Lu Shao is remarrying again

Chapter 1101 What to Expect

Chapter 1101 What to Expect

This huge Bolu belongs to Lu Qiyuan, and he is also the master of the Lu family. Whoever he wants to suppress and whoever he wants to promote is all his one thought.

As a descendant of the Lu family, it is necessary to experience these.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and there are no brothers or family ties on the battlefield. This is his purpose.

However, he was very thoughtful in this regard, and he did it, but he ignored that Lu Chengchen and Song Wei were not normal people at all.

In the company, no matter how hard Lu Chengchen fought with Qin Mosheng, he would not bring his emotions home.

And he was so calm and didn't tell Song Wei about the matter, Song Wei is also a big-hearted person, he doesn't care about Lu Chengchen's situation in the company at all, and just works as her Mrs. Lu with peace of mind every day.

Does she really think she is Mrs. Lu?

Lu Qiyuan patted the table heavily, he glared at Lu Chengchen and Song Wei angrily, but Song Wei and Lu Chengchen were sitting on the sofa, cuddling each other, looking back at him with the same unknowing gaze.

With a click, Lu Shiqing next to him lit a cigarette, and seemed a little impatient.

He took a sharp puff, exhaled the smoke and said, "Dad, it's getting late, you should hurry back and rest."

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Lu Qiyuan a chance to refuse, and directly yelled at the servant waiting at the door: "Send the old man back!"

"You don't need to send it!" Lu Qiyuan immediately stood up when he heard the sound.

He has a servant himself, and the servant followed him here, after all, now that he is old, he cannot live without people around him, besides, how can he show his identity if he doesn't have two people around him.

After hearing Lu Shiqing's words, the servant at home obediently walked to Lu Qiyuan's side after hearing what Lu Qiyuan said, and said respectfully: "Master, you should go back, it's dark and the road is slippery, I'll see you off."

Lu Qiyuan snorted coldly.

He didn't pay attention to the servant at all, and walked out with his two people, leaning on crutches.

When he walked to the door, he was still unwilling and turned to look at Song Wei.

"During this time, you should live in the old house properly!" After he finished speaking, he turned and left, and the servant behind him slammed the door shut.

Lu Qiyuan left.

After taking away the two people he brought, there were three less people in the living room, and it seemed much quieter.

Song Wei quickly got up from Lu Chengchen, looked at the door from a distance, blinked his eyes in confusion, and looked at Lu Chengchen: "What do you mean by him? Let me live in the old house all the time?"

Lu Chengchen glanced at her lightly from the side, but did not answer, but got up and walked upstairs.

It's this look of indifference again, as if she owes him another 800 million.

"You don't have to worry too much," Ji Yuqiong said next to her.

Ji Yuqiong walked to Song Wei's side, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a relieved smile: "The old man has conceded defeat to you. You see, he doesn't force you to go to the hospital for fetal gender identification now, but makes you always Staying in the old house is probably based on the idea that he can watch your stomach grow bigger every day when you live in the old house, so he feels at ease and has something to look forward to."

"What hope?" Lu Shiqing raised his head after hearing her.

Ji Yuqiong's expression froze, and she suddenly remembered that no one had ever said anything about the old man's illness.

She smiled awkwardly, "Why don't I say that you are a fool, the old man has been looking forward to the birth of the fourth generation grandson of our Lu family, can't you see it?

Lu Shiqing frowned.

He can tell that the old man wants a great-grandson.

He snorted: "Are you sure what he wants is the great-grandson who came out of Song Wei's stomach?"

(End of this chapter)

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