Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 74 The Wizarding World

Chapter 74 The Wizarding World ([-])

Wu Mingkong sat on the carriage, seemingly in a daze, but actually continued to deduce the follow-up of "Natural Meditation". Although he already had a follow-up idea, he still needed other meditation methods to prove it.

Shelley looked at Wu Mingkong warily, for fear that he would run away.

At the beginning, Wu Mingkong was really looked at with horror, after all, he still felt very uncomfortable staring at you all the time.

Outside were 21 bandits and Serra and Harry accompanied them.

Although these people were all dead, after Wu Mingkong patched them up with nano-robots, he brought them back to life, and specially coated their bodies to prevent them from decomposing, which can be described as painstaking.

It's just that Shelley didn't seem to be surprised by this, as if it was commonplace, seeing these corpses come alive without even twitching their eyelids, which is completely different from the previous situation when they found out that Wu Mingkong had the ability to leave her.

In this regard, Wu Mingkong also discovered that this big girl's past was not simple, um, before she was ten years old.

The rest of the journey was uneventful, although Wu Mingkong had never been to Aner County, but with the map and knowledge, Wu Mingkong's judgment was still very accurate.

Aner County is more than ten times more prosperous than Hongheling. If Hongheling is a small mountain village, then Aner County is a metropolis.

But where can this thing prosper when it is prosperous, it is not the same mess.

It's just messy and messy.

The soldiers defending the city didn't stop Wu Mingkong's convoy like they did civilians, they were still very discerning.

Can the convoy guarded by 23 fierce knights be ordinary people?

Then Wu Mingkong booked a hotel as a place of accommodation.

There is no need to worry about money, not to mention the large amount of wealth from the Honghe tie before, the money delivered by the 21 thieves before is enough for the expenses.

"Adams, open the door, I want to talk to you." Wu Mingkong just returned to the room, and finally no one was staring at him, and he couldn't help feeling relieved.

But within 2 minutes, Shelley came to the door again.

Neuropathy, candy.

Wu Mingkong could only think of these two keywords to describe Shelley.

As for looking good?

These Wu Mingkong really don't like it, no matter how good-looking you are, you will be nothing but a pink skull and a handful of loess in a hundred years.

He wanted to live forever, but he didn't want to spoil his practice because of this kind of thing.

And he discovered his own shortcomings in just a few days.

That is my own character, even if I have settled in the Qin Tianjian for so long, I still can't raise my energy well, and I always like to vent my anger.

There is no such state of virtue and true cultivation as Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his face. He probably won't be able to cultivate that state in his entire life.

Before, he would do things in a sneaky way without the strength, but now he is reckless when he has the strength.

Although he is reckless, he is still reckless with a purpose, such as how to use the least mana to get the most damage.

"Come in." Wu Mingkong sighed and let Shelley in.

As soon as Shelley came in, he glanced at Wu Mingkong's room.

"There is a problem with your room." Shelley glanced at Wu Mingkong's room, ready to start picking.

Wu Mingkong also took a glance, and found that there is no problem, this big girl will not get sick again.

"Well, you can figure it out." Wu Mingkong didn't refute, she got used to picking and choosing what you like to do along the way.

"There is no rush, there are still five days left, and the ship to test the qualifications of wizards is coming, you have to be prepared."

"How did you know?" Wu Mingkong was a little puzzled. We arrived together, and you didn't go outside to inquire. How did you know about this?
"It's a secret, so you have to rest at ease these few days and get ready for the test." Shelley still didn't say anything, and Wu Mingkong didn't press the question either.

Keep the secret secret, at worst, just restart after completing a process.

"Okay, I'll do as you said." Wu Mingkong also found out that this big girl is like a donkey, you have to touch her with the hair, if you want to touch her against the hair, she will give you a kick and disgust you.

Shelley is very satisfied with Wu Mingkong's answer, she likes this sense of control very much, although it is a bit false now.

"My lord, an invitation letter from Viscount Jonah, inviting you to the banquet tonight." The old one-eyed man walked in with an invitation letter, and Wu Mingkong signaled to put the invitation letter on the table.

Shelley picked up the invitation letter and checked it carefully: "We will go to the banquet tonight."

"Why?" Wu Mingkong actually didn't want to go, he was annoyed by such hypocritical social activities.

"We need to increase our bargaining chips, by the way..." Shelley began to analyze at length again.

Wu Mingkong felt that it would be a pity for this big girl not to become a queen, she could figure out all kinds of calculations for you, and if she was a man in the Three Kingdoms, she could become a counselor.

"So, we must go."

"Okay, let's go." Wu Mingkong is not interested in this kind of thing, at worst, he will just throw his body to the brain to take care of him, just like the previous edict of guilt in reality.

It's a pity that there is an extraordinary world in this world, otherwise Wu Mingkong would really be planning to throw a nano-robot as a stand-in for himself, but we have to wait until later.

"Okay, you and I go get ready." Shelley smiled cleverly.

"I'll go prepare with you? Or you'll let me know when you're ready." After Wu Mingkong finished speaking, Shelley's cleverly smiling face collapsed immediately, very gloomy.

"I still need to meditate. You just bring me with you, and Harry and Sela stay here. I'll wait for you here." Wu Mingkong explained.

Shelley also seemed to know the seriousness of the matter, and just nodded very gloomyly. When he was about to leave, he did not know where to find a lot of locks, and locked the doors and windows of Wu Ming's empty room.

This made Wu Mingkong a little bit dumbfounded, it seemed that he had fallen ill again.

"This big girl is so honest, she gets sick when things go wrong, she's really like a donkey." Thinking of this, Wu Mingkong thought of the donkey in his career, which was so docile.

Hearing the sound of distant footsteps, Wu Mingkong released a small number of nano-robots and let them serve as scouts for him.

By the way, let's find out what's so special about this An'er County, and why wizards come here to test their qualifications and recruit wizard apprentices.

"God Yu Ze, this dungeon is really extraordinary. Even gods can use it, and judging from the meaning, it is still a dead god." Wu Mingkong looked at the dungeon target and couldn't help sighing.

It seems that this copy is indeed much higher than the upper limit of Dagan Fengyun, which is really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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