The beauty bible used by beauties all over the world

Chapter 12 Beauty stars' beauty tips

Chapter 12 Beauty stars' beauty tips (1)
Zhao Yazhi: Time flies, but her face is more feminine

Among Chinese actresses, Zhao Yazhi seems to be a miracle.From Feng Chengcheng in her 20s, to Bai Suzhen in her 30s, and now to Zhao Yazhi in her 50s, a lot has changed in the past 30 years, but Zhao Yazhi’s beauty has not changed. Now she looks like she is in her 30s There is no difference, she is still an elegant and beautiful beautiful woman.Does Zhao Yazhi have any beauty secrets? oil blackhead removal

Zhao Yazhi revealed that she always uses baby oil to remove blackheads on her nose, because the main component of baby oil is mineral oil, which is often contained in cleansing oils, so it is very effective to dissolve the oil components of "blackheads".

Method: Prepare high-quality facial tissues and a bottle of baby oil, and use baby oil to massage the blackheads on the nose patiently after cleaning the face.When you feel some small particles on your fingers, it is actually the oil from the blackhead that has been massaged out, then wipe it off with a paper towel and continue to massage.Pay attention to avoid the parts with acne when massaging, and the pressure should be moderate, not too hard.After the massage, cleanse the skin again, preferably with astringent water.

2.Easy to apply makeup to find olive oil

The sticky texture of olive oil can effectively prevent skin moisture from evaporating and make the skin have good adhesion.Ladies who often put on makeup must have this experience. When the body is too tired or lacks sleep, the skin is prone to dryness and peeling. No matter how good the foundation is, it is not easy to apply it evenly on the skin.At this time, if you add 1 to 2 drops of olive oil to the cosmetics, rub it and apply it evenly on the face, the skin will become bright immediately.Then apply foundation, the adsorption capacity will be greatly enhanced.

3.Rubbing ears to help beauty

Gently hold the ears with the palms of both hands, rub them 49 times from front to back, and then 49 times from back to front, so that the skin of the ears will be slightly flushed, and the local area will feel a little hot, once a day in the morning and in the evening , there will be a refreshed and radiant effect.If you hold both earlobes properly, you can receive the effect of anti-aging beauty. The key point is to use the thumb and index finger to gently and rhythmically pinch the middle area of ​​the earlobe, 1-2 times a day, for 3 minute each time, and persevere do it.

4.Royal jelly can delay aging

Many women feel that aging is accelerated when they are 30-40 years old. In fact, this is a kind of "pseudo-aging".This "pseudo-aging" is actually the excessive fatigue of some organ cells in the human body, which can easily become real aging.

The most suitable way to delay aging is to take royal jelly.Royal jelly contains a small amount of estrogen, which just makes up for the lack of female estrogen.Fresh royal jelly is composed of more than 100 rare ingredients, among which a large number of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements can improve human nutrition and meet the needs of the human body. Rich and efficient active enzymes and organic acids can coordinate secretion, balance the body, improve sleep, Enhance physical fitness and overcome diseases.

5.Regularity of life, pay attention to balanced nutrition
Regarding the secret of beauty, Zhao Yazhi also said this: "I don't like nightlife, rarely socialize, live regularly, keep enough sleep, eat healthy, don't have a partial eclipse, and don't eat whatever I want. Meat I eat as I like, I am not a vegetarian, and I like spicy food, but I will pay attention to nutritional balance."

Zhang Ziyi's Unique Beauty Recipe: Natural Skin Care

Zhang Ziyi is a well-known film and television star at home and abroad. Every time she makes an appearance, she will give people an amazing feeling. Even when she is not wearing makeup, her skin is still white and flawless, revealing the luster and radiance of youth.We all know that as a star, you often need to wear heavy makeup, and regular makeup will cause damage to the skin, so how does Zhang Ziyi keep her skin youthful and beautiful?
1.often do pedicure

Unlike many big-name celebrities, Zhang Ziyi seldom goes to beauty salons for care. "One is that I don't have time, and the other is that I feel more at ease doing it by myself." But she often does foot massage, no matter how busy she is, she will do it once or twice a month.She believes that foot massage is both traditional and safe, and it can not only maintain health but also perform fundamental beauty from the source, which is a good beauty secret.Now, driven by her, the whole family likes this healthy and relaxing way.

