The beauty bible used by beauties all over the world

Chapter 23 Know the natural beauty formulas of Thai beauties

Chapter 23 Know the natural beauty formulas of Thai beauties

Hair care secret recipe for Thai girls

Thai girls like long hair and shawls, which look pure and elegant.Many people think that the luster of their hair mainly comes from the nourishment of humid air. In fact, this is only one aspect. In fact, Thai women pay great attention to the maintenance of hair the day after tomorrow.

There are some traditional hair care methods in Thailand: first, condition your hair with olive oil, apply it generously on the hair, keep it for 20 minutes and then wash it off.Second, condition your hair with an oil called magu fruit.The fruit is like a lime, but with a rougher skin.Roast the fruit on the fire to get the oil, apply it on the hair for 20 minutes and wash it off.Third, for hair care, they mix egg whites with beer.In addition, it is also popular in Thailand to process raw materials such as orange peel and mangosteen husk into hair conditioner to maintain hair.

In addition, there is also a traditional homemade shampoo in Thailand, which is a hair conditioner made from orange peel, mangosteen shell, olive and other raw materials.Recently, it is popular in Thailand to use Dead Sea mud rich in potassium salt and bromine imported from Israel for hair care. Apply it on the hair for 20 minutes and then wash it off to make the hair brighter.

Using vegetable oil can also play a role in nourishing hair. Wash your hair first, then apply a tablespoon of vegetable oil evenly on your hair, put a heated plastic headgear on your head, take off the headgear after about 20 minutes, and then Wash your hair thoroughly to remove oil stains.

Unique Thai natural beauty recipes

Thai beauties believe that traditional beauty formulas are more economical, more effective, and healthier choices than professional skin care and hair care products. Therefore, in the process of skin care, Thai beauties pay more attention to natural maintenance methods, such as mixed use of turmeric, Flour, chickpeas and rose water etc.Here is a natural remedy for dark spots.

Take a fresh egg, wash it and wipe it dry, add 500ml of high-quality vinegar and soak it for a month.After the eggshells are dissolved in the vinegar solution, take a small tablespoon of the solution and mix it with a cup of boiling water, stir it and take it, one cup a day.Taking vinegar egg liquid for a long time can make the skin smooth and delicate, and remove all dark spots on the face.

In addition, lotus seed porridge in Thailand also has a good effect on beauty and beauty.People who have been to Thailand and have eaten this kind of porridge will find that the lotus seed porridge in Thailand has no trace of rice. Instead, the lotus seeds are ground into fine powder and cooked into a paste, which is called porridge.This porridge tastes smooth, fragrant and delicious, rich in amino acids and minerals, and has the effect of moisturizing and beautifying the skin.

To eradicate butterfly spots, Thai women have a trick
After turning 30, many women find that "butterflies" gradually appear on their cheeks, densely covered with black or brown spots, and their cheeks look like the wings of a butterfly. These spots become more and more dark as they get older. The beauty is almost overwhelmed by these spots.Don't panic, it's actually very easy to eliminate them. Now let's take a look at the beauty products commonly used by Thai women to remove freckles.

1. Black fungus and red dates soup
Wash the black fungus, remove the core of the red dates, add some water, cook for about half an hour, once a day after breakfast and dinner.Take it regularly, it can keep the skin and remove freckles, build muscles and build muscles.

2.Cucumber porridge

Wash the cucumber, peel and remove the heart, cut into thin slices, then wash the rice, wash the ginger and crush it for later use.Add about 1000ml of water to the pot, add rice and minced ginger, bring to a boil over high heat, then switch to a slow fire, and slowly cook until the rice is rotten, then add cucumber slices, cook until the soup is thick, and season with refined salt.Taking it warmly twice a day can moisturize the skin, remove freckles, and lose weight.

3. Eggs stuffed with wolfberry wine

The fermented eggs with wolfberry wine recommended here use quail eggs. This is because quail eggs are rich in protein, B vitamins, vitamins A, E, etc. When cooked with fermented glutinous rice, it will also produce enzymes and enzymes that are beneficial to women's skin. active substance.A bowl every day can make your skin tender and shiny, and can achieve the effect of removing freckles.

When boiling wolfberry wine stuffed eggs, first boil 200g of wine stuffed rice, then add 5g of wolfberry, appropriate amount of rock sugar and 50g of quail egg mixture, and boil it on high heat.

4. Tomato juice
Drinking 1 cup of tomato juice a day or eating tomatoes often has a better effect on preventing freckles.Because tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, they are known as "vitamin C warehouse".Vitamin C can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the skin and effectively reduce the formation of melanin, thereby making the skin white and tender and dark spots disappear.

5. Lemon Rock Sugar Juice

Squeeze the lemon juice, add rock sugar and drink in moderation.Lemons are rich in vitamin C, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins.Drink lemon juice often, not only can be white and tender Skin, prevent skin vascular aging, eliminate facial pigment spots, and also have the effect of preventing and curing arteriosclerosis.

In addition, women must drink less pigmented beverages, such as strong tea, coffee, etc., because these beverages can increase skin pigmentation and make your spots more and more serious.

Maintaining a good attitude is also a good way to fight against butterfly spots. Don't let the bad mood of stagnation affect your beauty.Be cheerful and stick to the correct freckle removal method, and you will find that the "butterflies" on your face will fly away inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)

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