Chapter 387

"Sun Bofu, why don't you let my Yuan family take back Beihai County, which belongs to us!"

Seeing Sun Ce's angry eyes, Yuan Tan immediately faltered and asked.

Before Sun Ce could speak, Zhou Yu on the side said, "Why? Naturally, I am worried about your Yuan family. Who of you here will trust you to leave the rear to you? If your Yuan family and Liu Wei attack back and forth, Aren’t we in danger? Besides, is it the king’s land in the whole world, is it the king’s subjects on the shore of the land, this Qingzhou is the territory of the big Han, when did it become your Yuan family’s?”

Zhou Yu's words stunned Yuan Tan, and he stood there for a long time unable to say a word.

"Okay. Everyone, stop arguing. If you want me to say, we will each leave an army and horse stationed in Beihai County, and we will talk about it after we kill Liu Wei!"

Cao Cao stood up and became a peacemaker.

"Well, Prime Minister Cao has a good plan! In this way, everyone doesn't have to fight, it's really wonderful!"

Zhang Yun from Jingzhou stood up and flattered Cao Cao.

"Well, Prime Minister Cao's solution is better!"

Everyone present agreed with Cao Cao's idea.

"Hmph! Sun Bofu, I remember this matter, let's wait and see!"

Seeing that everyone agreed with Cao Cao's approach, Yuan Tan gritted his teeth and said to Sun Ce.

"Hehe, just wait and see, I, Sun Bofu, will still be afraid of your failure?"

Sun Ce gave Yuan Tan a disdainful look, then turned his head away, and stopped looking at Yuan Tan, as if Yuan Tan was just a lump of fly droppings, which would make people sick.

"Okay, everyone, stop fighting! This time we are going to attack Youzhou, the journey is far away. We must choose a group of princes as the vanguard, take the lead in taking a city in Youzhou, and use it as a place for us to garrison troops. Only in this way can we have capital Confront Liu Wei!"

The matter of the first round in Beihai County was settled, and Cao Cao moved on to the next topic... who will be the vanguard.

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, he heard two voices: "Prime Minister, I, Sun Bofu, are willing to be the vanguard! (Prime Minister, I, Ma Mengqi, am willing to be the vanguard!)"

After the two men finished speaking to Cao Cao, they looked at each other again.

But just this one glance sparked sparks in the eyes of the two of them.

After Cao Cao looked at the two of them, he first said to Sun Ce: "Bofu's brave temperament is too similar to Wentai's. Looking at Bofu, I remembered the time when Wentai was closed in Hulao. Brave! It's a pity that Wentai is so miserable?"

Cao Cao sighed sadly, and then continued: "If Bofu hadn't been injured on his shoulder, I would have made you the vanguard, but Bofu has injured his shoulder, so it's really not suitable to be a pioneer, so...! "

As he said that, Cao Cao cast his eyes on Ma Chao, and then continued: "Let Meng Qi be the pioneer!"


Sun Ce sighed, looked at his shoulder again, and then answered: "Forget it, it's because Ce is not good at learning and skills, and was hurt by Liu Wei. I hope Meng Qi can avenge me! Take the territory of Youzhou! This Let Meng Qi be the pioneer!"

"Then I would like to thank Brother Bo Fu for cutting love, and I will be disrespectful!"

With that said, Ma Chao took the seal of the vanguard officer from Cao Cao, and then went down to mobilize troops and horses.

"Brother Shoucheng has a good son!"

After Ma Chao went out, Cao Cao congratulated Ma Teng.

"Hey, this guy only knows how to fight and kill every day. I asked him to read more military books and he didn't listen!"

Ma Teng smiled, and then stopped talking.

"My lord, it's Haishi now, shouldn't we do it?"

In the moat, Yang Jindao felt that his legs were a little numb.

"Wait a little longer, the brothers in the city haven't moved yet, we made an appointment to let them do it as soon as the holidays pass!"

Liu Wei was also a little nervous at this time. After all, if there was any trouble in the city, it would be a waste of time.

At this time, the patrolling soldiers in the city stopped patrolling, and a group of people gathered around the fire to warm up.

"Okay, just rest for a while. If Lao Qu comes to inspect later and sees us warming up here, he will definitely be whipped!"

A timid soldier said to the others.

"Hi! You are Gao Xiaodan, you are as good as your name, you are too timid, just at this point, Lao Qu, that old pervert may not be in some concubine's bed, and you still have the time to come here to patrol? You can do it , come, come, sit down and have a drink!"

A big man named Yuan Jun next to Gao Xiaodan pulled him down, and then handed him the wine gourd in his hand.Then these few people chatted about Lao Qu's concubines, laughing loudly from time to time.

It turned out that the old Qu they were talking about was their immediate boss and the guard of the Zhongshan Kingdom. His surname was Qu and his name was Yue. He was the nephew of Yuan Shao's second son, Yuan Xi's mother. It was because of Yuan Xi's relationship that he was able to become a county. But this guy is a shit, he has a bad temper, and beats and scolds the soldiers at every turn, but if he sees his boss to inspect, then the boss is even closer than his own father, and he can't wait to give it to him. People are like their sons.

This man is greedy for money and lustful. It's not too late at night. Before it was dark, he had already crawled into the bed of his new concubine.Only this group of soldiers was left to patrol outside, but who would want to move at night, after walking around for two times and seeing no one, the soldiers stopped patrolling, and sat here to warm up, chat, and drink.

"Brothers, quick! Come with me!"

While they were chatting and drinking, a group of soldiers walked out of an abandoned house in Zhongshan County and quietly walked towards the gate of the city.As for this black light, their attention was all on the person who spoke, and they didn't notice that someone walked by not far behind.

"Oh, it seems that someone is there!"

Gao Xiaodan felt someone walking behind him.He had to look back. If he turned his head, he would definitely see the Liaozhou army, but he was hugged by the big man next to him.

"Hahahaha. I beg you Xiaodan brother, are you still a chick? Hearing our reaction to this, can't you bear it?"

This Yuan Jun man obviously drank too much and said everything.

"No, listen to me, there seemed to be someone there just now!"

Gao Xiaodan broke free from the big man's hand and looked back, but the Liao army soldiers had already passed by.Where can I see half a figure!

(End of this chapter)

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