Chapter 719
After Pang Tong finished speaking, Pang De and Zhang He still didn't understand what he meant.

Ten thousand beasts ran past in Pang Tong's heart, but he still patiently explained: "These three counties are really in the north of the land that Sun Ce took. We won here, and Sun Bofu would have no route to go north. Don't dare to fight us lightly, so we can only withdraw our troops back, and when Sun Ce has withdrawn, we will go back and deal with Cao's army!"


Pang De and Zhang Xi suddenly realized, and only then did they understand what Pang Tong meant.

"You two actually understand what I mean, then we have to act quickly!"

Pang Tong slapped his hands and spoke.

"Pang Da people, we are here now!"

Zhang He pointed to Lanling County on the map, and then said: "If you go south to attack Xiapi, you have to go through Boyang County in Peng Chengguo. If you go east to attack Dasiwu and Houqiu, you have to go through Donghai County. Although it is not a big county, there are quite a few soldiers and horses in the city, if we attack these two counties, I am afraid that time will be too late!"

"No, since we are going to attack Xiapi, Siwu, and Houqiu counties, let's ignore other counties and attack directly where we want!"

Pang Tong went on to say: "The three of us divided into three groups, each with [-] soldiers and horses, and only [-] soldiers and horses were left to guard Lanling County. We did not bring food, grass and luggage. We only brought dry food for [-] days. Go down to these three counties, where do the two generals want to attack?"

"Pang Dao, no way, you are the supervisor, and you are the Lord's right-hand man, how can you be easily dispatched, and if something happens to you, it is difficult for the two of us to explain to the Lord!"

Zhang He immediately rejected Pang Tong's proposal, and then said: "I heard that Cao Qing, the defender of Xiapi County, is quite good. , Therefore, Pang Daren should stay in Lanling County and leave a retreat for the two of us!"

Pang Tong tilted his nose and said loudly: "In the past, Xiang Yu was able to defeat the 20 Qin army with all his strength. Only when there was no retreat, the soldiers were willing to fight to the death. Since the two generals dare not attack Xiapi, I will go and attack." Get down!"

"Huge man...!"

Pang De wanted to persuade Pang Tong again, but Pang Tong refused: "You don't need to talk too much, let's compare the three of us to see if I take down Xiapi first, or you two take down Siwu first. Thick Hill!"

After finishing speaking, Pang Tong stopped talking with Pound and Zhang He, turned around and went out of the tent, ordered [-] soldiers and horses, and did not allow Pang De and Zhang He to say goodbye, and rushed straight to the direction of Xiapi.

After Pang Tong left, Pang De and Zhang Yun looked at each other, and Zhang He said: "Pang Shiyuan and other civil servants have such courage, how can you and I lag behind!"

But Pang De said: "Although that is the case, we should inform the lord of this matter, and ask the lord to make a decision!"

"Of course!"

Knowing that Pang De was cautious, Zhang He agreed immediately. The two wrote a letter to Liu Wei, and followed Pang Tong's order, each with 1 people. Pang De attacked Houqiu, Zhang He attacked Siwu...

Besides, Liu Wei, after receiving the letter from Pang De and Zhang Yun, felt uneasy, for fear that something would happen to Pang Tong.Unable to sleep until late at night, he ordered the guards to hold the lamps, put on his clothes and came to the side of the map, but the map was not detailed enough, so Liu Wei then asked, "Is there a place called Luofengpo in Xiapi?"

The guard didn't understand what Liu Wei meant, nor did he know the topography of Xiapi, so he replied, "Report to my lord, I don't know if there is any place in Xiapi!"

Liu Wei raised his head and glared at the guard, and said angrily, "Since you don't know, then find someone who is familiar with Xiapi!"


The guards hurried back to Huben camp, looking for soldiers who were familiar with Xiapi.

Coincidentally, among the Huben Guards there was a soldier who used to be from Xiapi. When he came to Liu Wei's tent, he said to Liu Wei, "My lord, the younger one used to be from Xuzhou and lived outside Xiapi city. I have never heard of the Luofengpo you mentioned!"


Liu Wei let out a long breath, and then he was relieved.He asked again: "Then what kind of horse did Pang Shiyuan ride on sometimes, was it white?"

"My lord, what's the matter with you? Why do you still care about what kind of horse Pang Da is riding?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just answer whatever you ask!"

"My lord, you are such a noble and forgetful person. If you ask others what kind of horse they are riding, I may not remember it, but the horse that Da Dafu rides is the BMW you gave him. It is a bloody horse. Could it be white?"

The previous Huben Wei replied.

"That's good, you go down, and send more Jinyiwei to follow the battle in Xuzhou secretly. If there is any change, come back and report immediately!"

Only then did Liu Wei put his heart back into his stomach, took off his clothes and returned to the bed, and fell asleep peacefully.

Liu Wei fell asleep here, but Pang Tong was outside Xiapi City, calculating how to take Xiapi.

Now the four gates of Xiapi are all blocked by Cao Qing. If there is a strong attack, it will be impossible to take down Xiapi with only 1 people.

"My lord, it's raining outside, it's cold, you have to keep warm!"

Pang Tong's book boy built a brazier in Pang Tong's tent, brought Pang Tong a cloak, and put Pang Tong on.

"It's raining?"

With a flash of inspiration, Pang Tong hurried to the map, and the book boy asked without raising his head, "Is it raining heavily outside?"

The book boy thought that Pang Tong was afraid that the barracks would be flooded, so he replied: "My lord, don't worry, although there have been several heavy rains in Xuzhou since the beginning of summer, we are far away from the Sihe and Yihe rivers, and we cannot be flooded!"

"Good good!"

Pang Tong said three good words one after another, which confused the book boy and did not understand what Pang Tong meant.

"Come on, let's go to Yihe and Sihe to have a look!"

After approving the cloak, Pang Tong got up and said to the book boy.


The bookboy's jaw almost dropped to the ground in surprise. What are you doing by the river in the middle of the night?

"Ah what, hurry up and get dressed, follow me to Yihe and Sihe to have a look!"

After Pang Tong finished speaking, he went out of the tent without waiting for the book boy, and went to the stable to lead the horse. The book boy had to quickly get dressed and followed Pang Tong to the stable.

Pang Tong hurried away, and when the bookboy arrived at the stable, Pang Tong had already mounted his horse and gone out.

The groom outside the stable did not dare to ask Pang Tong what he was doing, so he had to ask the book boy what Pang Tong was doing.

But the book boy was drenched in the rain, and his mood was extremely bad. He replied angrily: "What are you going to do? Go out and play!"

After finishing speaking, the book boy also got on his horse and followed him out.

Only the groom was left on the spot, scratched his head, and said, "Pang Da is really not an ordinary person. It's raining in the middle of the night and he still has the mood to play!"

The groom closed the stable again and went back to bed.

(End of this chapter)

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