The beauty bible used by beauties all over the world

Chapter 41 Moisturizing: The skin should be as moist as water

Chapter 41 Moisturizing: The skin should be as moist as water

Green Tea Hydrating Mask
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of green tea powder, 1 egg yolk, one and a half tablespoons of flour.

Method: Add egg yolk to flour and stir, then add green tea powder and mix.Apply the green tea mask to the entire face, and then spread a layer of slightly damp facial tissue, stay on the face for 5-10 minutes, then wash off with cold or warm water.Do not apply makeup immediately.

Efficacy: Use green tea powder rich in vitamin C to make a homemade mask, which has a good whitening effect on the skin. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Green tea is sweet and cold, non-toxic, and can be used as a pillow to improve eyesight." Compared with lemon, which is also rich in vitamin C, green tea is not acidic, does not irritate the skin, and has a moisturizing effect.

rose water mask

Materials: 3 tablespoons of dried roses, half a cup of distilled water, 1 sheet of mask paper, 1 sheet of plastic wrap.

Method: Boil distilled water and brew roses. After 5 to 15 minutes, soak the mask paper with cooled rose water and apply it on the face, and then stick a layer of plastic wrap to enhance the effect. After 15 minutes, remove the plastic wrap and mask paper, and wash your face with clean water.

Efficacy: Rose water not only moisturizes the skin, but also effectively delays skin aging and inhibits wrinkles.

tomato mask
Ingredients: one tomato, one lemon, a little flour.

Method: Mash tomato and lemon slices, add a little flour and stir evenly.Apply on the face for about 15 minutes and wash off.

Efficacy: remove old and dead cells, deeply cleanse the skin, astringe the skin, especially effective for blackheads and oily skin.It also has cleaning, moisturizing, whitening and calming effects.

Egg Yolk Olive Oil Mask

Materials: 1 egg yolk, 1 spoon olive oil, [-] spoon honey.

Usage: Take egg yolk, add olive oil and honey, mix well, moisten a cotton pad and apply on the face. Wash off with water after 15 minutes.

Efficacy: Supplement skin nutrition and lubricate.

Oat Milk Mask
Oatmeal can not only be eaten, but also can be made into a good skin care product for ladies - facial mask.You can DIY various oatmeal masks at home to care for your skin according to your skin type. Here is an oatmeal mask-oat milk mask.

Materials: 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, half a cup of milk.

How to do it: Mix oatmeal with milk, boil it on a low heat, then apply it on your face while it is still warm, wash it off after 10 minutes and you're done.

Efficacy: It can relieve skin spots caused by acne, freckles, blackheads, and pimples. As long as the problem is not particularly serious, you only need to use the oatmeal mask for 10 minutes a day to see the effect, and the moisturizing effect is also very obvious.

According to the above practices and your skin type, you can also add other accessories, such as honey, lemon, egg white, essential oil, various vegetable and fruit juices, etc. to make a skin care mask suitable for you.Such internal food and external application will make your skin more delicate.

(End of this chapter)

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