2. "Three more" beauty policy

In terms of beauty, Zhang Ziyi has always adhered to her "three more" policy: drink more water, eat more fruit, and sleep more.Zhang Ziyi said: "In terms of maintenance, men rely on food, and women rely on sleep. The schedule must be normal, and 12 hours of sleep must be guaranteed. Usually, if I am not filming, I will definitely not go to bed after [-] o'clock. "

3.Soup maintenance method
In addition, Zhang Ziyi also has a unique secret recipe. She said: "Beauty needs to be combined inside and outside, and soup is the best way. When filming "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", the crew cooked various soups every day, and then told me This soup moisturizes the skin, and that soup nourishes the skin... Soup is really a good thing, very good for the skin.” Zhang Ziyi’s favorite soups are as follows:

1) Mushroom Chicken Soup
Shiitake mushrooms are rich in a variety of amino acids and vitamins, and contain maziol, which is lacking in ordinary vegetables. While delaying aging, it can also soften the old cuticle and improve skin aging caused by sun exposure.

Raw materials: 500 grams of native chicken, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 10 grams of chives, and appropriate amount of salt.

Method: Clean the local chicken and put it in a pot of cold water. Put the shiitake mushrooms in the pot after washing them. When the pot is boiling, put the green onions in and cook for three or four hours on a warm fire. Finally, according to your own Seasonings such as monosodium glutamate and salt are added to taste.

2) Crucian carp custard soup
Crucian carp contains comprehensive and high-quality protein, which can strengthen the skin's elastic fiber composition.Especially for early wrinkles caused by mental factors such as stress and lack of sleep, it has a peculiar relief effect.

Ingredients: one crucian carp, 20 peppercorns, 10 grams of egg milk, 10 grams of ginger, [-] grams of green onion, appropriate amount of salt, and appropriate amount of chicken essence.

Method: After laparotomy, clean the crucian carp for later use; put the crucian carp in 40% hot oil to overcook the oil to remove the fishy smell of the crucian carp; add appropriate amount of water and seasonings, and simmer for [-] minutes on low heat; add a little Egg milk can make the soup white and thick, and the taste is better.

3) Winter melon meatball soup
Winter melon is rich in vitamin C, which can have a good moisturizing effect on the collagen and elastic fibers of the skin.Regular consumption can effectively resist the formation of early wrinkles and make the skin soft and smooth.

Raw materials: 500 grams of wax gourd, 250 grams of pork belly, 10 grams of green onion, a little cornstarch, an appropriate amount of salt, and an appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate.

Method: Peel and clean the wax gourd, cut into small cubes for later use; add salt and cornstarch to the minced pork belly, knead into meatballs; Clean water and simmer over low heat; after 20 minutes, add wax gourd, simmer for 15 minutes on low heat and serve.

4) Pork knuckle and soybean soup
Trotters contain a lot of collagen, which is converted into gelatin during cooking.The unique network structure of gelatin can effectively improve the water storage function of skin tissue cells, keep skin cells moisturized, and significantly reduce existing wrinkles.

Ingredients: 350 grams of pork knuckle, 100 grams of soybeans, 10 grams of chives, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence, 10 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, and a small amount of rice wine.

Method: Soak the soybeans for [-] hours in advance; wash the trotters and cut them into medium-sized pieces for later use; put the washed trotters into boiling water, and take them out after [-] seconds; pour off the boiling water, and put the trotters, soybeans Put all raw materials in new water and simmer for [-] hours on low heat.

Big-eyed beauty Zhao Wei reveals her beauty tips
From the "Little Swallow" loved by the whole people to the current queen of film and television, Zhao Wei's beautiful transformation is obvious to all, which naturally benefits from her meticulous maintenance.

1.take a bath

Zhao Wei believes that taking a lot of baths can promote metabolism and microcirculation, which is of great benefit to beauty.Therefore, she has developed the habit of taking baths since she started working, and she does not forget to buy a lot of essential oils, hot spring powder, French bath salts, etc. for bathing when she travels to various places.

2.Beauty with food
Zhao Wei is good at absorbing nutrients from food and fruits for beauty and skin. Let’s make an inventory of Zhao Wei’s beauty products to see which ones are suitable for us.

1) Vinegar + Vaseline + Strawberry
Zhao Wei said: "Strawberry is rich in vitamin C, which is a natural whitening product. The fiber in apples can remove the dirt between teeth. Eating an apple every day can not only whiten teeth, but also replenish vitamins for the body and delay aging." .”

Jealousy - Zhao Wei's so-called jealousy refers to the popular "fragrant vinegar beauty treatment", that is, "paste" vinegar on the face for skin rejuvenation.

Vaseline moisturizes lips - Zhao Wei puts a light-colored lipstick on her lips every day, and then reapplies Vaseline to protect her lips.

Strawberry Bright Teeth – Vicki Zhao says she owes her bright white teeth to strawberries, mash the strawberries into a paste and add a little baking powder.Put it on the toothbrush like squeezing toothpaste, apply it to the teeth with a toothbrush to "fix" for about 5 minutes, and rinse with water.Do it at least once a week for good results.

2) Kiwi fruit + soup + fruits and vegetables
Zhao Wei likes to use kiwi fruit cleansing cream; add some honey and yogurt to the kiwi juice, and then apply it on the face to rejuvenate the skin.

