king of defenders

Chapter 120 Scholarship

Chapter 120 Scholarship

Back at Davidson College, Meng Yun’s life has returned to its original state. He takes half an hour every morning to go to the arena to receive individual guidance from Mason Carr. After class in the afternoon, he rushes to the arena to participate in the team’s routine training , After finishing, we need to practice three-pointers, breakthroughs, and passing.

In fact, it has become a practice for the Wildcats to practice after regular training.

In the beginning, Meng Yun practiced on his own after regular training. Later, teammates continued to join in. To address his own shortcomings, he practiced after regular training to improve himself.

Up to now, everyone in the team has joined in, and they will stay for additional training after each regular training, but the training items, time, and intensity are different.

On this day, Meng Yun came to the arena in the morning and trained for half an hour under the guidance of Mason Carr.

"Okay, that's all for today." Mason Carr looked at his watch and said with a smile.

Meng Yun stopped and called out, "Coach, can I have a chat with you?"

Mason Carr stopped, pointed to the bench on the sidelines, and the two sat down. Mason Carr asked, "Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

"Coach." Meng Yun pondered for a moment before speaking out his question.

On the way back from Richmond, Meng Yun realized something and felt that he had found another way. Scoring can make him happy, and assists can also make him happy. He didn't want to give up any of them.

But he is not sure whether it is right to do so, so today he specifically asked Mason Carr for advice, and he believed that Mason Carr would give him good advice.

"Yeah." Mason Carr nodded and said with a smile: "Meng Yun, I don't know why you are confused. Since you like scoring and assists, just stick to it."

"But coach, won't my energy be too distracted?" Meng Yun frowned and asked, "And, should I put scoring first, or should I put assists first?"

"What does it matter?" Mason Carr said. "No game is the same. There is no such thing as scoring or assisting which should come first. On the court, when it should be scored, it should be scored. , Pass the ball when it should be passed. This is the most correct choice. As for whether the energy will be too scattered, I don’t think so. The reason why many people focus on one kind is not that they have enough energy, but that they don’t have enough energy. There are enough conditions."

Meng Yun raised his brows, he realized something, and listened attentively.

Mason-Carr continued: "Some people put scoring first, or because they don't have the conditions to be an organizer, the overall situation is not good enough, the vision is not wide enough, or they don't like passing, but they like to score. For example, Allen Iverson, he can organize, but he likes to score. Of course, it is also related to the needs of the team. At that time, in the 76ers, he had to score more. Some people, because of this and that The reason is to put assists first. For example, Rajon Rondo, his shooting is terrible, but his organizational talent is very good, so focus on organization."

"You are different from them. You have good physical fitness, soft touch, and talent in scoring. At the same time, you have a good view of the overall situation and passing vision, and your passing is very spiritual and suitable for organization."

"What's more, you like scoring and organizing, don't you?" Mason Carr said: "Don't think too much, just believe in your inner choice and just work hard."

Meng Yun suddenly became enlightened and became happy: "Coach, thank you, I understand."

Watching Meng Yun grow little by little made Mason Carr very happy and gave him a sense of accomplishment, just like you planted a sapling, watered it hard every day, and watched the sapling grow day by day.

Of course, Meng Yun's progress was much faster than that of the sapling.

"Let's go to lunch." Mason Carl got up, walked a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said: "By the way, I was going to talk about this afternoon, now I will tell you. You and Gordon's scholarship has long been After the approval, you can go to the finance department to receive your allowance for this month after training in the afternoon."

"Ah!" Meng Yun was surprised and delighted, and laughed quickly: "Coach, I'll invite you for lunch today."

Mason Carr nodded with a smile.

Anyway, if you eat in the cafeteria, you are not afraid of making Meng Yun poor.

During practice in the afternoon, Mason Carr notified Rich Gordon.

Gordon jumped up and down happily, and worked even harder during training, earning his performance in front of the coach. Mason Carr couldn't laugh or cry.

When the training was over, Gordon grabbed Meng Yun and rushed towards the financial office.

After signing in the financial office, the two of them each received an envelope. Meng Yun opened the envelope and took a look. Eight hundred dollars was his one-month allowance.

Same goes for Gordon, eight hundred dollars.

Of course, this is not their full scholarship.

Mason-Carr applied for them a full scholarship, 24000 U.S. dollars per academic year, and on average, 2000 U.S. dollars a month.However, this includes tuition fees, textbook fees, and medical insurance.

In fact, based on the tuition and fees charged by Davidson College, a normal student pays far more than 24000 US dollars in tuition and fees per academic year.

However, just like the exemption of board and lodging for basketball players, tuition and miscellaneous fees will also be exempted. Students without scholarships will have to pay the rest at their own expense, while those with scholarships will be deducted from the scholarship, and the remaining part will be used as a subsidy. The stipend is paid every month, usually 600-1200 US dollars.

Another point is that for students who did not promise a scholarship before entering the school, the deduction of the scholarship will be used for the tuition and miscellaneous expenses of the second academic year.

So even if Meng Yun and Gordon have already paid the tuition fees for this academic year, the scholarship tuition and miscellaneous fees will be deducted as well, and will be used for their next academic year.

So Meng Yun and Gordon only got $800.

"It's a pity that it's only 800." Gordon complained, and soon became happy again, "Meng Yun, I've taken a fancy to a pair of sneakers, and I've wanted to get them for a long time, why don't we go together?"

Meng Yun's heart fluttered for a while. It is impossible for anyone who likes basketball not to like sneakers.

For many people, one cannot be considered a real fan without collecting a few pairs of classic sneakers. Even many NBA players are obsessed with it, such as Mike Bibby and Rudy Gay
Of course, Meng Yun also likes it, but after thinking about it for a while, he still shook his head: "No, you can go by yourself, I want to go to the arena to train for a while."

"You are such a training madman." Gordon stuck out his tongue exaggeratedly, shrugged and said, "Okay then, I will go to Patrick, he will definitely be interested."

Separated from Gordon, Meng Yun returned to the arena.

"Although it's only 800 US dollars, I don't spend money on board and lodging, and I rarely go out. I don't spend much money on dormitories, classrooms, and arenas every day. Well, 800 US dollars a month is not enough, but it is also Don’t spend indiscriminately, save a little more, and Uncle Guo won’t have to give me pocket money in the future.” Thinking of Uncle Guo, Meng Yun thought of Guo Shuyao, and was immediately full of fighting spirit, “I promised Sister Shuyao, I must Hit the starters."

(End of this chapter)

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