call came through, but she hung up. After a while, she sent a text message: The child is asleep.

I stopped calling and sent back a text message: No matter what, there is no need to rush to pay back the money, you need the money now.

After a while, she replied with a simple message: It's okay, I have a solution.

I can't say anything more, I just feel lost for a while.

I found out the sexy lingerie she bought again, and thought to myself, if Guo Xiaoting hadn't come to see me that day and nothing had happened between us, would Liu Ruyue have done something to me?Wouldn't all this be the result?
Early the next morning, when I went to the office, Guo Xiaoting hadn't come yet. I saw a large bouquet of gorgeous roses on her desk, and the fragrance of flowers permeated the entire office.

Needless to say, the fool also knows who sent the flowers.

Wang Shuo winked playfully at me, then at Fatty, and I understood.

After a while, Guo Xiaoting came, saw the flowers on the table, sighed helplessly, and looked back at me, I quickly turned my face away, pretending not to see it.

"Whose flower, take it away!" Guo Xiaoting said angrily.

All eyes were on the fat man. The fat man stared at the computer without speaking, as if he didn't notice other people's eyes.

Seeing that he was silent, Guo Xiaoting angrily picked up the flowers on the table, walked over and threw them in front of Fatty Liu, "How many times have I told you, don't do this, are you annoying?"

The fat man really didn't seem to notice, he was staring at the computer engrossed, and was startled by the flowers that suddenly fell from the sky.

He raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Guo Xiaoting innocently, as if he didn't understand why.

"Oh, fat man, I said it would be a pity if you didn't act in a movie. It's such a material. This acting is really like it." Wang Shuo smiled ignorantly, "If you go to act in a movie, Tony Leung will be the best actor. I can't hold it either."

The fat man ignored her and just looked at Guo Xiaoting calmly.

This made Guo Xiaoting even more furious. She was about to reprimand when the phone rang suddenly. She stopped talking and picked up the phone, "Oh, it's Mr. Guo... what? This flower is you..."

Everyone in the company was stunned. Just now everyone recognized that the flower was presented by Fatty Liu, thinking that Fatty was acting just now, but they didn't expect such a reversal.

I was even more puzzled. I really wanted to know if Mr. Guo on the other end of the phone was Mr. Guo from Party A, or...someone else she knew. Of course, the latter was also possible. After all, she had worked in a rich man and knew the boss. What is also reasonable.

"Oh thank you, let's meet and talk later." Guo Xiaoting hung up the phone with a smirk.

The atmosphere in the company couldn't help but become more embarrassing, everyone wanted to see how this matter would end.

Guo Xiaoting walked over, picked up the flowers in front of the fat man, and wanted to just walk away, but seemed to feel something was wrong, so she said to the fat man, "I'm sorry, fat man, I... I didn't expect... you don't mind Bar?"

I thought the fat man would get angry this time, and with Guo Xiaoting's temper, the two of them would definitely quarrel, but unexpectedly the fat man just smiled calmly and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

I can't help but secretly admire the fat man, his temper is really good enough.

"Don't say anything," Wang Shuo said with a smile, "Fatty is not a stingy person, just treat yourself to a meal."

"Go! Go away! What's the matter with you!" Guo Xiaoting reprimanded Wang Shuo.

But when he said this, Guo Xiaoting seemed even more embarrassed, and said to the fat man, "That fat man, let me treat you to a meal. I will treat it as an apology for you."

The fat man smiled beautifully, and said, "No need, don't feel so guilty, I'm really fine, you don't need to treat me to dinner, today is my birthday, I will treat you to dinner."

Wang Shuo said quickly, "What about me?"

The fat man smiled and said, "Please too, I invite everyone to dinner!"

The crowd cheered for a while, and Guo Xiaoting came back with the flowers in her hands. She breathed a sigh of relief, and when she saw me smiling at her, she gave me a vicious look, and then threw the flowers into the trash can.


In the evening, Fatty treats guests to dinner. As usual, there will be a second show after the meal. I didn’t really want to go, but Wang Shuo persuaded me, "Fatty already has a little misunderstanding and prejudice against you. If you don’t go, it will make you look worse."

I just decided to go.

In the big bag, it is still noisy and smoky. I am really annoyed by this kind of place now. In comparison, I miss the quiet bar that Yang Yang took me to last night.

I drank alone in the corner, and from time to time greeted those people a few times.

Guo Xiaoting came over with a wine glass and sat down next to me. I was surprised.

"You are really boring." Guo Xiaoting said, "You will always look like you are immortal here, as if you went to the wrong private room, and we have nothing to do with you."

"It's so rare that you actually talked to me. I thought you were going to ignore me for the rest of your life." I laughed.

"I'm not as narrow-minded as you. I'm like a woman who still holds grudges. I'm open-minded." She said.

"That's good." I said.

Although she took the initiative to come and talk to me, after what happened that day, I still felt a little reserved, and I didn't know what to say.

"And who?" she asked.

"Who is it?"

"Who else is there, just the one who caught the rape that day." Guo Xiaoting said with a smile.

"Oh, she moved away." I said flatly.

"Moved away?" Her eyes almost sparkled, she didn't know whether it was surprise or joy.

"Yeah." I nodded, "I moved out the next day."

"You..." Guo Xiaoting smiled and squinted at me, "You won't be very sad, will you?"

"Of course not." I said firmly.

"Then... you won't blame me, will you?"

"Are you okay, what do I blame you for?"

"That's what you said." Guo Xiaoting had a smile on her face, she looked very happy, she stood up and said to everyone, "Come on, everyone, let's have a drink!"

Wang Shuo asked, "There must be a reason for this toast, right? Why do you toast, Miss Guo?"

Guo Xiaoting rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Of course it's to wish Fatty a happy birthday!"

Only then did everyone raise their glasses one after another, and the fat man narrowed his eyes when he smiled.

Only I know where she is for Fatty's birthday.It makes me feel sad for Fatty and me.

While toasting, the phone rang suddenly, I took out the phone, and unexpectedly found that it was Liu Ruyue calling, I checked the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, so late, what's the rush?

I connected the phone, and immediately Liu Ruyue's sharp voice came, "Yu Hao! Come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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