Chapter 535

After Xia Xia went downstairs, she didn't have the patience she had at the beginning. As soon as she went, she asked the group of people to talk quickly, and if they didn't, please leave.

"If you have nothing to do, please leave! If it is still for food, please leave! It is useless to waste it like this. My family will not spoil you. If we talk about this matter later, you big man Just throw them all out, and if you resist stubbornly, jump right away! Anyway, it’s the end of the world now, and no one will care how many people die.”

Xia Xia spoke seriously, and no one thought she was joking again. Even Liu Chunhua, a shrew, only dared to whisper in her heart about Xia Xia's inhumanity, but did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

"Xiaxia! You...I know it's too much, but you can see if you can do this. You can lend some food to my family, and I will give you an IOU. I will definitely repay you in the coming year, and I will pay you back...with interest. return."

Xia Xia saw that it was a young man sitting in the corner who was talking. Since he came in, he hadn't joined forces with Liu Chunhua and the others, but had been sitting quietly in the corner.

Even when Liu Chunhua and the others clamored for some food from the Su family just now, the young man didn't speak.

"How much are you going to borrow?" Xia Xia felt that this person had a different purpose from the person who came today. He seemed to have planned to borrow food from the beginning, and it was because of this Xia Xia that he was willing to lend it to him.

"I...can you tell me how much the interest is? Then I can know whether I can repay it, and then I can determine how much I can borrow." The young man seemed to have thought it through carefully, and Xia Xia could also be sure that this young man was going to borrow from the beginning food.

Xia Xia's attitude was also much better, and said: "They are all from the folks in the village, and the interest is not counted as yours. Tell me how many people there are in your family! Only if you borrow a lot, the interest will be counted."

Xia Xia thought that she couldn't lend it to him without a lower limit. If she borrowed too much, and there was no interest, what should this young man do if he took it out and sold it?
"There are eight people in my family, but there is still some food in the house, but it is not enough for eight people, so I have to borrow food for five people for a year. These village chiefs know it. If you don't believe it, you can ask the village chief. "The young man was afraid that Xia Xia would not believe him, so he said quickly.

Xia Xia signaled the young man not to worry, thought for a while and said, "Then how much food are you going to borrow?"

The young man scratched his head in embarrassment, thinking of his family, he said embarrassingly: "Um... I want to borrow [-] catties of rice. If you don't have any, you can borrow less. You can borrow as much as you can."

Xia Xia thinks this young man is very real, this rice is not rice, this person must consume three hundred catties of rice every year!Xia Xia thought for a while and said, "I'll lend you [-] catties of rice! But you have to give me an IOU."

The young man did not expect to be able to borrow so much grain, and he was ecstatic. Thinking that the family would no longer have to go hungry, he looked at Xia Xia gratefully and said, "Thank you, I will definitely grow grain well in the coming year, and I will return the principal with interest." your."

Although Xia Xia said that there is no interest, the young man thinks that people don't owe him anything, and they still have to pay interest. Now that food is so expensive, it is very interesting if people are willing to lend it to him.

(End of this chapter)

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