Chapter 59

Su Munian looked at the smirking little girl lying on her body, shook her head helplessly, leaned over and hugged Xia Xia, and walked upstairs.

Xia Xia also regained consciousness this time, but she couldn't help laughing all the time, Su Munian's face was covered with black lines from her laughter.

"What are you laughing at, I'll throw you down if you laugh any more." Su Munian said out loud.

Xia Xia knew that Su Munian was scaring her, so she laughed out loud this time, and she found that Su Munian was really more and more like her grandfather's character.

"Old kid!" Xia Xia said to Su Munian with a smile.

Su Munian looked at Xia Xia who couldn't breathe from laughing, and said helplessly, "Okay, don't laugh, don't choke."

"Hehe!" Xia Xia almost laughed too, now it's just a conditional reaction.


Now the snow is getting heavier and heavier, almost like the feeling of the northeast, but this is the south. I heard that the safety zone in the north has begun to be inhabited. In some places, the heating is broken. This weather cannot be repaired quickly, so the safety zone It is open to people.

Grandpa Ye of Yejia Village has long said that it is not allowed to sell grain, but this year there is new grain, and everyone feels that there is no need to store grain, and now the people who come to collect grain are basically people from the country, and the price is high. A small number of villagers sold all their food and kept only a small amount, not even enough to feed their own family.

They went to the town to ask, but they only limited the number of people, and there was no saying that they couldn't buy it. It was just that the price had doubled, but it was not as high as the purchase price. , They can buy food by themselves, and they can also pay a lot of money.

Most of them sold last year's crops and kept this year's crops. Most of the villagers still believed in Grandpa Ye. They also believed that there was a problem with food restrictions. They usually have to spend, so they can only sell last year's.

Fortunately, the price of grain this year is high enough. They sold the remaining rice from last year, and they all got more money than before.

There are also some elderly people at home who have experienced famine years. They will not let their family members sell their food. Yejia Village is a very traditional village. Will not refute.

After Xia Xia found out, she had to lament that Jiang is still old and hot, and an old family is like a treasure!

Grandpa Ye had warned the people in Yejia Village not to sell grain since the Su family came together. Grandpa Ye was very pleased with the result this time, and most people still listened to the advice.

Although they sold last year's grain, this year's harvest is bumper. This time, the family has been eating the grain for three years. If they save a little, they can eat it for another four or five years.

Those few people, in fact, only five families sold all their food. Grandpa Ye knew that they were all fooled by money, and Grandpa Ye couldn't care less about it. Let them regret it later.

Yejia Village is the two gangsters who sold the food, and the other two are usually greedy for money. They used to say that Xia Xia's white-eyed wolf would forget about their poor relatives when they had money, and would not pull them One, and another family is the old man Ye's family.

Ye Lizi and Ye Ke's family haven't sold grain yet. Ye Ke has just turned 19, but as long as the Su family sues, he can still be sentenced. He is already 18 and should be held criminally responsible.

Especially those gangsters in Yejia Village were very young, and this matter was only dealt with after Su Munian came back.

Su Munian went to find out about the situation of those families, and only then did he know that Ye Ke's parents died strictly because of the exhaustion of Xia Xia's parents.

(End of this chapter)

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