me and a divorced housewife

Chapter 848 It's Over

Chapter 848 It's Over

"Is this necessary?" I said. "To be honest, I have no interest in these at all."

"Let's tell you," she said, "I think it's necessary to tell you clearly about this matter, otherwise, I will... feel sorry."

For me now, this incident really doesn’t have much meaning. It doesn’t matter who is instigating that incident, or whether there is someone who instigates her behind it, because it has a great impact on my present and my life. In the future, there will be no change and influence, it has already passed.

"It's Meng Tingyun." She said. "then……"

"Okay." I stopped her and stood up.

She looked at me very surprised.

"You don't have to say it," I said.

"You know everything?" she asked.

"No," I said, "it's just that it doesn't mean much to me anymore."

"I... I thought you'd want to know..." she said.

I shook my head and said to her, "Can I be alone for a while?"

She nodded silently, and was about to leave, when she suddenly said, "Yu Hao, one last word with you, just a few words, okay?"

"Say it." I said helplessly.

"I wanted to... say sorry to you," she said.

I was taken aback.

"When I was in school, I was too playful. I didn't know that you had paid so much to me in secret, and I didn't know that you had hurt you so deeply. I never knew about these things. I only heard him say it when I was with Ma Bo recently. Yes. After I heard it, I really regretted it. Later, I almost hurt you again for the sake of money. I really... have always wanted to find a chance to sincerely apologize to you, please forgive me... "

"No need." I said, "It's all over, and, I don't hold grudges against you, I only have one request."

She was taken aback and asked me, "What? You say, as long as I can do it."

"Of course you can do it." I said, "Marbo is my good buddy, although I hate to see you together, but since you have chosen each other, it can be seen that he has a lot of affection for you , I hope you can treat him wholeheartedly and don't let him down, that's enough."

She nodded silently, "I can definitely do it."

"That's good." I said. "Come on in."

"Then... I'll go in." She said, "Yu Hao, if there is a chance, I hope we can still be friends."

"Let's talk." I said.

She froze for a moment, turned around and walked in slowly.

I sat on the stone steps, looking at everything in front of me, thinking of what she said just now, I felt even more helpless.

It turns out that what happened that time was done by Meng Tingyun. I think she probably felt that after she knew about my relationship with Li Mengyao, she felt that I should not have enough for her, so she made such a bad plan.No wonder that at Li Mengyao's school party that night, she kept teasing me, offering flowers and so on.She wanted to use Li Mengyao to drive a wedge between Liu Ruyue and me, and that time, she wore Liu Ruyue's clothes, I think it was probably on purpose.

However, it's strange that I'm not angry with her at all, it's just that, for such a long time, I have never been able to penetrate and see through her mind.

Forget it, anyway, everything is over.

Meng Tingyun never sent me a message, and no one else had any news about her. She seemed to have disappeared.

All I can do is wait.

Although I miss it, life has to go on after all. In order to live up to Meng Tingyun’s expectations, I have organized Changhai in an orderly manner. It turns out that the old projects should be opened with new volumes, and the sales performance has been going forward. Those two new lands, while completing the preliminary works, vigorously hype them, and the prospects are hot.

Of course, in addition to these, I also learned a lot, financial statements, all kinds of messy things, all have to be handled by you alone, and I am so busy.

I was dealing with other things in the office that day, and after I finished, I found Yanan staring at me intently in her place.

"What do you see me doing?" I asked.

She licked it and said, "I find you, you are more and more charming now."

"Are you okay," I said. "I don't feel any different from when I met you a few years ago."

"Of course there is a difference. It's a big difference." Yanan said, "A few years ago, you were completely a dick, but now, you can say that you have an extraordinary temperament. The aura of a mature man is so charming. No wonder you It is said that career is the best aphrodisiac for a man, but it turns out that it can really transform a person."

I smiled helplessly, "I told you, this is not my career, it's Mr. Meng's, I just help him take care of it temporarily, to put it bluntly, I'm still a part-time worker, and I don't get paid Worker."

"Isn't it?" Yanan said, "How did I hear that this Changhai will be yours in the future."

"You are alone in the office here, and you don't have other colleagues, why do you still hear so much right and wrong?" I said.

"Everyone is guessing." Yanan said, "Why didn't you catch the point? My original intention was to praise you. You said at the time that you had to know how far you have traveled so far, so I had to say anything about you Take it down."

I smiled helplessly and said, "Yanan, you've been here for so long, it's time to find a suitable partner, don't just think about rich people, most of the time, feelings are also very important."

"Come on, my mother told me about this a long time ago." She said, "Only those who have no money will talk to you about feelings."

"I can't help you," I said.


In terms of income, the company that Guo Xiaoting and I run has a good profit, so the previous loan was paid off very quickly.Moreover, the income of Liu Ruyue's dance team is also very good. We bought a good house, not a sea view room, let alone a villa, but an ordinary high-rise building. We both like sunshine, so the house type is very good, with three bedrooms facing the sun.

Of course, Liu Ruyue's stomach can't be hidden. I have already booked a hotel in advance and informed Liu Ruyue's parents. They are very happy and have come to Binhai to help us with the preparations.

Of course, the most important thing now is to have a showdown with my mother. The reason for the showdown is firstly to get their approval to hold the wedding first, and secondly, I don’t know anything about pregnancy insurance, so I have to ask for help my mother.

I want to take Liu Ruyue back quickly, I believe my mother will forgive us for the sake of her grandson.But after Liu Ruyue's parents knew the inside story, they suddenly decided to go back with us the next day.

I don't want them to go with us, because the root cause of my mother's anger is because of Liu Ruyue's father, who is worried that he will become a hidden danger after we get married.That's why I'm angry. If I let them go together, I'm worried that my mother will be too choked to calm down.

But they insisted on going together, especially her father, whose attitude was very firm, so I was embarrassed to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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