Zhao Wei said that beauty must drink more soup.For example, red dates + wolfberry + chicken soup are good for the skin and body; black dates + lotus seeds + lily + Chinese yam + yam + barley + chicken soup can care for the skin and nourish the body.

A friend once recommended to Zhao Wei a beautiful little recipe, mix all the green vegetables and fruits together, make it into juice or make it into a salad, it can be very helpful to the skin, and can make the skin look smoother and more tender.Zhao Wei said: "This method is really effective, and it works for me! As for food, I like Sichuan food and Cantonese food the most. These foods are delicious and cheap. Every time I go to Hong Kong, I I like to eat snacks the most. Egg waffles worth RMB [-] or RMB [-] are enough.

3.slim down

When filming "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Zhao Wei's face was round, a little baby fat, and she looked very cute.But now Zhao Wei has a sexy figure, with bumps and convexities, exuding the charm of a mature woman all over her body.How did she lose weight successfully?

1) Fat push: Zhao Wei believes that fat push is a very useful way to lose weight.Massage from the outside to the inside can exercise the muscles of the whole body and burn fat, especially for the lower abdomen to lose weight.Zhao Wei revealed that two weeks before the filming of each film is her fixed weight loss period, and that period is the most painful for her.However, she said that losing weight is not for how beautiful she can be, but for fear of being too fat and sorry for the audience.

2) Swimming: Swimming is an exercise that Zhao Wei believes is not difficult and exercises her whole body.She said: "Whenever I shoot an action movie, I will swim in the hotel where I stay. Because shooting a literary drama only consumes 50 points of energy, while shooting an action movie consumes 120 points of energy, which requires very high physical fitness. Every day Swim up to 1000 meters at a time, with a few rests in between."

3) Sit-ups: If the time is too tight, Zhao Wei will choose to do sit-ups, not doing many sit-ups each time, but the key is to persist.

4) Yoga: Zhao Wei prefers yoga. She said: "I don't expect to use this to lose weight, but since yoga can purify the soul, I plan to practice it when I have time."

5) Brisk walking: Zhao Wei also has a trick to lose weight quickly - walking quickly.This method is very simple and the effect is very good.In addition, when she is not filming, Zhao Wei can also stay on the golf course all day, which can not only exercise her body, but also relax her nerves.

6) Diet adjustment: In order to lose weight, Zhao Wei also pays great attention to diet.She would juice all the vegetables she could eat, including not only cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., but also garlic, onions, peppers, etc.This is a drink that Zhao Wei believes is "extremely healthy, extremely slimming, and extremely unpalatable".Zhao Wei said that the reason why Italians look very sexy is because they eat more tomatoes and onions, these two vegetables can stimulate the secretion of hormones.

Nine-headed beauty Wu Peici's traditional Chinese medicine beauty tricks

Wu Peici, currently one of the most beautiful actresses in Taiwan, China, her grandfather is a Chinese medicine doctor, perhaps influenced by this, Wu Peici has always believed that only Chinese medicine beauty can have no side effects.Now let's listen to beauty expert - Pace Wu's beauty tricks of traditional Chinese medicine.

1.Soup is the most beautiful
Pace Wu likes to drink soup the most, and the following soups are what she often drinks.

1) Siwu Soup
The main characters of Siwu Decoction are angelica, Rehmannia glutinosa, Chuanxiong, Baishao and other four traditional Chinese medicines, which can regulate menstruation, help the human body activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, eliminate blood clots, relieve pain during menstruation, improve anemia, and relieve symptoms of cold hands and feet.Siwu Decoction is also a beauty product, which can improve dry skin and yellow hair, and can also replenish blood, making the skin rosy and shiny. .
Siwu soup has a strong medicinal flavor, and many people may not be used to drinking it, so when cooking Siwu soup, you can add jujube and wolfberry, so that the effect of nourishing blood is better, and the taste will be easier to accept.It can also be cooked with skinless chicken, ribs or fish.It should be noted that since everyone's physique is different, it is best to take Siwutang under the guidance of a doctor to avoid adverse effects on the body.

2) Bazhen Soup
Bazhen Decoction is based on Siwu Decoction plus Sijunzi (Dangshen, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos and Zhilicorice), which can be cooked in the same way as silky chicken and pig bones. It is suitable for people with yellow complexion, fatigue and Qi deficiency. It nourishes qi and blood, makes the face rosy, and is also effective for those with cold hands and feet in winter.

3) Shiquan Dabu Soup
The ingredients of Shiquan Dabu Decoction is to add Huangshi and cinnamon on the basis of eight treasures. It can be cooked with red dates, native chicken or silky chicken. It can replenish qi and blood and deficiencies, and improve the symptoms of dry skin and cold hands and feet , Enhance physical strength.

(End of this chapter)

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