me and a divorced housewife

Chapter 9 Beaten Up

Chapter 9 Beaten Up
To get to the shore of Taoran River, you have to go through an alley.

As soon as I entered the alley that day, I heard someone calling my name behind me. When I turned around, I saw Liu Ruyue's husband, the tank, standing at the end of the alley with a few people.

I thought it was bad, I really let the boy monkey say it, this bastard really came to revenge me, the hero does not suffer from immediate losses, it is obvious that I can't beat them, I have always been more knowledgeable about current affairs, I turned my head and walked away Running, I think at the level of my 200-meter champion of high school students in Binhai City, it's not like playing to get rid of them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I set off, I saw a few people standing opposite, blocking the other end of the alley.

This bastard is really sinister!But thinking about the tricks he used to plot Liu Ruyue, he can naturally design a route to block me and prevent me from escaping.

I can't run anymore, I can only stand there, watching them staring at each other, pressing over like a black cloud.

"Want to run?" Jin Dazhong smiled very proudly, "It's late!"

I pretended to be confused and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing." Kim Dae-jung said, "Talk to you a few words."

"What are you talking about? I don't know you."

"You don't know me?" Kim Dae-jung still smiled, "but I know you, your name is Yu Hao, your hometown is Shenyang, and now you work in an advertising company."

"You inquired carefully." I said, "What do you want to do?"

"You know what I want to do." Jin Dazhong said, "I know, that bitch Liu Ruyue and that shitty lawyer came to you and asked you to testify in court, right? I am a relatively simple person, from a certain point of view Say, you have helped me, and I should thank you."

Of course I know what he means by helping him, of course it means that without knowing it, I helped him create those photos of Liu Ruyue stealing people.

I looked at him contemptuously, and he continued, "I'm a very simple person. If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. As long as you don't make trouble for me, I promise you nothing will happen. If you dare to make trouble for me, then Don't blame me for being rude."

I was timid by nature, and I rarely got into fights with others when I was in school. Although I was not good at studying, I was considered a relatively well-behaved student.

Normally, under the power of so many hooligans, I wouldn't even dare to breathe, but I didn't know what happened that day, and I didn't wait for him to finish speaking, so I said directly, "I'm sorry to let you down Yes, I'll help her. Pushing your own wife onto someone else's bed, I'm afraid you're the only one who can do this, right?"

The helpers he called probably didn't know the inside story, so when I said this, they all laughed secretly.

Kim Dae-jung was humiliated, why did he tell me, "Hit me!"

I had spotted the escape route long ago, and when they weren't paying attention, I pushed away the two people blocking the alley, quickly passed between them, and fled.

They were chasing desperately behind, and I ran desperately in front. Unexpectedly, as soon as I ran out of the alley, a person riding an electric bicycle came head-on. The man's car knocked down the car, and I was knocked down immediately.

The gang caught up, held me down and beat me. It was over, I thought, the beating seemed impossible to avoid. I had no choice but to protect my head and let them beat me.

At this time, I had to lament my shit luck, a patrol car happened to pass by, and when it saw someone fighting, it rushed over.

The police didn't catch me, and seeing that my injuries were not serious, but my forehead was scratched somehow, and my face was slightly bruised, they only took me back to make a statement.

I was staying in the police station, and before I finished recording my statement, I saw Liu Ruyue rushing in, followed by Liu Tianming.

As soon as Liu Ruyue came in, no one cared, she rushed over and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

I smiled and said, "What can I do."

Seeing the bruises on my face, she was very angry and asked the policeman who was taking my statement, "Did you catch that bastard?"

The police were asking, but they rushed in suddenly, and they were confused by the question, "Who are you? Who let you in?"

"He beat him, why didn't you arrest him?" Liu Ruyue said, "Why didn't you take him to the hospital? Have you checked? Why are you so irresponsible?"

Seeing that the policeman's expression turned pale immediately, I quickly pulled Liu Ruyue over and said, "It's okay, I'm fine. You don't need to go to the hospital."

"It's fine if you don't go to the hospital," Liu Ruyue said anxiously, "But he must be arrested. He beat someone, why don't you arrest him?"

"Are you sick? Do you believe it if you say that I will arrest you first?" the policeman warned.

"Comrade policeman, I'm her lawyer. She's just a little emotional. We know the person who beat someone. Will you take corresponding measures?" Liu Tianming said.

(End of this chapter)

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