Chapter 618

Cao Cao laughed for a long time, and then said to Xu Huang: "If you take Tongguan, then Ma Teng will be a softshell. Do you think Ma Teng can let you take Tongguan smoothly?"

"This...! Ma Teng's soldiers and horses are all outside Hangu Pass! Will he leave heavy troops in Waitong Pass?"

Xu Huang asked in surprise.

"Then you underestimate Ma Teng. This guy is very shrewd. He will definitely guard the way out!"

Cao Cao looked at Xu Huang, then narrowed his eyes, and said, "Gongming, step back first!"

"Everyone, I am going to step by step and take back the lost land step by step. What do you think!"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Xi Zhicai said, "My lord, it's a good way to regain the lost land step by step, but my lord, our soldiers have traveled a long distance and retreated here from the battlefield in Jiangdong. I'm afraid it's not the best policy!"

"Oh? Then Zhicai, what do you think I should do?"

Cao Cao turned his head to look at Xi Zhicai, Xi Zhicai smiled without saying a word, and with his fingers, he could identify the person sitting at the end of the rank of civil servants.

Cao Cao looked in the direction Xi Zhicai pointed, and saw Sima Yi sitting there with his head down and his eyes closed.

"Zhongda! What are you thinking?"

Cao Cao looked at Sima Yi and asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, this minister is thinking about how to break Ma Teng!"

Sima Yi opened his eyes and hurriedly said to Cao Cao.

"Have you ever thought of a plan?"

Cao Cao asked again.

Sima Yi hastily replied again: "I'm afraid Mr. Xi has already thought about the strategy to defeat the enemy. My lord, let's ask Mr. Xi!"


Cao Cao's face sank: "Zhizhi is Zhicai, you are you, I'm asking you, don't be tricky, just say it when you think of it, and say you didn't think of it if you didn't think of it, you are pretending to be a ghost!"

Cao Cao was obviously displeased.

"My lord, I have also come up with a plan to break the horse, how about letting Lord Sima sit with me on paper?"

Xi Zhicai was a little anxious when he saw Cao Cao, so he said to Cao Cao.

"it is good!"

Cao Cao nodded, and then both Sima Yi and Xi Zhicai picked up their pens and began to write on the paper, and they put down their pens while they were panting.

"Submit it up and let me have a look!"

Cao Cao stretched out his hand, and Xi Zhicai and Sima Yi handed the paper to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao looked down and saw a large character of food written on the two pieces of paper.


Cao Cao looked at the grain in his hand, then looked up at Xi Zhicai and Sima Yi, his eyes full of doubts.Then he gave Xi Zhicai a wink and asked him to explain what it meant.

And Xi Zhicai was determined to cultivate Sima Yi, so he said to Sima Yi: "Sima Zhongda, since you think the same as I do, please tell me what you think!"


Sima Yi was not pretentious, and said directly: "As far as I know, the reason why Ma Teng sent troops to attack Chang'an was because Liu Wei gave Ma Teng army rations, and after Ma Teng got Chang'an, he also got the supplies in Chang'an city. , let him taste the sweetness, so he will continue to march eastward. However, in the bitter cold land of Xiliang, there has been a shortage of food. Now Ma Teng's army rations are robbed on the one hand, and Liu Wei's support on the other. If so, then Ma Teng will definitely lose!"

After hearing what Sima Yi said, Cao Cao nodded thoughtfully, then stared at the map on the table for a while, and asked without raising his head, "This plan is good, but how to implement it?"

"My lord, as long as I send an army to bypass the Wei River and cut off Ma Teng's food supply, he will have to abandon Tongguan and retreat westward!"

Sima Yi spoke again.

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "Since I have no way to kill Ma Teng, I'll just let Ma Teng withdraw to Xiliang!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao also bowed his head and wrote two words on the paper, then dried the ink, and held it up to signal to everyone.

Everyone looked up and saw Cao Cao wrote the word "infighting" on the paper.

"Infighting? Your lord wants to instigate against the generals under Ma Teng's command?"

A general asked.

The general next to this person reprimanded: "Stop talking nonsense, listen to the lord!"

I saw Cao Cao said again: "He Ma Teng stabbed my ass, then I will stab his back door too!"

"Poke Ma Teng's back door?"

Xi Zhicai's eyes lit up, and he called out, "Han Sui?"

"That's right! Ma Teng and Han Sui may look like brothers, but they are actually enemies. If I let Han Sui poke Ma Teng's back door, how can Ma Teng not retreat!"

Cao Cao said again: "But since the king is back, naturally he will meet Ma Shoucheng for a while, and send someone to inform Ma Teng that there will be a battle at Hangu Pass tomorrow!"

Xi Zhicai had already written the letter of war, and after stamping Cao Cao's seal of King Wei, someone sent the letter of war to Ma Teng's barracks.

"That's it!"

After Ma Teng received Cao Cao's letter of war, he directly stamped his seal of the King of Liang on it, and then ordered someone to return it to Cao Cao.

There was nothing to say that night, and early in the morning of the next day, both sides led their troops to the Hangu Pass, lined up their formations, and waited for them.

The Xiliang army fought victoriously all the way to Hangu Pass, and their morale was high. The Cao army fought fiercely in Jiangdong for several months, and the Jiangdong army retreated steadily. Although they came here from Jiangdong after a long journey, their military appearance was still neat and tidy. The morale is not inferior to that of the Xiliang Army.

After Cao Cao finished his formation, he rode his horse out of the formation, and Xu Chu behind him shouted loudly: "Wei Wang asked Ma Shoucheng to come out and answer!"

Ma Teng also led Ma Chao out of the formation, and stood a hundred meters away from Cao Cao. Ma Teng squinted his eyes and looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao said sarcastically, "Ma Shoucheng, you bastard (Ma Teng's mother is a Qiang) didn't herd horses in Xiliang, but came to plunder my territory. That's why!"

Before Ma Teng could speak, Ma Chao wanted to kill Cao Cao when he heard Cao Cao call his father a bastard, but Ma Teng stopped him.

I saw that Ma Teng was not angry, but said with a doubtful accent: "Your territory? When did this become your territory? The land of the Han family is for those who are capable. Why do you say it is your territory! "

"Oh? So, if you, Ma Shoucheng, are capable, you will take all my Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Qingzhou?"

Cao Cao looked at Ma Teng jokingly.

"That's natural! You assassinated the emperor Liu Xie, causing chaos in the world, and everyone got to punish him! Now you dare to pretend to be the king of Wei, how shameless!"

Ma Teng pointed at Cao Cao and cursed.

Cao Cao, on the other hand, ignored Ma Teng's insults, and instead asked, "Then, if you are capable, you will even take down Yizhou, Jingzhou, and even Liu Wei's territories?"

"Why not!"

Ma Teng asked with his eyes waiting.

"You really are a white-eyed wolf who can't get enough to eat. Liu Wei subsidizes your food and grass, but you want to take away his states and counties! I don't know how Liu Ziyan will feel when he hears your words!"

Cao Cao sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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