Naruto: Ice Princess Mai Moon

Chapter 58 Do You Know Me?

Chapter 58 Do You Know Me?

I quickly shuttled through the dead forest. The overgrown forest covered the sunlight thoroughly. Most of the forest was in a dark state, and only some small places had a little sunshine.

I said I was looking for Naruto and the others, but I had no purpose—I had no idea where they were.

I'm getting anxious, if I can't find them anymore...

I didn't dare to think about it, so I sped up the speed. Maybe God has eyes, I found Sasuke and the others in a short time.

However, although it was not long, Orochimaru had just appeared when I arrived.

"Sasuke!! Sakura!! Run!" When I saw Orochimaru, I shouted to Sasuke and Sakura.

When Sasuke and Sakura saw me, they were startled: "Maiko?!"

Orochimaru was even more surprised when he saw me: "Ah... Wuyue, it's really... long time no see~" He brushed the black hair in front of his shoulders, put his hands together easily, and licked his tongue ghostly
"You..." I looked at Orochimaru, my pupils narrowed, "Know me...?"

"You don't remember me?" Orochimaru said with a smile, "That's right, I have forgotten what happened a few years ago. have grown a lot in the past few years, how about...let me see How is your strength...?"

"Maizuki! You know him?!" Sasuke asked me in surprise.

"I don't know!" When I came to this world, this body was eight years old. Before that, I don't know what the real Bingliu Wuyue did or experienced! "In short! Run away!! We can't beat him!"

After hearing what I said, Dashewan's face changed slightly: "Wuyue, do you know what I want to do?"

However, I ignored him, just pushed Sasuke and Sakura, and then stood in front of Orochimaru: "Hey! Your opponent is me! Let the horse come!"

"Maizuki!! That guy is dangerous!! And we can't escape!" Sasuke glanced at Orochimaru, his eyes full of fear.

"You are quite self-aware," Orochimaru said with a smile, "Then, let's begin—the battle for the scroll..." He put a hand over his eyes, and pulled his fingers down the eyelids, with a murderous look It pierced through the bodies of the three of us like a sword!
For a moment, I seemed to see the hallucination that I was killed!

Sure enough... Orochimaru's murderous aura is different from the killers I've seen before...

It's not at the same level at all...

I was overwhelmed by the murderous aura, trembling all over, and fear engulfed my brain all at once.

"Don't worry, Wuyue, I...don't do anything to you right now~" Orochimaru spread his hands pretending to be relaxed, "I'm here this time to find something."

"I won't let you succeed!" I stared at Orochimaru, despite being terrified.

Fortunately... I also expected this situation before, so...


"Huh? Undo the illusion forcibly?" Kakashi shifted his gaze from the book to me, "Why did you do that?"

I folded my hands behind my head, leaned against the tree, and said leisurely: "Well... just to prepare for unexpected situations. If you can't move your limbs after being hit by an illusion, you can use this point!"

"That's it... Actually, there is no need to practice this kind of thing," Kakashi said with a smile, "It's enough to make yourself feel pain, such as biting your own lips."

"Oh! That's fine too!"

【End of memory】

I closed my eyes and bit down hard with my upper teeth. Soon, a bloody smell flowed between my mouth and teeth, and my originally numb limbs began to regain consciousness.

Orochimaru was walking slowly past me holding a kumai with a dangerous smile on his lips.

I turned around abruptly, and in an instant a Kusanagi sword made of ice appeared in my hand, I raised my hand, and slashed like Orochimaru's shoulder!

"Kang Dang!" For a moment, Orochimaru took Kunai to defend himself.

"You're really dishonest, Wuyue, you've become naughty," Orochimaru still smiled, narrowing his golden snake eyes.

I spat out the blood in my mouth and stared at him coldly: "I want you to take care of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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