Pirates of the Lazy General

Chapter 9 Increase Hardness

Chapter 9 Increase Hardness
"Good morning, Leo!"

"Your heroic deeds in Houshan two days ago have already spread in our training camp. I can't imagine that although your personality is a bit lazy, you are not as handsome as me, taller than me, and your brain is not very good. Even, the night before yesterday, you were holding firecrackers like cigarettes, but no matter what, you're still pretty good."

Leo:? ? ?
"So, from today on, you are my good buddy."

Standing in front of the hospital bed, Xiu En announced unilaterally to Leo who was covered in bandages.

Leo: (⊙o⊙)
"So, after you recover, you, me, and Da Siqi, the three of us will form a small team." Xiu En continued.

This was the task Valdin gave to the group of trainees yesterday, requiring each group of 3 or 4 to form a small team for training until the assessment three months later.

As for what Xiu En said to wait for Leo's health to recover...
Leo subconsciously looked down at the figure wrapped around his body like a mummy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Nima, although I really want to pretend to be lazy for a while, but there is no need for you to pester me like this, nurse sister?

"By the way, where's Dashiqi?" Leo asked.

He lay on the bed all day yesterday, and his "physical fitness" has improved a lot, but Da Siqi is different. After suffering an injury of that degree, he probably will rest for a long time, right?
"I woke up last night, but just after waking up, I was clamoring to see you, but fortunately, I was stopped by Teacher Waldin." Xiu En said: "She has injuries on her legs now, although she is more It’s nothing compared to your injury, but it’s better to rest for a while.”

Leo: (⊙o⊙)
"Then you can take care of your wounds, and I will come to see you tomorrow."


The two chatted for a few more words, then Xiu En got up and left.

Looking at the empty ward, Leo immediately took out his privately hidden cigarettes and lighter from under the pillow with his bandaged hands.

Light it up and take a big sip.


[Injured by cigarettes, lung function +1, digestive system function +1, respiratory health +1]

"Children are not allowed to smoke!"

At this moment, Valdin, who came to visit, stepped forward and snatched the cigarette from Leo's mouth.


Seeing this, Leo looked at Valdin speechlessly: "I heard you bragging last time that I started smoking when I was six years old."

"You said that I'm bragging!"

Valdin glared at Leo, then put the snatched cigarette in his mouth and smoked it himself.

[Injured by second-hand smoke, lung function +2, respiratory health +2, digestive system function +1, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health +1, domineering +1]

"You are a patient now, hiss-ha! If you want to smoke, wait until the injury is healed, hiss-ha! Otherwise, this harmful gas will be inhaled into the body, which will affect the recovery of the injury. Hiss-ha!"

System: 【+1】【+1】【+1】..
Leo: "."

"By the way, teacher, when you chopped down wolves in the back mountain the day before yesterday, didn't you use domineering?"

"how do you know?"

Valdin looked at Leo with some surprise.

You know, this is the West Sea, like ordinary civilians in the four seas, most of them have never seen a domineering person in their life.

Rao is the protagonist like Luffy Zoro in the original book, didn't he gradually know the existence of domineering after leaving the East China Sea and entering the great route.

"Ah, I overheard Xiu En saying that that guy boxed at the bottom of the mountain every day, saying that he was practicing some kind of domineering. It always sounded like he was very powerful."

"It turned out to be that kid."

Valdin nodded, took another puff of cigarette, and said with a smile: "However, domineering is not something that can be mastered by just practicing casually. It depends on long-term and continuous hard work and accumulation, and then..."

Before he finished speaking, Leo suddenly retracted into the quilt again, turned sideways and lay down.

"what happened to you?"

"Nothing, just sleepy."

"Could it be that after hearing the words 'hard work', subconscious people become depressed?"

"How can I have!"

Valdin: "."

Obviously it's okay!



This kid is good everywhere, kind and brave, but he is too lazy. With such a character, what should he do if he really becomes a navy in the future?
"Why don't you arrange for him to be a logistics or medical soldier?"

In this way, there is no need to worry that this kid will be killed by pirates because of his lack of strength.

Shaking his head, Valdin just walked to the door, suddenly thought of something again, turned around and put the box of cigarettes that Leo had placed beside his pillow into his pocket, and then left with his hands behind his back in satisfaction.

A week later.

deep in the mountains.

Leo ran after the wolves through the dense woods.

"Don't run, little wolf wolf, why do you run away when you see me? Let's play together!"


"Come on, come on, come and bite brother."


"Don't be shy, haven't we just been honest with each other a while ago!"

Leo yelled loudly, and after running for a while, he saw that the wolves did not huddle together, but fled in all directions, which made him look depressed.

"Ah, are you really wolves?"

How does it feel like a dog?

It was only the third day of the golden bell training program, and the cute little wolves hid one after another because they couldn't bear the torment of Leo, the "pervert".

As a result, Leo could only practice sword throwing for the time being.

Speaking of which, after being bitten by wolves so many times, his body hardness has reached a very considerable level. This morning when he got up and scratched his arm with a knife, he couldn't cut it. A tiny slit was drawn.

He reckoned that the iron blocks in the Sixth Form of the Navy would be about the same level, right?

But after thinking about it, he shook his head again.

Although the iron block looks very rubbish in the original book, it can break people's defenses at every turn, but it can still be blocked by ordinary bullets. With his current hardness, there may still be a big gap.

"I have to find a way to continue being abused."

Leo rested his chin in thought.

If you want him to stab himself with a knife, firstly, no matter how ruthless a person is, he will subconsciously show mercy to his subordinates. Secondly, given how hard his skin and muscles are now, if he wants to easily It may be difficult to pierce through the ground.

"Are there no other beasts in this mountain?"

The voice just fell.


A roar came from the other side of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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